Ever feel like giving up?



  • derkin2005
    derkin2005 Posts: 282 Member
    after losing 120 total I have loose skin but it's not gonna hold me back . Just another hurdle...
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    How do I stay motivated? by knowing that at 47, I have two options, let my age wash over me as I see so many sadly do at my age or confront it with everything I've got in my arsenal, yeah I choose B., not that I think I can turn back the clock, but I can most definitely maintain what I have and maybe put on some muscle along the way. I'm not a fan of aging gracefully as you can see;)
    With that said, you have to stop with defeatist attitude my dear; no one is meant to be "fat." Now some people have larger frames than others, so you may never be tiny, but you most definitely can lose weight and like anything in life it's all in the attitude. Either you can see it as a constant struggle/uphill battle or you can see it as time and effort you are willing to put into your body and your health because you deserve no less. You probably did not put the weight on over night and you most definitely will not lose it quickly either. It's a journey, and it's not just about the destination or the end goal, but all the triumphs and defeats you will enjoy and overcome on the way there.
    And once you lose the weight you will still have to practice those same behaviors to some degree to maintain your weight, because going back to you same old habits will lead you back to square one. Remember, it's a lifestyle change, not just something you do until you reach your goal, but it doesn't have to be laborious. Find ways to make it fun, by finding new and exciting recipes to cook and different types of WO activities to keep it fresh and fun.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Treat yourself like your own very best friend...because you are, ya know?
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    I never feel like giving up!! Period. I give in, at times, but the beauty of it is I can make up for that like nothing. I am loving this life now.
  • rosiemaji
    rosiemaji Posts: 23 Member
    Great post, Kimberly.
  • mbauer013
    mbauer013 Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you for thoroughly going into details that even after people are "fit" there is still some problems to be dealt with. Didn't have a clue after losing weight some problems would be put to rest. But its not that I want to see results quickly or make myself feel better. I guess its just finally conquering this mountain that bothered me for awhile. Finally crossing that bridge and reaching my accomplishment. I don't want to see losing weight as a task...or becoming where i have to be repeating over and over.

    There is only one way to climb a mountain - One step at a time! Break up your goals to make them more manageable. I still have a way to go, but I have already hit 3 of my goals -
    #1 - go for at least 6 weeks without giving up, notice I didn't say slipping. I had bad days, but I didn't give up. I worked out 4 days a week and tracked food almost everyday.
    #2 was getting to 260 by my wedding anniversary. That's what I weighed 10 years ago when I got married. I'm now at 256 and my anniversary is next week.
    #3 goal I've met was to have to buy new clothes, I did that a bit ago and am likely to have to do it again in a few weeks.

    My ultimate goal is to get down to under 225 (I'm 6'2" and have lifted weights all my life, so this is pretty lean for me) but looking at that number alone makes me think it'll never happen. If that is all I looked at in January when I started I'd still be 298 or more and looking at diabetes within a few years. As it is I've lost over 40 lbs, and am well on my way to my next goal of 240 by my birthday, then it'll only be another 15lbs to my ultimate goal!

    Stay positive and keep moving, you can do it!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Let go of the 'all or nothing' mentality. Choose the smaller things you can turn into habit and do them until you've got it down to an art and then choose the next thing. =)

    You're not alone. I think that's why places like MFP exist!
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you. I'll start tracking by using smaller goals and not think of being negative to stay on this path. I appreciate it. That really helps for me to start off small.
  • xShreddx
    xShreddx Posts: 127 Member
    I gave up in the past and eventually gained all the weight I lost. Giving up cannot be an option because that means being unhealthy, dying earlier and not being able to do things I want to do. Not to mention being proud of how I look and not ashamed! Eating fun foods changes by definition when you've trained your mindset to be that of a lifestyle of responsibility and health.

    Giving up? Never again. As said above, when you don't feel like sticking to the plan, maybe have a bite of something rather that a full meal of it. I mean, think of it..........the satisfaction part of eating is in the taste, not the volume. Your brain likes the response from the tongue to the brain but the volume of food doesn't add to it. For example, if I am wanting something sweet, I'll eat a 5 calorie chocolate mint. For something salty, I grab a bite of almonds. If I don't wanna do 60 minutes of cardio, I'll mix it up and do less but add weights.

    We are a fast-paced society that is impatient and we want results NOW. The key is being happy with the small steps, the .2 lbs lost and such. One day at a time.
  • solaceowl
    solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
    I agree with you, but I'm looking for fast results. Its more of seeing losing weight as a task and I don't want that. So its basically has kinda been a downer for me.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    What has kept me going is the fact that I resolved that the last time I started over was indeed the LAST time! No more giving up, no more frustration, no more having to start again. Lifestyle change, baby!

