What do you eat every day?

Just out of curiosity, I am wondering what your typical day might look like food-wise. I'm particularly interested in vegetarians' meals, but you can post with meat if you'd like. Can you say how much of stuff you usually eat too? Let me know if you have any thoughts about my typical day below.
Thanks for sharing!

A typical day for me looks like this:
Breakfast: 1-2 packets of oatmeal and a cup of coffee
Lunch: Whole wheat wrap with 2 cups spinach, 4 slices of tofurkey, tomato, and 2 tablespoons of hummus.
Nature's path honey oat bar
2 oz almonds or cashews
Snack: chips and salsa, sometimes more than I should!
Dinner: curried lentils with naan or brown rice, or chickpea/veggie stir fry with brown rice, or black bean tacos.
Also I sometimes have beer or a vodka soda with dinner. Yeah I know that is not super healthy.


  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I'm not vegetarian, but I do eat some vegetarian meals. I love making stir fry with lots of veggies, tofu or tempeh, and shirataki noodles. Black bean burgers. Tofu buffalo wings.

    Looking at what you're eating, you could probably use some more protein. How many grams of protein are you getting a day? You should aim to get 20-30% of your calories from protein, more if you are looking to build muscle.

    For breakfast, add some PB or PB2 to your oatmeal. You can also mix in a little of a vegan protein shake, like SunWarrior.
    For dinner, add some tempeh or tofu to the stirfry.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    A typical day for me...and by typical I'm not saying this is my best or worst, just something I would eat on a regular Tuesday of life.

    77 calorie small fajita size flour tortilla
    1 egg, fried in canola spray
    1/3 tbsp. chipotle ranch dressing
    10 oz coffee with 1 tbsp. unsweetened almond milk

    1 cup cooked lentils with spices
    1/2 cup sautéed spinach & arugula with minced garlic
    1/2 Gala apple, sliced
    8 oz jasmine tea

    homemade thin crust wheat pizza - 3 slices. Topped with fresh basil, no salt added tomato sauce, spices, very sparingly used mozzarella and/or ricotta, and lots of mushrooms, onions & bell pepper
    1/2 cup fresh pineapple chunks

    A little while later after a 2-3 mile walk:
    English toffee ice cream bar from Aldi (180 or 190 cal, I don't recall)

    I usually drink between 64-80 oz of water also.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    During the week, I follow the same daily routine for breakfast, lunch, and day time snacks.

    Breakfast: Chobani 0% (Strawberry, Blueberry, or Peach - 'cause that's the variety pack they sell at Costco)

    Lunch: Giant salad with either chicken or eggs/egg whites (my diary is open, so feel free to check out the giant garden I shove in my facehole every day)

    Snacks: Banana, Navel Orange, 2 Wintergreen Lifesavers

    My only variety during the week is dinner and a nighttime snack (usually cottage cheese and some type of fresh fruit).
  • MisRka
    MisRka Posts: 27 Member
    Hi there! I am vegetarian and this is what today's food is looking like for me:

    Breakfast: Eggs in a baskets (1 egg fried in the center of a piece of sprouted bread with a little cream cheese)
    Snack: Mango, blueberry whey protein shake
    Lunch: Lentil loaf (leftover from last nights dinner)
    Snack: Yogurt/cottage cheese with fruit/nuts
    Dinner: Spaghetti squash casserole
    Desert: Chocolate protein shake

    I have put a rotation of recipes I make at home into the recipes section here to get a calorie count and pre portion all of my meals! It was a bit of work at first but it takes a lot of the guess work out too.
  • redwoodkestrel
    redwoodkestrel Posts: 339 Member
    I mainly eat a vegetarian diet though I do eat fish. My meals day-to-day are usually pretty similar, with smaller breakfasts and lunches and bigger dinners since I do the bulk of my exercising after work.

    Breakfast: Coffee w/ half & half, a container of 2% or full-fat greek yogurt (on the weekend yogurt is swapped for eggs)
    Lunch: A salad with protein (tuna, a veggie sausage, etc.)
    Snack: Protein bar
    Dinner: A fish fillet, lots of cooked veggies, another protein (usually shrimp or some sort of veggie "meat"), all piled on top of salad greens.
    Dessert: One of the Skinny Cow ice cream treats
  • kathyk519
    kathyk519 Posts: 197 Member
    Breakfast - Smoothie made with banana, frozen spinach, frozen pineapple, frozen strawberries, & almond milk
    Snack - 1 serving of heritage o's (organic cheerios, but crunchier) plain
    Snack - cheese stick
    lunch - homemade soup, or a sandwich (PBJ, or Hummus, peashoots & cuke or turkey & veg)
    snack - cup of freshly cut fruit
    Dinner - huge salad and whatever else I make for dinner. I use the recipe builder alot (for every variation of stuff I make depending on mood) Mostly vegetarian things with beans (love beans) and lots of veggies, but I eat meat occasionally too).
    Dessert - 40 calorie no sugar fudgesicle.
  • jessieleah
    jessieleah Posts: 204 Member
    Breakfast: Multigrain cheerios + almond milk + blueberries. Or 1-2 packets of oatmeal.
    Lunch: Chipotle. I work there, so it's free. I usually get white rice, steak, corn salsa & cheese & I squeeze limes over it. I'm going to start switching out my rice for lettuce, though.
    Dinner: Varies a lot. Usually meat + veggies + fruit.

