Stay at home moms trying to lose weight

Hey, I am a stay at home mom, who is trying to lose about 88 lbs. I believe as a stay at home mom we have different challenges when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off... Anyone interested in support and help please join me!


  • loushep
    loushep Posts: 191
    Meeeeeee!! I agree, being at home the temptation to snack is harder to fight as food is always available. I've been on this for 2 weeks now and find support and encouragement is essential to success. Count me in, friend request on it's way :smile:
  • wpij25
    wpij25 Posts: 161
    After my 18 year old was born I was a stay at home mommy too. I thought it was a challange as well, but hang in there and change will come.

    Back then I had a NordicTrack...I followed Fit For Life, I also had Cindy Crawford's first two videos, and a couple Callanetics videos. I wish I had all those again. :D
  • jjjohns
    jjjohns Posts: 27
    I am also a SAHM trying to lose weight. I think we can all use all the support we can get!
  • amaliasmom
    amaliasmom Posts: 13 Member
    Count me in...I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old. I've gained 20 pounds since I had my little one. My ultimate goal is 80 pounds-I'm already down 11 from my all time high. Only 69 more to go! My husband just bought me an elliptical trainer and that has definitely come in handy,but I can really use some support.
  • kelligonzales
    Count me in friend request is coming. I have a three year old and a seven month old and have forty lbs to loose... It's hard with all the leftovers kids don't eat and the snacks they do eat. It's not always easy to work out when you have kids awake hanging on you or even when they are sleeping cause then you just need a seconds to yourself. But you can find the Time. It's. Hard but do able. Good luck
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Hi! I'm a SAHM too -- my daughter C is 4 and a half, and my son Z will be 3 next week. I've had trouble finding time to work out because the kids want me to play with them instead, but today I found out that I can get C to do the Wii Fit Plus moves with me as long as I don't do the hula hoop. So I can do that while Z is napping. I think the key is that if we can't find child care or a time when we're kid-free to work out, we have to find a way to work out WITH the kids (well, at least if they're not keen on entertaining themselves for half an hour or so, which mine aren't).

    Good luck to everyone! :) We can do it!
  • prencesskl
    My biggest problem right now, is I'm used to being out and about or at work, so with all the snow, we have been basically house bound, and when I'm bored and there is nothing left to clean, no laundry left, and we are just watching tv, or sitting around, I eat.... not good
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    My biggest problem right now, is I'm used to being out and about or at work, so with all the snow, we have been basically house bound, and when I'm bored and there is nothing left to clean, no laundry left, and we are just watching tv, or sitting around, I eat.... not good

    Yeah, I feel you on that one. My kids get stir-crazy, so we'll just turn up some fun music and dance for a while. Helps keep the boredom away. And I stopped buying junky food for any of us -- we're in the house, so none of us are getting enough exercise, so we just keep healthy stuff around so we all feel better.

    Does your local library have any kids' programs? That might be something fun to get you all out of the house.
  • prencesskl
    He is only 6 months old, so any of those programs aren't really from him. We go to gymboree, but that's only 45 min a week. I try to go to the mall and walk, but that ends up costing me money... The wii has it's benefits in that, because I can do step while holding him, or others while he's sleeping ( which isn't so often lol). But I found that this has helped big time the last 2 days because when I want to eat I think about having to put it in my food diary, and then don't want to do eat it anymore lol
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    There was a library program where we used to live that was birth to age 2. It was more like a glorified playgroup, but it was fun for everyone. But yeah, the Wii is awesome.

    I love tracking my food for just that reason. I never had to think about what I ate before, so I ate a LOT and it never mattered. But now I'm pushing 30, and... um... it matters. :laugh: Yay MFP! It makes it a lot easier. I was trying to count calories before on my own but I was NOT doing it right. At all.
  • Brighteyes_7916
    I know how you feel girl! I am a SAHM also. Feel free to add me for support!
  • simplyme40
    Count me in. Been a stay at home mom for 15yrs. Friends request on the way.