Doing badly and need some help



  • AntiqueFuchsia
    Thank you all so much for the encorging advice and support.

    I am still going through the posts but I have to say I am amazed at the amount of replies! Hopefully, some of your advice with stick and I'll be able to start moving in the right direction. :smile:

    A related question would be how to approach introducing my veggies in my diet? I am not a huge fan of them at all and when I tried my first ever salad a few weeks back, it made me sick for two days which wasn't good.

    A friend said that happened because my body wasn't used to salads and if I kept eating them, the feeling would go away. However, I haven't had the courage to try another so not sure if she was right on that one.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Thank you all so much for the encorging advice and support.

    I am still going through the posts but I have to say I am amazed at the amount of replies! Hopefully, some of your advice with stick and I'll be able to start moving in the right direction. :smile:

    A related question would be how to approach introducing my veggies in my diet? I am not a huge fan of them at all and when I tried my first ever salad a few weeks back, it made me sick for two days which wasn't good.

    A friend said that happened because my body wasn't used to salads and if I kept eating them, the feeling would go away. However, I haven't had the courage to try another so not sure if she was right on that one.

    Do you have a reason for the not liking veggies? Is it the taste or texture? If it is texture, you might want to cook them a different way (i.e. grilled veggies instead of boiled, or just parboil which is a rapid dunk to keep some crispiness). Some texture you can't get away from. Taste is easier to mask, but again, sometimes you just can't get away from the taste of a veggie. Sauces are great to mask the taste, but watch out for the hidden calories.

    Stews are great to throw in veggies, as are soups. I personally could never be a vegetarian either, but I will try almost any veggie at least once. Your taste buds change over time, so think about trying them again after a year, but try all types of veggies and be adventurous in the way you cook them, don't just eat them raw or in a salad.
  • AntiqueFuchsia
    Do you have a reason for the not liking veggies? Is it the taste or texture?

    I think its a little bit of both along with years of convincing myself I don't like veg without really trying any.
  • hellodangergirl
    hellodangergirl Posts: 15 Member
    As far as adding veggies, start slow and don't give up! It takes several times eating something before you get used to the flavor. Maybe pick one veggie a week and try cooking/eating it different ways every day to see how you like it. Different cooking methods also yield different textures. As an example, carrots can be eaten raw (dipped in nothing, or something like salsa or hummus), roasted with oil salt and pepper, boiled plain, boiled drenched in honey or lemon, or sauteed. I know your goal is to lose weight, but maybe don't shy away from using sparing amounts of butter or oil (or even cheese, like parmesan) to help yourself through the transition into finding veggies you enjoy :)
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    Thank you all so much for the encorging advice and support.

    I am still going through the posts but I have to say I am amazed at the amount of replies! Hopefully, some of your advice with stick and I'll be able to start moving in the right direction. :smile:

    A related question would be how to approach introducing my veggies in my diet? I am not a huge fan of them at all and when I tried my first ever salad a few weeks back, it made me sick for two days which wasn't good.

    A friend said that happened because my body wasn't used to salads and if I kept eating them, the feeling would go away. However, I haven't had the courage to try another so not sure if she was right on that one.

    One way I sneak veggies into my diet is to throw them in to something else I am already eating. Frozen chopped veggie combos are super easy for this. You can add them into rice, soup, pasta sauce, omelets, etc. If you like tomato sauce, lightly steam the veggies then top them with a little reheated tomato sauce and a sprinkle of parmesan. You'll think of plenty more ideas as you get going :happy: