Just Diagnosed Pre-Diabetic

Hi, my name is Holly, I'm 32 and just today was diagnosed with impaired glucose tolerance or pre-diabetes.

For the last three weeks I've been experiencing what seems to be daily symptoms of slight dizziness, tremors, anxiety (lump in throat), headaches, and others on occasion like sweats, palpitations, etc. Unsure if the anxiety itself is a result of pre-diabetes or if it is just from dealing with the other symptoms so long.

Looking for a way to stop these symptoms by trying diet and exercise. According to BMI I am 40-50 overweight for my height and age so I'm hoping this really helps.

Otherwise the next step would be to schedule a tilt table test, but my blood pressure has been normal every time I visit the doctor so I'm unsure if it would tell me anything different.

If anyone else has other opinions or recommendations, I'd be glad to read them flowerforyou

Anyone is welcome to friend me :ohwell:


  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I don't often suggest a lower carb or slower carb diet right off the bat, but perhaps reading up on something like the South Beach Diet (slow carb, not low carb) would be helpful? It's pretty healthy, might be good for you. (with doctor's approval of course).

    also: any chance you're in pre-mature menopause? Some of those symptoms sound like peri-menopause to me...again, of course, to be discussed with your doctor.
  • Leenda62
    Leenda62 Posts: 96 Member
    getting off sugar helped me a lot. I can go longer without eating (I don't but I can) because I don't get those wild blood sugar swings and start shaking. I will friend request you.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    When I had gestational diabetes with my oldest The South Beach diet helped a lot. Switching out white for brown rice, eating wheat bread, etc. looking at which foods have lower glycemic indexes.

    BTW I did this while pregnant under dr and a nutrionalist care. I was the first step that helped me get where I am today.
  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    4 months ago I was also diagnosed with "pre-diabetes" and the doctor wanted to put me on a pill. I refused, came back to MFP, got serious about caloric intake, (no desserts), and worked up to being able to do 4 miles on my treadmill. I recently had my bloodwork done again and it was perfect. I didn't deliberately cut back on carbs but just by lowering my calories, I was lowering the carbs as well. Since this scary diagnosis, I have lost 20 lbs. So..you can do it, too. Good luck!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I have both type 1 and type 2 diabetes and can have serious swings in blood sugars, extreme highs and extreme lows. That I know of, I've been as low as 20 and as high as 938 (in the hospital for the high) with DKA. Type 1 is very different than type 2, and pre-diabetes (formerly known as "borderline" diabetes) is nothing more than early stage type 2. Though they are different, the symptoms you should experience would similar to what I would experience with mild hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). What you described does not match those symptoms. I would suggest that your symptoms are caused by something else.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    When I had gestational diabetes with my oldest The South Beach diet helped a lot. Switching out white for brown rice, eating wheat bread, etc. looking at which foods have lower glycemic indexes.

    BTW I did this while pregnant under dr and a nutrionalist care. I was the first step that helped me get where I am today.
    You look marvelous!
  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    My Dr suggested the South Beach Diet when I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. I am able to control my blood sugar levels by diet and exercise. Good luck! :)
  • gemaquaries
    gemaquaries Posts: 79 Member
    I agree with the South Beach plan. I don't have diabetes but most of the men in my family do.Two of my uncles and my dad who did that diet had great improvement with their symptoms.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    You need to talk to your doctor about your symptoms.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    also pre-diabetic here. i was diagnosed in 2001 but still pre, thankfully, even though i didnt do anything about it.

    saw an endochrinologist recently, and she said keep doing what you are doing. eat at a defecit and lose weight.

    really... losing weight it the best thing you can do for now....

    you can add me and we can beat the diagnosis together, if you wish. :)

    and yes, talk to your doc about the symptoms... especially the throat lump and palpitations.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I agree with the South Beach plan. I don't have diabetes but most of the men in my family do.Two of my uncles and my dad who did that diet had great improvement with their symptoms.
    It's certainly a good "educational diet" with issues like these (and heart disease).
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Hi, my name is Holly, I'm 32 and just today was diagnosed with impaired glucose tolerance or pre-diabetes.

    For the last three weeks I've been experiencing what seems to be daily symptoms of slight dizziness, tremors, anxiety (lump in throat), headaches, and others on occasion like sweats, palpitations, etc. Unsure if the anxiety itself is a result of pre-diabetes or if it is just from dealing with the other symptoms so long.

    Looking for a way to stop these symptoms by trying diet and exercise. According to BMI I am 40-50 overweight for my height and age so I'm hoping this really helps.

    Otherwise the next step would be to schedule a tilt table test, but my blood pressure has been normal every time I visit the doctor so I'm unsure if it would tell me anything different.

