Exercices at work?

Anyone have any ideas for exercises you can do at work in your cubicle? The weather is brutal so a walk is out of the question, and it's a small building so walking the halls wouldn't work either.


  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    My husband does push-ups in his office. I do push-ups against the handicap railing in the bathroom and always take the stairs. Also, I hit the gym at lunchtime to run a couple of times per week.
  • lrmcgee74
    You can do squats, Leg lifts while sitting in your chair, and you can do ab twists from side to side. Also look on line I did a search a while back for 'office exercises' and got lots of ideas other ideas, but those are all I remember right now.
  • bode1all
    I sit on a medicine ball at work so sometimes when im feeling ambitious I will do some situps. You could also look into getting some arm and ankle resistance bands to keep at your desk to do some arm or leg workouts. You could even trying getting some ankle weights and walking around with those on.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I don't know how many calories it'd burn, but for keeping up your heart rate you can get one of those little bike pedalers for under your desk and do it throughout the day. Also, they say getting one of those balance ball chairs helps with posture as well as calorie burning. Plus, drinking ice cold water helps burn more than room temp. These aren't substantial calorie burners here, but every little bit helps!
    I work for the home depot... so I walk 6laps inside the building to get a mile in. Good idea with the push up in the bathroom.. I'm going to do that!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    I don't know how many calories it'd burn, but for keeping up your heart rate you can get one of those little bike pedalers for under your desk and do it throughout the day. Also, they say getting one of those balance ball chairs helps with posture as well as calorie burning. Plus, drinking ice cold water helps burn more than room temp. These aren't substantial calorie burners here, but every little bit helps!

    Haha...that's a great idea, the pedal thing under your desk! I may have to get one of those.
  • Stylist4Christ
    One thing you can do!
    Stand in front of your chair facing away, then squat so you can grab the chair from behind, then while in that position make sure your thighs are straight out and knees bent at a 90 degree angle.
    Lower your self up and down with your arms, do about 10- 15 reps 3 times...great for getting rid of that back arm flab!
    Its a good idea to find a different exercise to do in between so your arms don't fall off!!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I do butt clenches in my chair. I also pretend I'm riding a bike and move my legs a lot. I've made a point to fidget a lot because it burns calories, so I bounce my legs up and down, do leg circles under my desk, shadow box (when I'm alone!) and roll my chair back and forth using my arms and legs. I do some seated crunches and deep breathing exercises.

    For the more traditional stuff, I dance a little in the bathroom, if I need to go downstairs for anything I walk down the stairs, then back up and then down again before I go into the downstairs office.

    Little things, but I'm sure they add up over 8 hours a day, 250 days a year
  • mhowe86
    mhowe86 Posts: 37