how long is too long with regards to a girls hair?



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    It's whatever you want to do with it. You like it? Keep it. You tired of it? Cut it.

    I'll follow that obvious point with only slightly related subject matter. I had hair that long for a while because I was curious to see how long lived my hair follicles were. It only grew halfway down my butt before it wouldn't go any longer. I then cut it off at the ears and donated it to locks for love.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    It's too long when you get sick of dealing with it day after day.

    I just recently cut all of mine off into a pixie cut. I love it. it takes 2 seconds to wash it and another 2 seconds to style. And it's cool in the summer.

    I have always had seriously long, thick hair. Every single time I would get it trimmed the stylist would comment on it - "You've got enough hair for an ARMY."

    Yeah. But it's hot. It's heavy. It takes about 5-6 hours to air dry. And gets dried out and frizzy if I blow dry it.

    Too much hassle for me. And I'm totally past all that to worry whether guys like short hair or not. Frankly, I don't care. They don't have to deal with it every day.
  • chmtastic
    chmtastic Posts: 178 Member
    your hair is beautiful!! long, medium or short, I bet it will always look fantastic!! :smile:
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    If your neighbors trip on it, consider a trim.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    Mine's longer than yours, so I say don't cut it.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    Your hair is beautiful... I would love to have your hair, but it never seems to grow as long.... *sigh* .... but if you do decide to cut it, maybe just do long layers...
  • Inyoureyess
    The fact that you're asking maybe means you want to cut It. As long as you like it, it isn't causing you any problems, and it's well maintained - keep it how you like.
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    Your hair is gorgeous and it looks healthy. I say keep it unless you've
    grown tired of it. I used to have very long hair like yours and the upkeep
    became too much to me. It all depends on how you feel. I'm certain
    you're beautiful either way. :)
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Don't do it! Your hair is absolutely Beautiful and looks very healthy.

    I just cut 12" off of mine a couple months ago all because I kinda have a Marilyn Monroe Style to me and wanted the hair to match my clothing style, but I totally regret it because my naturally curly hair took ten years to get there. :ohwell:

    Hold on to it Sweetheart, You are Gorgeous! :smile:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    If you like it, keep it!
  • gnat45
    gnat45 Posts: 833 Member
    Your hair is beautiful.
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    Hi .

    Not only is your hair very long, it is also in beautiful condition and a lovely colour. Just keep the ends neat. From my point of view, I would say not to cut it - it's too beautiful and it suits you. Lovely long hair like yours is very rare. You can do a million styles with it as well. I am 50 with long hair. In theory, that is too old. In practice, I won't cut it unless the condition goes completely.
  • Chalk_Slinger
    Chalk_Slinger Posts: 1,012
    Now I want to listen to the soundtrack to hair. "I love my hair. Grow it. Show it."
  • Flyingfree83
    Flyingfree83 Posts: 60 Member
    I had hair down to my bum. I had it cut off recently to just below my shoulders. I liked it to start with but now I miss it. I'm not going to grow it as long but am definitely want to grow it again
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    i guess i'm outside the norm. i'd say cut it. cut it short - like above the shoulders. your hair is beautiful. to me, though, long hair signifies an abundance of time. i don't have the patience for long hair - never mind super long hair like yours. short hair is SO easy.

    but, having said that, if you like it long and the time it may or may not take you for upkeep (washing, styling, etc), and the feeling of it down your back and around your face doesn't bother you - keep it! to hell with what i or others think.
  • _Lovely77_
    _Lovely77_ Posts: 993 Member
    I say do whatever you feel is best for you. I get bored easily and tend to cut mine all off, I go from one extreme to the next. Only thing I can never seem to part with is my dark hair. It's my natural color minus a few random reds that I have naturally in which that's the only reason I dye my hair so I have all one color lol. I've been thinking it's time for a cut myself here soon.
  • Chalk_Slinger
    Chalk_Slinger Posts: 1,012
    We just need something to pull on... wink wink
  • yungibear
    yungibear Posts: 138 Member
    Whoop! A long hair thread! I feel like girls with extremely long hair are getting increasingly rare in my neck of the woods. I also have really long hair that's almost past my butt, so it's nice to hear that there are other people who are like me! Personally, as long as the hair is healthy, keep it growing! C:

    Funny thing is, the longer I grow my hair, the more random strangers come up to me and touch my hair. o_O

    Edit: I should probably explain that I did cut my hair into a lot of layers because my hair is super thick. You could say that I have a toned down version of the choppy layers scene kids had in high school, but mine are definitely more graduated and blended in. It really helps with getting some volume near my face! Otherwise, my longest layers are still at my butt.
  • Tialuna18
    Tialuna18 Posts: 9,591 Member
    If you're somebody who can maintain it by means of regular cuts, thorough washes and having it not be a distraction to your work hygienically then I don't think there is a limit to length in regards to a general situation. :) However that being said it's true that the older we get the less common/recommended it is to have extremely long hair as it's known to age us. Just my opinion. :3 Hope it helps
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    My hair is about the length of yours. The only times I think it's too long is when I close it in the car door, or bend down to put the laundry in the machine and stuff my hair in with it. I know I'd instantly regret it if I ever cut it, though. Love my hair. :)