Powerlifting on a cut

Hello, my name is Matt. I've been powerlifting on and off for about 8 months. I'm currently starting a cut after eating at maintenance for years. I've stayed around 275-280 for a long time and I'd like to lose some fat, just to give it a try. I'm about 14 days into my cut and I've lost 6-8 pounds.

Anyone else who is also into powerlifting and cutting, go ahead and give me an add. I'd like to see how other powerlifters deal with deficit eating and hear any tips etc.


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    me.. i'm not competing this year but plan to next year. this year i'm focused on losing weight (mainly for vanity reasons but some health)

    my main struggle is inability to see strength gains since i can only seem to devote 1 good session a week to proper strength training. oh i'm on a pretty aggressive deficit too (1000 less calories a day)
  • MattJBerry
    MattJBerry Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah, it's not fun. Especially when your weights start lowering. I suppose you just got to tell yourself that once the cut's over, it's over; you just got to deal with it until then.
  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    Matt, I'm not a power-lifter but I use the lifts (Squat, DL and Bench) as the basis for my lifting. I'm not sure how feasible it is to cut unless it's a short term cut to make weight for a meet. The lifts are so demanding that even maintenance puts a lot of strain on your system. I can't imagine trying to do that with any sort of meaningful deficit!
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    What's the difference between powerlifting and regular lifting?
  • esanford2
    esanford2 Posts: 23 Member
    I've been cutting and lifting heavy weight since April. So far I've lost almost 50 lbs. During the first couple of months I was still getting gains in the weight room but now I'm starting to lose a little strength (Not much). For example, maybe 6 weeks ago I could bench 315 5 times and when I tried it today i could only do two.
  • MattJBerry
    MattJBerry Posts: 8 Member
    Matt, I'm not a power-lifter but I use the lifts (Squat, DL and Bench) as the basis for my lifting. I'm not sure how feasible it is to cut unless it's a short term cut to make weight for a meet. The lifts are so demanding that even maintenance puts a lot of strain on your system. I can't imagine trying to do that with any sort of meaningful deficit!

    So far I haven't noticed too much damage from the deficit. When I was in college eating at maintenance, I was doing the main lift and then 4 accessory lifts; 4 times a week. Since I've started cutting I'm doing the main lift and then 2 accessory lifts, and I've cut down the sets for both. It seems to have saved me from becoming too tired and strained from not having as many calories. But we'll see, as I'm only 14 or so days in. If it gets to the point where I feel my CNS has decided to vacate my body, I'll probably either lower my lifts or up the calories a bit.
    I've been cutting and lifting heavy weight since April. So far I've lost almost 50 lbs. During the first couple of months I was still getting gains in the weight room but now I'm starting to lose a little strength (Not much). For example, maybe 6 weeks ago I could bench 315 5 times and when I tried it today i could only do two.

    Congratulations on losing 50 pounds. I'm going for 30 since this is my first cut.
    What's the difference between powerlifting and regular lifting?

    Powerlifting focuses on lifting with explosiveness and 1 rep maxes.