Challenging myself to lose 20 pounds by my daughters bday in

I am challenging myself to lose 20 by may for my daughters bday. Would love to company and motivation as I start this journey.


  • rrof84
    rrof84 Posts: 4
    I would love to join you! I've got about 40lb to lose in total, but would love to keep you company!!
  • emilillymom
    i have another 40 but i thought i would break it up.. do 20 by may and the rest by the end of summer
  • rrof84
    rrof84 Posts: 4
    Sounds like an excellent plan! I'm getting married on April 2nd, so am hoping to get close to the 20lb by then! (and am hoping most of it comes off my arms!!!).
  • emilillymom
    i've last one pound. but i am starting doing the c25k program so maybe i'll see more weight come off.