how long is too long with regards to a girls hair?

CharlieMurtagh Posts: 1,742 Member
My hair is extremely long at the moment and I was considering getting it cut, yet when I said this to my mates the reaction was quite funny half of them said I should and half of them said I shouldn't... what's your opinion How long is too long?



  • Southern_Belle_LA
    Southern_Belle_LA Posts: 931 Member
    I love this topic! I have very long hair too (about as long as yours) but mine is very very thick. My rule about hair length is it's only too long when it starts to get stringy or not look as healthy. You have great hair, if you decide to cut, just cute where the bottom is starting to flip out, about 3 inches, and cut into a V shape. Keep that beautiful mane as long as you can; just keep it healthy!
  • CharlieMurtagh
    CharlieMurtagh Posts: 1,742 Member
    thanks for the response, my hair is very very thick and naturally wavey I have straightened it in the above picture lol, I definately would not go drastic and cut it all off but a trim would be an idea as its getting a bit wispy on the ends, what do you think of layering I always think long hair looks better all one length personally
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    My hair is too long when it starts looking ratty, or is heavy enough it gives me a scalp/head/neck ache. I have very thick hair and when it gets to about waist length, a ponytail is heavy enough to actually make my nexk and scalp ache and then it's time for a chop.
  • Sbrn_
    Sbrn_ Posts: 351 Member
    I think you should keep it. My hair is about as long as yours (and a similar colour) and I love it! It's my favourite feature. It's quite rare to see girls with really long hair these days, at least where I live, things may be different elsewhere; So I think it stands out.
    I have no plans of cutting mine in the near future. If you feel you want it cut just make sure it's for yourself, not for what other people may think. It's your head after all. If you feel it doesn't look as good as it could or if it's more trouble than it's worth then go for it. If mine ever becomes too lank looking I will begin trimming it, but for now I'm happy to let it continue growing.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i have a dense and coarse afro, so for me, anything past BSL (bra strap length) is too long.. too much hair, too much conditioner, too much time styling, too much time needed to dry, too many instances of shampoo and conditioner left in my hair after 5 minutes of rinsing, too much detangling.

    ive gone to waist length to donate to an aunt but sheeeeeeeiit waist length was too much

    not to mention id find my hairs in my cats hair balls :laugh:
  • Southern_Belle_LA
    Southern_Belle_LA Posts: 931 Member
    I think layering helps if you feel it gets too heavy. If you do a V cut, it will frame your face and give you a slight layer. You can check out my other photos, they are mostly all hair photos!
  • goldmay
    goldmay Posts: 258 Member
    It depends on the person. For me, if my hair gets a few inches past shoulder length, it starts to tangle easily and looks too flat. Your hair looks nice at that length. :) But if you ever decide to make a big change (cutting off 10+ inches) you should consider donating to Locks of Love or a similar organization.
  • VanessaVegana
    VanessaVegana Posts: 36 Member
    Your hair is beautiful, keep it! Mine is long too. I just layer it when I get bored, so it's still the same length just a different style :)
  • misscem94
    misscem94 Posts: 114 Member
    For me, it is when my hair goes past armpit length. I have very thick and coarse hair, and it takes too long to do anything with past that point. Been growing my hair out from losing it 11 months ago, and at a chin length bob, it is great to manage!
    Yours looks in great condition! Maybe layers would do the trick, rather than losing a great deal of length?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I think if you step on it when you walk, it might be too long.
  • CharlieMurtagh
    CharlieMurtagh Posts: 1,742 Member
    Thank you for all the replies and the comments :smile:
  • SillaWinchester
    SillaWinchester Posts: 363 Member
    Your hair is absolutely beautiful! I had my hair that length at one point but I get horrible headaches because it's so thick, so I had to cut it a bit shorter. I'd say if you want to try something new, cut it a bit at a time to see how you can handle it. :)
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Im kinda jealous of your hair!!
    But at the time not because im too lazy to deal with my hair - 3in or so below my shoulders lol

    Kudos to you for the long gorgeous hair! It looks healthy too!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    If you're enjoying your long hair go for it... however if you do decide to cut it, I urge you to donate it. I grow my hair out every few years to donate and I like being able to do so.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I know a girl who had hair down to her ankles. Was ridiculous. When she cut it she did a super short pixie cut.

    Yours is very pretty.
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    I have these two crazy cousins, both female, their parents are religious lunatics. Both of them have Crystal Gayle hair, down to the floor. They also wear those little house on the prairie dresses. I feel sad for them. So, definitely not that long, ever.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have these two crazy cousins, both female, their parents are religious lunatics. Both of them have Crystal Gayle hair, down to the floor. They also wear those little house on the prairie dresses. I feel sad for them. So, definitely not that long, ever.
    You feel sorry for them for the long hair? That's silly. I mean, if they're forbidden from cutting it and want to, that's one thing. But if they like their hair, then what's to feel sorry for?

    I love my hair long, as long as I can grow it.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Your hair is beautiful! I think you should keep it. I also have long hair that is about 4 inches shorter than yours. I will probably never let it get longer than just above my butt, but I don't think I could bear to cut off a significant amount. It can be a pain ( especially in hot weather), but I love it!