    For snacks I go with fruit, granola bars, sometimes some cheese if I feel like indulging or yogurt.

    Then I drink water, sometimes with Mio in it and 1 cup of coffee a day with no-fat milk or soy milk.
  • natebollinger
    natebollinger Posts: 24 Member
    Breakfast: Protein shake with 2 scoops chocolate ON protein, banana, PB2 peanut butter, ice cubs, and water
    Lunch: Sliced turkey, turkey sausage, or turkey bacon, eggs, oatmeal with blueberries, and broccoli
    Dinner: Protein (steak, chicken, fish), green salads or broccoli
    Drink: Ton of green tea throughout the day
    Snack (occasional): Almonds, turkey jerky, or protein bar
  • natebollinger
    natebollinger Posts: 24 Member
    Breakfast: Multigrain cheerios + almond milk + blueberries. Or 1-2 packets of oatmeal.
    Lunch: Chipotle. I work there, so it's free. I usually get white rice, steak, corn salsa & cheese & I squeeze limes over it. I'm going to start switching out my rice for lettuce, though.
    Dinner: Varies a lot. Usually meat + veggies + fruit.

    For snacks I go with fruit, granola bars, sometimes some cheese if I feel like indulging or yogurt.

    Then I drink water, sometimes with Mio in it and 1 cup of coffee a day with no-fat milk or soy milk.

    "Chipotle. I work there, so it's free." < Lucky!!
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    There is nothing that I eat every day.... Some days I don't even drink water...(I know I'm bad...working on the water thing though)

    Some things that I'm trying to eat more of that fit with vegetarian-

    Beans. I'm trying to have a serving(cup) of beans almost every day of the week. I add different things to it though.(usually cheese or sour cream)

    Veggies in general... I made a really yummy (reminded me of gumbo) mix a few days ago.
    I took a whole Zucchini, chopped it up and put it in my ninja to mince.
    two whole ripe tomatoes- pureed (medium sized)
    a package of ramen noodles (I'm a lazy cook and was in a hurry, but I was really think it would have been yummy with quinoa or any other noodles/rice too)
    1/2 cup of spaghetti sauce
    Seasoned with garlic powder, Italian seasoning, home dried parsley, and minced onion.
    (I also added sausage, but that could be omitted)

    Cooked veggies in the sauce +some water in a skillet
    Cooked noodles as normal
    Mix well..

    This made a really big serving- I ate it all because it was a busy day and I needed the calories, but it could easily be split into separate servings.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I work weird hours and get no lunch or dinner break.

    Breakfast (before Crossfit & lifting): (not prepackaged) Oatmeal w/banana, stevia, & natural peanut or almond butter, protein shake. Supplements: Creatine, Advocare O2 gold & Catalyst, Xyience energy drink
    After lifting/WOD: Ice cream cone from local ice homemade cream store (so it's heavy cream, sugar, real ingredients) or larabar
    Before work: 6-8 ounces steak, chicken or fish, grilled vegetables or salad, and maybe some fruit, coffee with cream and stevia
    During work: peanuts in the shell, protein drink, Luna bar, pepperoni, carrots, maybe fruit like cherries
    After work (which for me is right before bed): Greek yogurt, veggies, cold left over meat & veggies or single servings of homemade soup or stew, often a glass of coconut or almond milk. Supplements: fish oil, Advocare night time recovery, tumeric if I feel inflammation, magnesium, hyaluronic acid

    On days that I am not working out right after eating breakfast, I eat bacon and eggs with fruit instead of oatmeal & banana for brekkie.

    I usually eat 2500-2700 calories per day but I Crossfit and powerlift.
  • rh091
    rh091 Posts: 100 Member
    I eat vegetarian/almost vegan - you're welcome to check out my diary, it's on public! Also feel free to add me as a friend!
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    * Either 1 pint of Talenti gelato or 2 or 3 Talenti pops, depending on how many calories I need to meet before my end of day.
    * Oatmeal is a must with cinnamon, greek yoghurt, ginger, maple, cardamom, almond slithers [some kind of nuts], whey protein powder and compote [usually mixed berries]
    * Nut butters [almond, hazelnut, peanut or cashew]
    * I will always have an excuse to add my savoury jellies to any of my sturdier meals.
    * Raw Ginger/Orange/Rosemary Tea - As much as I need.
    * Frozen grapes ~ at least 4oz
    * One of my snack meals always needs to be some kind of loaded sandwich ~ meat protein loaded with green or red pesto with my cheese of the moment ~ I get into cheesy moods.
    * Nuts [ almonds, brazil nuts, peanuts, walnuts and pine nuts etc - as many as needed to meet my fats allotment.

    Long list ... But I always find a way to eat them all.

    ETA: forgot my cheese