What is a good Beginning Excercise Routine? Ready set Go...

Please tell me what a good exercise routine would look like for beginners.


  • mediamogulsteve
    mediamogulsteve Posts: 115 Member
    Try the low-impact exercise routine on HasFit.com. That or the 30-day Get In Shape Challenge, also on HasFit. (It's 100% FREE!)
  • emily889
    emily889 Posts: 296 Member
    I like Jamie Easman's livefit program on Bodybuilding.com. There are some other ones on there too!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Power walking, Couch to 5k, yoga, hiking, the list goes on and on.

    What is it that YOU like to do? Is there an activity you REALLY enjoy/d and would like to pick up again?

    For myself, I started out walking on my breaks and after work, then it built up into running intervals. Plus some weight lifting (squats, lunges, rows, skull crushers, etc...).
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    I like Zumba. It's high energy, but it doesn't matter if you get all of the steps wrong. The entire point behind Zumba is to just keep moving and that includes walking in place when they do something you aren't up to yet.
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    1. read about target heart rates (it's all over the web) and use that to optimize your exercise intensity--not too hard, not too easy.
    2. do any combination of activities that make you happy and keeps your heart rate in your heart rate zone for at least 20 minutes at least 3 times per week.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Swimming, water jogging, zumba, biking, rowing, elliptical, hiking, ice skating, roller blading, spin, zumba, and a whole lot more.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Try something fun that will get you excited to do.

    I just started exercising in the past 2 months and have tried a variety of yoga and barre classes. Some of it I love, some of it I'm glad I only tried once. Bikram? Not for me.

    I like going to barre because I feel like I'm working my whole body and I'm slowly building more muscle and endurance so I can try more challenging exercises. Plus, I get to act like a ballerina...with 3 lb weights.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Please tell me what a good exercise routine would look like for beginners.

    A couple ideas..Walk At Home or Just Walk with Leslie Sansone. No choreography, low impact. You can modify up or down as needed. She has a DVD called Walk It Off in 30 Days...it has a half hour cardio and a half hour strength session. You can switch off.

    Click the arrow under the Try It header.......

    Strength training.....Kelly Coffey Meyer: Start Here....has a cardio portion and strength too.


    Older DVD...Prevention Fitness Get Moving....cardio & strength sections to mix and match (Chris Freytag)
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Try something fun that will get you excited to do.

    I just started exercising in the past 2 months and have tried a variety of yoga and barre classes. Some of it I love, some of it I'm glad I only tried once. Bikram? Not for me.

    I like going to barre because I feel like I'm working my whole body and I'm slowly building more muscle and endurance so I can try more challenging exercises. Plus, I get to act like a ballerina...with 3 lb weights.

    I wish we had barre in my area.

    Bikram--oi that it NOT for me! yikes! I prefer yoga and sauna as separate activities!

    I second the "something fun". It has to be something you look forward to doing, not a chore you want to avoid.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Anything active that you like doing. Establish the habit. Then advance to working hard at it.
    Too many people want exercise results yesterday. They kill themselves on the treadmill, or whatever. Maybe they make some progress. But they don't like it. Eventually, the day comes when they say: "I cannot do it today. It is too uncomfortable and I am too tired." One day stretches to a week, to longer. Any progress made becomes meaningless.
    Any exercise that isn't fun and doesn't leave you wanting a bit more when you stop is bad for beginning. Any exercise you like it good, even if it isn't terribly strenuous. Strenuous will come in time.
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    I like Jillian Michaels' "No More Trouble Zones". It's about 45 min of circuit training and you can build your way up easy and she provides modifications.
  • infinitynsd
    Anything you like doing. Running, walking, Zumba, Yoga. If your not sure what you like try everything once. Find something you enjoy doing and it will be easier to stick to it.