Why do I weigh less in the morning?



  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    ha i was bout to say i dont even know who you are 0.o
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Maybe because your belly has all your food and drink in it at night?
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Also, Monty, This is the same guy who posts random stuff in a post to get people pissed off and to get attention. I haven't blocked that many people, that's how I know which one this is. Don't fall for it or waste your time on it anymore.

    This guy does it on purpose. He will go to another forum and do it again and again and again.
    ha i was bout to say i dont even know who you are 0.o
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    I know that this is old, but I pulled it up for something that I was looking for and this whole thing made me crack up. From the person saying that fat is released through breathing, to the mass confusion of where the phantom posts were coming from. :laugh:
    LOL... I'm like "why I don't I see this person posting?" I must have blocked him for rude, ridiculous and mean responses on other posts.

    and, No, I'm not talking about Monty.
    you lose weight thru breathing believe it or not... every exhale contains molecules much like how a car loses gas thru the exhaust pipe.. people think they lose body fat thru sweating its when they breathe.

    lol so many answers here are retarded ^^ this is what actually happens.

    Was this actually posted??
    it was.. u should try reading a book or something.

    Excuse me?

    I assumed ur tone was facetious.. correct me if i was wrong.

    ha i was bout to say i dont even know who you are 0.o
  • It's the moon. The gravitational affects of the moon pull on the water in our bodies just like the waters in the ocean.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    dammit stupid necros.
  • It's the adipose!!!

    "The young Adipose would grow, collecting fat from around the body. Every night, the Adipose would then be born and leave the body. They could convert other material into fat; however, this practice was not good for their health."

    Source: http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Adipose
  • Recoveringmay
    Recoveringmay Posts: 3 Member
    I watched a really interesting ted talk on this subject. It is the release of carbon dioxide through breathing as was posted.

  • Flyer69
    Flyer69 Posts: 100 Member
    Pretty well most answers are wrong, some maybe only 90%.
    We all have a BMR=Basic Metabolic Rate, mine 1836calories.
    This means the amount of calories you burn doing nothing at all, which for me is 76.5 calories per hour.
    So over 8 hours I would burn up 612 calories, which for most people (not me) is more then their daily workout.
    So then it is no surprise that you have lost weight.

    Add to that you probably had your biggest meal of the day at say 6pm, maybe 800 calories, you would after that meal generally be the heaviest although it takes a little time to absorb all calories, which is why in the evening you generally are the heaviest.

    I never understood my body and how it worked and got more scietific and tracked it more
    I would weigh myself first thing in the morning, after gym and before I went to bed, the reason as at those 3 times I would be naked and in the bathroom.

    here is an example of last week in kg.
    Weight 7am Aft gym 10pm
    Thu 7 81.2 80.1 80.9
    Fri 8 80.5 79.4 80.2
    Sat 9 80.5 81.2
    Sun 10 80.9 81.7
    Mon 11 81.2 80.3 81.2
    Tue 12 80.8 79.9 81.1
    Wed 13 80.5 79.5 80.7
    Thu 14 80.2 79.2
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    It's the adipose!!!

    "The young Adipose would grow, collecting fat from around the body. Every night, the Adipose would then be born and leave the body. They could convert other material into fat; however, this practice was not good for their health."

    Source: http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Adipose

    You have just pointed me in the direction of a fabulous source of information for which I thank you... ;)
  • Flyer69
    Flyer69 Posts: 100 Member
    If you have the time, my previous comments were I bit simplistic... :-)
    On the other hand it is not something to worry about as long as you way yourself the same time, may that be once a day, once a week or once a month or whatever works for you, the trick us to have the same routine.
  • It's the adipose!!!

    "The young Adipose would grow, collecting fat from around the body. Every night, the Adipose would then be born and leave the body. They could convert other material into fat; however, this practice was not good for their health."

    Source: http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Adipose

    You have just pointed me in the direction of a fabulous source of information for which I thank you... ;)

    No problem, the tardis is always full of great information and people! (and time lords) ????
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