    Reasonable calorie deficit that allows me to lose fat & still enjoy foods I love, plus dining out on occasion, vacations, weddings, parties, holidays, birthdays - nothing so restrictive that there's no room to enjoy life.

    And reasonable exercise - my workouts are generally 60 minutes or less, always at least one day off per week, and every few months I take an entire rest WEEK. It's awesome. No fear of not starting up again because it's just part of what I do now, like daily brushing my teeth (don't worry, I don't take a week off from that! Haha! :tongue: ). I make that exercise count - grab some weights, mix in some cardio/HIIT type workouts, and keep moving throughout the day as much as possible.

    And it's worked! I eat in between my BMR and TDEE (great info & tools here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974888-in-place-of-a-road-map-2k13 ), and I've reached goal weight, lost fat and inches, dropped several sizes, gotten stronger, faster, more flexible, look & feel great - and I've kept it off for over 2 years now. :drinker:

    It doesn't have to be so hard, so restrictive, so time consuming - that's not lifestyle change, that's a temporary diet & exercise plan that generally ends up being temporary because it sucks! Make the changes you can stick with for life, and get results that will LAST! And no more starting over. Good luck!
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    I look at my before and after pictures to keep me motivated.

    Also, when it comes time for those days I don't feel like exercising.. I think about the people out there who can't exercise and wish they could. Or when my old age takes over and I won't be able to physically do it. Always gets me going.
  • wanttolose40lbs
    wanttolose40lbs Posts: 239 Member
    I've just been hit and miss on logging but try to keep up my exercising because we've been so busy for the past 3 weeks, and I've ended up gaining 4 lbs. I only have a little bit of weight left to lose and I find myself losing my motivation. Things are slowing down a little bit now, so I must fight through this and get back on track to reach my goal.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    of course. Its little steps every day. Not doing something is harder than doing something. But making small changes every day is what keeps you there in the long term.

    What has worked for me? Running groups with others that are starting/on their journey and keeping track of others. If I'm helping them I Need to do things myself. When they slack, I find I slack. Even though I Know I feel better when I'm doing the 'right' things.

    Hang in there!!!! Find the next thing you like and keep going!

    If 6 days is too much, then cut back a day. Maybe find something new that perks you up again. You CAN do it!!!!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Nope. But I had a couple 'I don't care about what I'm eating TODAY' days. And went back on track the next day. Giving up is just not an option (and even now close to goal, I can't either, or I'll get fat again and I refuse to let that happen).
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    I did lose weight, but I didn't use this site until like July 31st basically starting over. Although I lost weight and stopped I'm lucky enough that I didn't gain it back. Now using this site again I did lose 9.5. Sometimes counting calories and working out 6 days a week have taken a toll on me. And I feel as though I want to throw in the towel like I had enough and I need to accept the fact that I'm "fat". Or that I'm meant to look this. I'm sure if its the lack of confidence or motivation, but it feels like one of those days you want to let it go. What do you do that keeps you going? What really empowers you to not stray from the path?

    Stop with the stupid workouts. You don't need to do this. Just focus on your diet and wear a pedometer if you want to increase you activity. Most recent research shows that exercise does not contribute much to weightloss. Its 80% diet and if its wearing your down and you are unmotivated, then its going to ruin all your good efforts so far.

    The reason why it doesn't work for weightloss is that people eat more to compensate for their exercise and b) some of us eventually get tired of doing it and stop, then it all comes back suddenly as we tend to stop monitoring our diets.

    Stop the exercise, stabilise your weight, focus on your calories then tidy up your diet and restrict calories moderately. Eat three meals a day, have snacks if you have to go for long periods between meals. Get plenty of good sleep, avoid and resolve stress asap. Keep sugar to a minimum and eat whole foods especially vegetables and dried legumes. Cook! Try to eat 0.8kg of protein per kg of body weight - this part is not easy. (good sources of protein: eggs, beans and lentils, cheese 30g per day, milk 1 cup per day and natural yoghurt 1 cup per day, fish, and of course other meats, nuts 1 tbsp per day or seeds 1-2 tsp per day. There will also be protein in vegetables, and whole grains. Don't stress coming under the limit. Its mainly about avoiding muscle wasting from low calories.

    When you suddenly stop exercise you may go through a period of adjustment with your appetite and weight. Accept it and work with it. Monitor what you eat and your calories.

    Do not feel bad, guilty or anything negative about stopping the exercise. You can do it later and when you feel like it. Its completely unnecessary for weightloss. I am proof of that. I've been on my diet since January and have done little exercise, certainly never went to the gym and i am close to goal.

