
I'm back on the wagon and have started running within the last 2 weeks. I registered for a half marathon (race day is in 80 days!!!) and want to avoid injury as much as a I can. I was training for my first half four years ago and ended up with stress fractures in the tibia of my left leg. This was due to running too much before I was ready for it. So, for this half, I know I need to take it a little easier on myself, but also want to make sure I don't end up with stress fractures (a walking boot for 8 weeks was not fun!). I don't like to drink milk, so I'm looking for any thoughts on taking a vitamin supplement. I know I need to take Calcium with vitamin D... has anyone found a supplement they like?


  • vincelaccro
    vincelaccro Posts: 22 Member
    A multivitamin for starter

    get to your local supplement store and find the multivitamin right for you
    it has to be a capsule not a tablets for absorbtion issue, tablets to get your nutrients
    as much into your body, and if you can choose a multivitamin that you have to take 2 or 3 times
    a day it will be great because the body is not accustomed to receive a great amount
    of vitamin and minerals all at once7

    I personnally use Active Men from Progressive