Fat Girl getting on track...or at least trying to. Support?

misscristie Posts: 643 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all -

My name is Cristie. I'm 34 and live in the North Dallas, Texas area. I work in IT, so I sit at a desk all day.

I had lapband surgery in May and lost about 50 pounds, but completely stalled about 4 months ago. I've come to the realization that even though I'm eating less, I'm still not eating the right things, so I'm trying to change that.

Even with the weight loss, I still have a little over 100 pounds to lose. I had maxed out my weight around 340. Lost about 20 pounds, by the time I decided to look into lapband, so that puts me around 70 pounds lost total from my highest. I've been stuck between 268 and 275 forever and I really need to get that scale to start moving again.

I've rejoined WW, but they tell you that most fruits and veggies are "free". Well, that's all well and good, but they still contain calories and if I'm eating my weight in them everyday, that probably means that I'm eating too much! So, I'm still doing WW, but decided I need to actually count my calories as well. I'm pretty sure I'll be canceling WW soon after looking around MFP for a while :)

Anyway, I'm always looking for support and friendship if anyone has some to spare!

Look forward to getting know all you real soon.



  • Hi, i joined a couple of days ago. Very similar story to your own. June 10 this year i had RNY gastric bypass in the UK. For the last couple of months nothing has happened apart from gain a few lbs, lose a few lbs. I never thought i'd need to look for a site like this after wls but here i am, alongside your good self.

    Good luck to you on the rest of your journey xxx:happy:
  • Hi maybe you need to look into getting a fill..or whatever they call that for your lapband..maybe you have already I am not sure.
  • Hello! I just joined as well. I had lap band surgery in august '05, and lost almost 75 lbs. Then I had a son in June and am now trying to lose the 40 I put on with him, and another 40 I never really got off in the first place!! Best of luck!!
  • SarahBC
    SarahBC Posts: 72 Member
    misscristie.... how are you hun??? congrats on trying to get back into a healthy lifestyle... just one question you have mentioned food... but not exercise... are you exercising????
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    Yayy! a fellow Lap-bander. :wink:

    So nice to find someone in the same boat as me, it was getting kind of lonely here :)
    Feel free to add me.
  • etmpsn
    etmpsn Posts: 8
    I eat a lot of the weight watchers meals (Smart Ones) but I dont have a membership to WW, I just buy them in Food Lion. Those and the Lean Cuisine meals are actually really good and they are on sale all the time. I also eat 90-100 calorie snacks in between meals to keep from being so hungry. If you set your calories up the right way, you can still eat some of the things you love, just less of it. This site has been a total life saver for me and I'm slowly figuring out ways to stay within my calorie limit and still eat something that tastes better than cardboard. I just tried the fettucini alfredo with broccoli florets last night from WW and it was soooo good and I had a peanut butter cup sundae for dessert. Look around at the other women and you can get some good ideas. Good luck!!
  • Hello!

    I just joined myself...but what I've found very useful and successful in my past weight loss endeavors was to eat from the earth (fresh fruits and vegetables). It actually allows your system to flush itself of unhealthy fats.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    With regard to a fill, I'm filled properly. I have restriction, so the amount of food I can eat is limited. I just wasn't eating the right stuff - or I would add bad stuff to the good stuff to make it no longer good.

    I'm trying to avoid processed foods as much as I can. Luckily at work we have a great cafeteria that has really good selections.

    So far today, I've had :
    Breakfast: Fresh fruit - grapes, blueberries, strawberries and pineapple. Coffee with Splenda.
    Snack: Leftover fresh fruit from breakfast
    Lunch: Freshly grilled chicken breast, fresh spinach with a little balsamic vinegar, cucumber and tomato slices.

    I grabbed some broccoli, squash and zucchini off the salad bar for a snack later with about a tablespoon of Caesar dressing for dipping. Also have a FF yogurt as an option too.

    Not sure about dinner yet, but my calorie counts for the day look pretty good according to my numbers provided by MFP.

    What kind of dinners do you guys eat? That's the one meal of the day that really worries me.
  • comeaucar
    comeaucar Posts: 1 Member
    Weight Watchers is a good program but I did not do well on it. I have recently researched a more holiistic approach. I really feel the reason most americans are so overweight is because of the junk in our food and all the pesticides they spray on our fruits and vegeatbles. On Dr Oz the other day was a Dr Mercola and they had talked a little about coconut oil. I went on Dr Mercola's web site and researched more about it. He recomended The Coconut Diet book. I had heard about the tremendous benifits from the coconut oil. It helps regulate blood sugars, the thyroid and many other organs which we need to lose weight. Research Candida on line and take a questionair test to see if you might have it. The Coconut Diet book also addreses that big issue. You can get the book on Amazon and also download it as a Kindle PC. My advice to you is to eat plenty of vegetables, brown rice, good protein. Limit your fruits to one a day. NO Sugar or processed packages foods. Stay as close to natural as possible and you will start to see a difference. I hope this will help you. JMJ:smile:
  • Hi Miscristie,
    Welcome aboard!

    I've done WW in the past but always have the issue with how do I eat when the 'diet' ends. My family usually tolerated the WW diet but wasn't a big fan of it. Right now I'm trying the count calories and keep a food diary. I try to stay away from processed and packaged food and I'm trying to involve my daughter in cooking more so she's invested in the meal.
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