    Come and join our group if you like 3fc pals. I do most of the talking because i'm the one who is not busy. :-)
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    Thank you for thoroughly going into details that even after people are "fit" there is still some problems to be dealt with. Didn't have a clue after losing weight some problems would be put to rest. But its not that I want to see results quickly or make myself feel better. I guess its just finally conquering this mountain that bothered me for awhile. Finally crossing that bridge and reaching my accomplishment. I don't want to see losing weight as a task...or becoming where i have to be repeating over and over.

    It was interesting the post you responded here. The thing is there is never going to be a time when ever stops and becomes totally nice and comfortable. And if it did your life would be boring. LIfe always has bumps but these can be interesting.

    With weight, keep monitoring what you do. Find ways to do it efficiently rather than obsessively. I would suggest that reading French Women Don't get Fat shows how you might achieve that.

    When push comes to shove, the minimum i would do would be to log my food daily and weigh myself daily. Further down the track i might even be able to get away with just daily weighing. By that stage, a year or two i 'd think, i imagine my eating habits are all really good, my emotional life is stable and my health too and activity wise, life is not too hectic that i can't think about stuff a bit and reassess on a regular basis.

    Commitment is a big thing. You should try to build up a sense of commitment within yourself that you are doing this for life. and every time a new challenge or bump comes up this is a time to recommit. Also every time the thought enters your mind that you can just slack up a little bit, cheat a bit, over indulge a little bit - this is another opportunity to recommit. The more often you do this, the stronger your commitment will be. Its about creating new habits and letting the old ones fade out. Of course you can have times where you will over indulge but these are better pre-planned rather than done spontaneously. I try to think about things a lot in advance and come up with a plan or strategy for this or that situation.

    I've been thinking about christmas a lot already this year. My plan is not finalised but it will be by the time it comes around.

    The other week i went to an event where i had thought there was going to be a meal and i had planned for that. The situation turned out to be quite different to what i anticipated. Instead of a meal there was High Tea and alcohol. That means lots of cute little cakes and desserts and a few little white bread sandwiches. I was doing low carb at the time and so i ate the middles out of the sandwiches (which didn't amount to much), had 3 glasses of wine which was unrestricted and only one small dessert which was my limit for such an occasion. Luckily the show i went to see was great fun and kept me happy. When i got home, I cooked dinner straight away. End result no damage. No guilt. No regrets. It was a great test of my resolve because throughout the event, i was surrounded by cute little cakes which were it not for my diet, i would have eaten say at least 6 i reckon.

    Upon arrival, i was at first a bit upset by the unexpected food arrangements. I could have managed that a bit better but at least i ate right.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    what keeps me going? because I said I could. Because I am so close. Because I don't want to have a stroke like my mom. Because I see the ladies in their upper 60's maybe 70's trying to pass me up so it makes me go faster. On the days it is so hot and my brain says just go home, you walked enough I keep thinking what will you do when you get there? Probably be lazy so keep it moving lady. We all get this way sometimes, but it is so worth it to keep on trudging on. On the days you feel like giving up tell yourself "Just for today" and "just do it" works for me.
    damn that inspired me!:blushing: :dancing banana:
  • kimberlyblindsey
    kimberlyblindsey Posts: 266 Member
    Never! I am 70 and I don't want to be diabetic, tired all the time, with broken bones, crippled, unable to walk anywhere, sick with gout, joints replaced, or in a wheelchair. I got so close to becoming a diabetic but now I am lowering my risk by losing weight and eating healthy food. I have more energy now. There is nothing worse than not being able to do anything because you hurt or you are just too tired. Been there done that. For every pound that's lost, I want it to stay gone; for every new feeling of energy or strength, I want to hold on to it. I have seen too many people my age and even much younger in pain, with diabetes or just plain sick because they are obese or don't eat healthy food. I don't want to be there if I can help it and I am running in the opposite direction as fast and as far as I can.
    Thanks Rosie; you sound like a ball of fire and I like it:) stay strong little lady:)
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Today I really do feel like giving up - it is my birthday in a week and I had hoped/planned in March to get my weight & body fat down. Instead, it has all gone up!

    My weight has gone up by 3.6kg since this time last year – 2.3kg of that is in the last week.

    Body fat by 1.8% in the last year - 1.1% of that in the last week?!

    Waist measurement by 3cm - 2cm in the last week

    Belly button measurement by 3cm – 1cm in the last week

    This is so frustrating and annoying.

    I think see more definition in my limbs and core as I am working out 6 days a week but the measurements aren't encouraging and I wonder if I am just kidding myself.

    I have that V definition in my lower abdominal area that I haven’t had before – maybe it is just the lighting!

    Thanks for the good thread though - it makes for some inspiring reading.