Added support

I just need some added support! My wedding is in two weeks and I want to make the MOST of these next two weeks!
Pass on some tips!! I'm starting couch to 5k tonight!


  • Congratulations on your wedding! How exciting!
    To reduce the possibility of extra bloat, watch your salt intake. And make sure you're drinking half of your body weight in water, this will not only help your skin glow and look lovely, but it helps reduce dark circles. And, then of course that leads me to get make sure you're resting... I know that's probably hard with all the excitement of your big day approaching, but sleep is so important. :)
  • kmcarlson88
    kmcarlson88 Posts: 13 Member
    I would love to say I could rest but work sprung mandatory OT 15 hrs this week and 10 next week...stressful!! trying to find ways to destress at night but I get SO tired...its a POOR excuse...but Im just exhausted which is why im going to PUSH myself for the couch to 5k tonight