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HELP - lost only 1 pound in 2 weeks



  • lolabluola
    lolabluola Posts: 212 Member
    I like this article...

    "Even though there’s only ONE true reason for why a person isn’t losing weight, there are dozens of excuses and reasons that a person will come up with and consider to be the cause that just aren’t actually true, accurate or even remotely based in reality."

  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    I bet you are losing inches! Definitely gaining muscle! Keep up the good work. Sounds like you are doing everything right. The weight is sure to fall right off!! Keep up the good work!!

  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I bet you are losing inches! Definitely gaining muscle! Keep up the good work. Sounds like you are doing everything right. The weight is sure to fall right off!! Keep up the good work!!


    Oooor we can keep lying to OP that she's just gaining muscle.

    I mean, I wish that were true! I'd be Arnold Schwarzenegger after my 9 months losing 53 lbs and lifting heavy.

    I'd just step out into the light and my veiny bulky muscles would blind the masses.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I bet you are losing inches! Definitely gaining muscle! Keep up the good work. Sounds like you are doing everything right. The weight is sure to fall right off!! Keep up the good work!!


    Le sigh...
  • strawberrycoconut87
    strawberrycoconut87 Posts: 19 Member
    I normally lose more 'water' weight at the start of a diet than I have this time. Just figured out the reason - "that time of the month" began today. :mad:

    Women's bodies sometimes fluctuate like that because of the 'cycle' - I would give it more time and you'll probably see a difference.

    If not, you can adjust your daily intake of food or make sure to weigh it, etc.

    I just bought a food scale myself. It's actually a really useful tool in the kitchen - even for more than just dieting!! I have never used one before but I have still had successful diets in the past by putting a lot of emphasis on foods whose caloric content is clearly defined on the package (processed food).
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    I bet you are losing inches! Definitely gaining muscle! Keep up the good work. Sounds like you are doing everything right. The weight is sure to fall right off!! Keep up the good work!!
    don't listen to this, OP.

    You're not gaining muscle.

    If you've lost weight, I'm not sure what the problem is that you need help with.
    You're losing weight.
    You're apparently doing it right.


    If muscle gaining requires a calorie surplus, proper amount of protein and a hypertrophy lifting routine and gains are still slow even in the best circumstances because, as women, we lack the testosterone to gain as much as men.

    You most certainly are NOT gaining it in a deficit.

    As stated you're losing weight. Faster weight loss is not good weight loss. Losing weight slowly is ideal to retaining muscle and looking leaner. Just keep on swimming!

    All this. Be patient and don't rush the process.
    Weight loss is not linear either.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    OP - I, too, was shocked to learn that I wasn't going to gain significant muscle while eating at a deficit. But it's true. You'll see some changes, obviously, but not huge changes. Basically you're lifting so you keep the muscle you have while you're losing weight. When the weight comes off, the muscle will show.

    Are you weighing and logging your food accurately? Keep in mind that MFP's calories burned during exercise is sometimes really high. I don't trust their numbers.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I bet you are losing inches! Definitely gaining muscle! Keep up the good work. Sounds like you are doing everything right. The weight is sure to fall right off!! Keep up the good work!!
    don't listen to this, OP.

    You're not gaining muscle.

    If you've lost weight, I'm not sure what the problem is that you need help with.
    You're losing weight.
    You're apparently doing it right.


    If muscle gaining requires a calorie surplus, proper amount of protein and a hypertrophy lifting routine and gains are still slow even in the best circumstances because, as women, we lack the testosterone to gain as much as men.

    You most certainly are NOT gaining it in a deficit.

    As stated you're losing weight. Faster weight loss is not good weight loss. Losing weight slowly is ideal to retaining muscle and looking leaner. Just keep on swimming!

    It's hard to lose weight quickly when you don't have much to lose. Enjoy your workouts. Eat well. Measure. Keep logging.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    One thing that didn't make sense to me at first about "you can't build muscle while you're eating at a deficit" is that this doesn't mean you're not getting stronger. You are. You're probably already noticing it. But you're not actually adding muscle mass, just retaining and strengthening what's already there (which means you'll look more defined as the weight comes off. Yay!) So you're doing good things for yourself, but not in the way you might think.

