Skinny me tea?



  • very interested in this post! I've heard mixed reviews about multiple teas and the people I know that have tried it have enjoyed the results. obviously a single tea will not magically melt the weight away but it seems to suppress appetite and aid with a long lasting healthy lifestyle. maybe a bit of it is a placebo effect but it seems to work
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    This is just an observation of this forum:

    The MAJORITY, not all, but MAJORITY of the people bashing this product or telling you how it doesn't work are people who've never tried it.

    And, the MAJORITY of people vouching for it, telling you how it works wonders are people who have tried it or know someone who has tried to sell it.

    Just think about that.

  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    This is just an observation of this forum:

    The MAJORITY, not all, but MAJORITY of the people bashing this product or telling you how it doesn't work are people who've never tried it.

    And, the MAJORITY of people vouching for it, telling you how it works wonders are people who have tried it or know someone who has tried to sell it.

    Just think about that.


  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I've been hearing more and more about this skinny me tea recently, and was just wondering what people's thoughts are on it? I don't know too much about detoxes, and google wasn't much help, so thought you guys might be able to she'd some light!

    From what I can gather, its a colon cleanse detox, in which you still continue to eat the same (healthy) foods, so it doesn't starve you! Do you think any weight you lose would just climb straight back on when you stop using it?

    Thanks :)
  • ladyblue100
    ladyblue100 Posts: 37 Member
    Good ol green tea work great.
  • Hi,

    Try this one The Detox Tea for MEN Builds Lean, Cut Muscle, Promotes Healthy Weight Loss, Increases Energy & Fights Fatigue, Enhances Male Sexual Health, Cleanses. We’re obsessed with healthy living and we do our best every day to provide our incredible customers with the healthiest, and best tasting tea blends possible.

    Read More:-
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I tried it last year for 14 days, and followed the eating plan closely. The tea tasted horrible and the colon cleanse even more disgusting. It also caused awful cramps.
    Yes, my stomach looked flatter, though it was only a really minimal weight loss and likely would have just been water weight or attributable to the eating plan. Of course the weight came back on soon after I stopped. I would not recommend it.