Two day 15,000 calorie!!

Hi there, im new to the forum and hoping for some kind words of support :-(

Im a female 5' 7 " and my weight in October 2013 was a whopping 12 stone, down to a comfortable relationship and too many meals out! Since then I have lost 3 stone through a strict diet and gym 5 times a week and tend to drift around the 9 stone mark, sometimes a little below. Recently, I have taken to binge eating on a gargantuan scale, then purging my body through laxatives and vomiting. Some weeks I can grab hold and restrain myself but this weekend saturday and sunday I have been on a mega bender consuming around 15,000 calories, most of which are the really BAD carbs that we are all told are the devils food.

During these bingeing sessions I can only describe it as a demon that completely possesses the mind and I am almost eating unconsciously, not listening to my stomach when it says hey im full now!
Now feeling rather disgusted, bloated and stepping on the scales tomorrow is sure to erupt a few screams!

Just wondering how other people cope with the dreaded few days after when you know you have to make up for what you ate, and how long it usually takes to get back to your goal weight?

All opinions appreciated :-) xx


  • Nic123fitness
    Nic123fitness Posts: 27 Member
    so you had one of those weekends, try not to see it as a terrible thing, weekends are when things go sideways, I put an amazing 10lbs on but its mainly salt and water, be really good to yourself and just start eating healthily again, its ok, honest x
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    We all binge sometimes but the purging part is what bothers me. Honey bunch, you should totally talk to a doctor. Purging is very serious. I went over, way over my caloeires last weekend. I was at a childrens party. They had wine.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I started to write out a lengthy post in response, but before I posted it, I re-read your initial post and read the part about your purging after binging.

    Seek medical treatment for your eating disorder. :flowerforyou:
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    I've learned to take it as it is. A day or two or three of bad choices and restated my reasons for being here

    The good thing is you must have tracked what you ate to know it was such a large number. That's a good thing and to me a sign you are still motivated

    I think when it comes to weighing tomorrow you should take some of your own advice. Take the number for what it is and look at how you can move past that

    Maybe keep a journal outside of mfp as to your reasons for wanting to be healthier. Determine some goals and some steps as to how you plan to get there.

    You are certainly not alone. Many of us have had our share of bad weekends. I have not heard of anyone on mfp who started on day one and did not hit some kind of bump in the road.

    Yes, how much you ate was extreme. Remember today and how you feel. Write it in your journal and next time you feel like you are relapsing reread what you wrote. Might not work the first time but if you journal each time you have this happen after a couple of times you will come to rethink that food before you eat it.

    Best of luck to you
  • allbarrett
    allbarrett Posts: 159 Member
    Doctor. For eating disorder. The rest can wait. Overeating is something you can address on your own. Purging is a sign of a serious eating disorder and you should get professional help before you seriously hurt your body. Best of luck.
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    Seek medical treatment for your eating disorder. :flowerforyou:

    This. Good luck.
  • Depending on how recently your bingeing behavior might not yet be classified as an eating disorder. Help yourself out by seeking a mental health professional who can help you create tools to work through those days when you are having a hard time.

    Best of luck.
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    I started to write out a lengthy post in response, but before I posted it, I re-read your initial post and read the part about your purging after binging.

    Seek medical treatment for your eating disorder. :flowerforyou:

    This. Please see a qualified medical professional. I wish you all the best.
  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    Please talk with someone, a qualified professional.
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    Don't take this response as being judgmental. I'm just curious. How you can ingest that many calories? I'm a big guy with a pretty good appetite and I'm not sure I could physically do that.
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    Welcome and I'm glad you posted.

    My concern is that purging is obviously a disordered way to deal with overeating. Has this happened before? If so, I'd definitely see a doctor about it.

    Secondly, I'm concerned about your overall caloric intake and whether you're undereating/ restricting. How many calories do you eat normally? As a 5' 7", 24 year old woman who exercises 5x a week, you need 1982 to maintain your weight. I'm assuming you're in maintenance since your current weight puts in the bottom of a healthy weight range for your height (121 to 153).

    If you lay in the bed all day, you still need 1355 calories minimum. If you are eating even less than that, and bingeing/ purging, please see your doctor right away.
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    I started to write out a lengthy post in response, but before I posted it, I re-read your initial post and read the part about your purging after binging.

    Seek medical treatment for your eating disorder. :flowerforyou:

    +1, definitely seek therapy.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Hey Love!

    You need to seek professional advice and help for your relationship with food. Binging, purging, overeating, etc are all unhealthy habits. Everyone here has the right advice and that is seeking professional help!

    Best of luck!
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    You might look at the posts on the “Binge Eating – Support Group” and see if anything there helps you. Click on COMMUNITY, then GROUPS, then enter the name of the group.
  • kkooge
    kkooge Posts: 70 Member

    Seek medical treatment for your eating disorder. :flowerforyou:

    ^^ best advice you will get
  • Thanks for all the replies everyone! Ive always been a real foodie and I think severely restricting myself for so many months in order to lose weight has caused an uncontrollable desire to binge especially on carbohydrates..
    The purging comes from the intense panic and guilt of what I have eaten and the desire to get rid. Plus my stomach becomes so full it literally protrudes out under my rib cage like a rugby ball and vomiting is the only way to relieve the stretching of the stomach. Its an awful cycle that I hope I can break, its been on and off for a few months now.

    I feel rather silly seeking help as I feel people are thinking "well just dont eat so much" but its not that simple :-(

    Today is a new day and I started with a small pancake made with skimmed milk and serving of low fat fat cream cheese on top, healthy but still feels like im treating myself :-)

  • joanna_82
    joanna_82 Posts: 151 Member
    Yes, please visit a doctor, this is not right! Are you bingeing because you are still restricting your intake?

    At 5ft 7 and 9 stone you are close to the lower end of the BMI range so I would definitely seek some help, especially if you still think you need to lose weight.

    Hopefully with the support of a dietician or other health professional you can regulate your intake and then not feel the need to binge/purge.

    Good luck.
  • Nic123fitness
    Nic123fitness Posts: 27 Member
    Dont feel silly talking to someone, Its a really good idea fully reccomend, docs first, then a good therapist. Best of luck x