    Yeah! This^ (it's what we all NEED to hear)
  • anna3669
    anna3669 Posts: 33 Member
    Interesting fact...Avocado's are one of the only fruit or veg with saturated fat :)

    *pointless fact of the day*
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Interesting fact...Avocado's are one of the only fruit or veg with saturated fat :)

    *pointless fact of the day*

    I love me avacado so hard.

    But weigh them suckers! They calorie dense.

    My added fact to avacado ;P
  • lorigem
    lorigem Posts: 446 Member
    Interesting fact...Avocado's are one of the only fruit or veg with saturated fat :)

    *pointless fact of the day*

    I love me avacado so hard.

    But weigh them suckers! They calorie dense.

    My added fact to avacado ;P

    True stuff.

    OP - keep doing what you're doing. It's obviously working. Like everyone else said, .5 pound per week is a great pace.
  • I suggest you start measuring. If you are exercising that hard your are going to build muscle, which throws the scale off.
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    I wish there was required reading before you were allowed to join MFP (or at least be granted access to the boards).
    Such as:
    Gaining Muscle While at a Calorie Deficit - It's Not Happening.
    You're Eating Clean But Gaining Weight? Why Calories Don't Give a **** Where They Came From.
    And: You Fluctuated 0.1lbs Today? Give Up Now, You're a Lost Cause.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I suggest you start measuring. If you are exercising that hard your are going to retain water, which throws the scale off.

  • daphnec1994
    daphnec1994 Posts: 71 Member
    You can't gain muscle that fast on a deficit. There's no way. Building muscle takes a lot of food, hard work, and time. lots of time
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I suggest you start measuring. If you are exercising that hard your are going to build muscle, which throws the scale off.

  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    I am not a scientist, nutritionist or biologist. I can only share my personal experiences of having lost a lot of wieght in past. Yes I gained it all back plus some because once nearer to goal i slipped back in to my old ways. However I did lose 8 stone/ 112 lb in 8 months in a supervised whole food healthy eating way. I started at 295lb and got down to 183lb. So i was very big at start and not small at the end. Someone starting much smaller would clearly lose less and more slowly.

    anyway the interesting bit is that for the whole 8 months i was on the same food plan which worked out as from 1400 to 1600 calories a day depending on meat choice or veg choice. My food intake was not increased or decreased at any time, everthing i ate was put on digital scales and logged in a book. It worked out as about 50% calories from healthy fats, 25% calories from protien, 25% calories from carbs. My activity level probably slightly increased along the way but not by much. I got about an hours walking every day going to and from work or shopping. sometimes an extra hours walk or 30min swim before or after work. I had a monthly wiegh in so was not seeing day to day or weekly lb's lost etc. I was facinated though by the way i lost wieght

    month 1, lost 28 lb - a lot was fluid I asume
    month 2, lost 7 lb
    month 3, lost 20lb
    month 4, lost 6 lb
    month 5, lost 18 lb
    month 6, lost 8 lb
    month 7, lost 19 lb
    month 8, lost 6lb

    I repeat my food intake was set and the same whole 8 months. My energy output was also quite stable whole 8 months. I had a pattern though of losing almost 3 times as much on alternate months. On the months that i lost less lb's i noticed I toned up and lost more inches. What this taught me is to trust the body, it knows what it is doing. The scales are not the best measure of short term sucess. If you eat less then the lb's will go down but even if that is slow the inches may be coming off.

    If you are someone who loses in a similar way to me but are much smaller than me then it may look like 5lb lost one month then 1lb next month etc. I have always had fluid retention issues which may account for some of it. In long term picture though you are losing excess wieght and improving your body. That is a good thing
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I suggest you start measuring. If you are exercising that hard your are going to build muscle, which throws the scale off.

    False. If you are exercising hard and eating in a deficit, you will not gain muscle. You may experience newbie gains (minimal) and gain strength, but you will not gain muscle mass. It is darn near impossible, unless you hit the genetic lottery. Muscle mass gains takes a lot of food, work, and time. Water retention on the other hand can and will throw off the scale.
  • Julibug86
    Julibug86 Posts: 21 Member
    This was really helpful to hear! While I already know that my little cheats are not helping me lose faster, I've been feeling frustrated that my increase in exercise hasn't had an impact yet (working out 1-2/mth to 2-3/wk for the last couple weeks). I know I've been drinking more water which could be a factor, but I should also just be happy with any weight loss - no matter how little. As long as I'm not gaining weight, I should just shut up!