I haven't gone grocery shopping yet

My wife does the grocery shopping routinely for our family. I haven't had to fill up a grocery cart in some time, months. More importantly, i haven't had to do it since really committing to keeping a sensible diet.

I'm becoming anxious that the next time I go the store to do grocery shopping, that I'll be picking up and putting right back down all the foods I would've normally bought while grocery shopping. High in fat, salt, calories, carbs, etc... Why do I have a feeling I'm going to have information overload and end up coming home with $50 of grocercies instead of $150 and have to tell my wife I couldn't find anything to buy?

I know there are healthy options in the grocery store, I'm just not used to buying most of them.

Anyone experience anything similar to that?


  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    Go with a list! Keep a list of the good for you things on your fridge to remind you of the healthy things you can eat.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Shop the perimeter as much as possible; i.e picking up fresh fruits, veggies, meats (well I'm a vegetarian so i skip this corner of the store), dairy, and pick up minimal from the inside. When i do go into the aisles i'll get bread (for my husband's sandwiches with high sodium deli meats), beans (black, kidney, etc.), wheat thins, and sometimes cereal. Frozen veggies are also okay too so long as they don't have cheese or sauce. I find that since being healthy i spend MORE at the store but on higher quality foods (fruits and veggies). Id say about 50% of what i buy is produce (i love stir frys and sneaky casseroles with hidden veggies).

    Good luck!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    It takes time at first. Make sure you do a menu or at least have some meals picked out that you want to make. I generally plan by what's on sale meat/veggie wise when I'm looking at the food ads. Then I pick what meals, then I make the list according to the recipes.

    For the other stuff. It's all about reading the labels. With planning in advance you should have a good idea of what you want/need. then always the staples, fruit, extra veggies, milk, butter, eggs, yadda yadda yadda.

    Soon you'll be whipping through the grocery store and have you food stock for the week and be a successful hunter/gather for your family. :)
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    And a BIG thing to add to the already great advice is....make sure you DO NOT go grocery shopping when you are hungry.
  • eandrus
    eandrus Posts: 45 Member
    Check out this article -- quite an eye-opener. If link does not work, copy and paste all this into your browser: http://www.dailyspark.com/blog.asp?post=what_20_will_buy_at_the_drivethru_and_at_the_supermarket
  • valerierackly
    can you not shop at your store online. then you can work from a list of stuff you need for your household and also for your foodstuffs. that way you wont be tempted to buy things that you're eye see that you didnt want to buy.
    If you cann't shop online then make a menu of daily food list and only buy the stuff you need on that.
  • hill2302
    hill2302 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm pretty sure I can't shop at my local grocery stores online.

    Sounds like making a list and making sure the lists gets in the cart is maybe the way to go. I'll need to find a good grocery list app next I guess :-)

    My old methond of shopping is gong down each and every aisle and looking at what looks good. If it looks good and tasty, pick it up and put in the basket. I don't think that will work anymore.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    oh i like the "out of milk" app for grocery shopping
  • cassidystreasures
    even before dieting we had a list for the store trying to keep to a budget and what do we really need? We have a freezer full of meat.For me and our family being on a buget i just can't say im going to just buy lean cusines for lunch every day. Im a stay at home mom and have a 5 yr old to feed every day. when i make my shopping list i go by what's in the house and what's on my menu.
  • rbcool
    rbcool Posts: 20
    I like that quote ! I'm going to post it on my frig. Thanx !! :happy:
  • rbcool
    rbcool Posts: 20
    I like that quote. Thanx !! I'm going to post it on my frig.:happy:
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    We plan our meals a week in advance and based on that we make a list of what we need. It streamlines shopping process a lot.

    Shopping the perimeters is definitely a good tip! Grocery stores are specifically designed so that all the important things (dairy, breads, meats, produce) are around the perimeter thereby forcing you to kind of meander through the entire store increasing your chances of impulse buys.
  • cassidystreasures
    i just made a generic shopping list on excel, and also have a menu from pulisher that i did myself, Hubby works differnet shifts so i have his schedule on there along with whats for dinner :)
  • Kezzanna
    Kezzanna Posts: 45 Member
    I have a notepad stuck on the fridge with a pen sitting on top of the fridge......
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Definitely use a list and keep telling yourself, if I don't buy it I can't eat it!