    If anyone else has other opinions or recommendations, I'd be glad to read them flowerforyou

    Anyone is welcome to friend me :ohwell:

    what did the doctor recommend to do?
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    You need to talk to your doctor about your symptoms.

    ^^^ this. Your doctor may refer you to a nutritionist who can help plan out of course of carb intake over the day. You don't want to have highs and lows as far as your blood sugar goes - it taxes the pancreas. The nutritionist will also review your fasting blood glucose and post meal glucose to see how you are managing your sugar intake. My nutritionist told me the ultimate goal is to keep me off dialysis. Your doctor should check your A1C on regular intervals to track your progress.

    There is a diabetes group here on MFP - their suggestions or advice may be helpful if you have any questions also. But most importantly, work with your doctor who will have first hand knowledge of your blood chemistry and path forward.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I'm not pre-diabetic or diabetic but I have insulin resistance and hypoglycemia and follow a diet similar to those with diabetes.

    -No simple carbohydrates (cereal, cookies, cake, cheesecake, candy, juices, etc.)
    -Complex carbohydrates only (oatmeal, sweet potatoes, veggies, fruits, brown rice, whole grain pasta/bread)
    -Never eat carbs alone- ALWAYS pair with protein and fat
    -Do not eat more than 30 grams of carbs per meal; no more than 15 grams of carbs per snack
    -Nuts/seeds and cheese sticks are great for snacks. If you want an apple for a snack, pair it with peanut butter. If you want a banana (I'm a banana addict), buy the smaller bananas (less carbs/sugar) and pair with PB.
    -Protein, protein, and more protein!!! (eggs, chicken, turkey, salmon, tilapia, tuna, red meat in moderation)
    -Legumes are a great source of protein and fiber for the days you don't want to eat meat
    -Pay close attention to your carb/sugar intake. You should aim to keep your carb intake at/less than 130-150 grams a day
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member

    For the last three weeks I've been experiencing what seems to be daily symptoms of slight dizziness, tremors, anxiety (lump in throat), headaches, and others on occasion like sweats, palpitations, etc. Unsure if the anxiety itself is a result of pre-diabetes or if it is just from dealing with the other symptoms so long.

    Your symptoms are classic symptoms of hypoglycemia. Do these symptoms get better/go away after eating? Do you test your blood sugar?
  • Vintage_Misery
    I'm pre-diabetic and insulin resistant (not entirely positive what the difference is, if there is one).

    My doctor really didn't suggest anything or give many ideas on how to take care of myself. She just prescribed me metformin and sent me on my way.

    I'm currently just being conscious of my carb intake, but I'm going to start carb counting soon.
  • GlucernaBrand
    There's good information on how to make food and physical activity changes for people diagnosed with pre-diabetes here: http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/prediabetes_ES/ Some community hospitals offer pre-diabetes classes, and there are often also programs available at YMCAs. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I'm pre-diabetic and insulin resistant (not entirely positive what the difference is, if there is one).

    My doctor really didn't suggest anything or give many ideas on how to take care of myself. She just prescribed me metformin and sent me on my way.

    I'm currently just being conscious of my carb intake, but I'm going to start carb counting soon.

    Pre-diabetics have higher than normal blood sugar.

    People who are insulin resistant have high insulin levels. Some have high blood sugar as well, others don't. I have insulin resistance but low blood sugar.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member

    For the last three weeks I've been experiencing what seems to be daily symptoms of slight dizziness, tremors, anxiety (lump in throat), headaches, and others on occasion like sweats, palpitations, etc. Unsure if the anxiety itself is a result of pre-diabetes or if it is just from dealing with the other symptoms so long.

    Your symptoms are classic symptoms of hypoglycemia. Do these symptoms get better/go away after eating? Do you test your blood sugar?

    I was thinking that some of those symptoms match hypoglycemia, also... but that would not fit with a diagnosis of pre-diabetes unless there is treatment for a more severe type 2. If she is taking insulin, then it could fit with too high of an insulin dose.

    Do you know someone with diabetes that would be nice enough to share their meter when you are experiencing these symptoms? If not, maybe you could get your own glucometer to test. Again, it doesn't make sense from what you are saying that you would be experiencing hypoglycemia. But, it doesn't hurt to rule it out. The most precise way to do that is to test and see what your blood glucose level is while experiencing these symptoms.
  • crymsnroze
    crymsnroze Posts: 21 Member
    You need to talk to your doctor about your symptoms.

    I have spoken to my doctor about my symptoms. I was just in her office today and was diagnosed.

    She mentioned diet and exercise so I signed up to MFP :happy:
    Eat small meals throughout the day so the highs and lows are controlled.
    Lower carb intake

    Tilt table test is just an option. I told her I'd like to do a diet and weight loss to see if this will reduce or even stop my symptoms.

    Thanks everyone for your input, I really appreciate it :love: