Calorie Counts & Breastfeeding

Any Breastfeeding moms out there that have used this app? I would like to set a calorie goal but I want to make sure I am eating enough to account for breastfeeding my 6 month old. Have heard that you burn an extra 500 calories daily with breastfeeding so I figured I just add 500 calories to the target it calculated for me...does that sound right. Anyone spend time figuring this out? Thanks!


  • stephaniejones1055
    stephaniejones1055 Posts: 103 Member
    I don't remember how I came up with mine I think I got it from someone else but I log in 1 hour a day = 592 calories burned. Like I said I doubt that is accurate but I go with it my son is 10 months old so I am about to lower my time breastfeeding since he eats more food. That makes me sad I am going to lose my free calories burned I will have to work out more lol.
  • peanutbutter_runner
    peanutbutter_runner Posts: 36 Member
    You can search for breastfeeding in the food database and it will add -500 to your calories so you get 500 more in your goal to work with.
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    500 extra calories for a baby that is exclusively breastfeeding, and then 300 for an older baby....I'm trying to drop mine down to 200 for a 2 year old, but sometimes he nurses so much I have to up it back up....
  • sistrsprkl
    sistrsprkl Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm not bf anymore but check out for more info on this topic. I found it very helpful.