SCALE MUST DIE! Challenge--Who's with me?



  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Ok, we're a few days into the challenge--how's everyone doing? I screwed up and didn't hide mine--then today I just did my regular morning routine and not thinking, jumped on the scale. No change........


    So, waiting until Tuesday to weigh again.

    Hope everyone else is doing better than me at avoiding the evil insidious hope-sucking black hole known as a scale.

  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    I am glad Iit is hiding, sadly, it is the only way!!!:embarassed:
  • heyjuede
    heyjuede Posts: 73 Member
    well my clever husband dropped the bomb and said he hid the scale in the house. well naturally he took the battery out and took it to work with him. ok, so this is how bad i am lol, i found another battery to put in it and use anyways lol. what is wrong with me??:explode:
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    well my clever husband dropped the bomb and said he hid the scale in the house. well naturally he took the battery out and took it to work with him. ok, so this is how bad i am lol, i found another battery to put in it and use anyways lol. what is wrong with me??:explode:

    I would have done the same thing! No worries! We should really start a support group:wink:
  • heyjuede
    heyjuede Posts: 73 Member
    well my clever husband dropped the bomb and said he hid the scale in the house. well naturally he took the battery out and took it to work with him. ok, so this is how bad i am lol, i found another battery to put in it and use anyways lol. what is wrong with me??:explode:

    I would have done the same thing! No worries! We should really start a support group:wink:

    you ain't kid'n! lol
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    How's everyone doing so far??

    I'm jonesing for my scale! I wait until tuesday to weigh!
  • Bernadette79
    Bernadette79 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm with you. I feel the same. Just keep doing what you're doing. I have read that changing your exercise routine helps because your body gets used to the same routine. I am 192 lbs. right now, I want to try to break 190. So this week I am going to join the fitness center in my area. I am going to add some strength training and use more cardio machines.

    I have invested in a treadmill and I do at least 15 minutes in the mornings. I have purchased a jump rope. Even though I am not in the 180s yet, I have lost inches and I feel better and have more energy.

    We are going to break out plateau. I have also gone to the library and checked out cardio dvds instead of buying. So you can save money too.
  • soup78
    soup78 Posts: 667 Member
    I WANT, I WANT , I WANT......I WANT TO GET ON THE SCAAAAAAAAALE!!!! :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Whew :cry: This is alot harder than I thought *sigh* :cry:

    I can do this.....:grumble: scale thing.......oooooo, my my new best friend is much nicer anyways, I've lost inches!!!:noway:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    How's everyone??

    Tomorrow I'm weighing and won't feel "guilty" for doing it! Yea!

    Now--that dang scale better be nice to me!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Weighed today and finally showed a drop--albeit a small one but a drop nonetheless. I lost 1.6 pounds since Aug. 16th. Guess that's not too horrible but like I said, given my caloric deficit, I should be losing much more.

    Oh well, a loss is a loss, right!

    Ok, no weighing now until, hmm let's see--I think I'll try to make it until Friday.
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    Weighed today and finally showed a drop--albeit a small one but a drop nonetheless. I lost 1.6 pounds since Aug. 16th. Guess that's not too horrible but like I said, given my caloric deficit, I should be losing much more.

    Oh well, a loss is a loss, right!

    Ok, no weighing now until, hmm let's see--I think I'll try to make it until Friday.

    That loss is great. Every pound you lose take four pound of pressure off your knees, so you took off over 6 pounds of pressure. I was able to lose almost 2 pounds in the last week. I weighed my self 3 times this morning to kind of make up for the past week.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I just want to say. . .

    that there should be a special, painful, cruel and unusual death for the Dr.'s office scale. I made the mistake of "peeking" yesterday. OOF!

    Even after the nurse consoled me with the words "that hasn't been calibrated. ever." I still left in tears, as it claimed I was up six pounds from a month ago. (I don't own a single article of clothing that's gotten tighter, for the record.)

  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I am a little late joining this but I am IN!
    I get so discouraged by that number even though I feel better than ever and know I am looking better and the clothes are looser. Why do we hold so much stock in that number??:mad: :explode: :mad:

    And Viv, I hear ya on the Dr's office, I gained 7 pounds in one hour according to their scale. Don't trust it!
  • emibmas
    emibmas Posts: 1,058 Member
    OK. This was my one week off. First time to weigh this AM.
    I stepped on.....down 2. YAY!
    Got off it, stepped back on to make sure, now up 2.

    WHAT THE H-E- double hockey sticks is going on!!!!??!!?!?!?!?!?


    Scales are stupid. I have lost another inch of my waist. ALL HAIL THE TAPE MEASURE!
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Here's somtehing to cheer up your day when you're jone'sn for those scales. Help you remember just WHY you wanted that fiend DEAD...DEAD...DEAD!!! ( Caution, not PC!)

    Ya gotta love British humor.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I was able to lose almost 2 pounds in the last week. I weighed my self 3 times this morning to kind of make up for the past week.

    Yea! And LOL about weighing extra to make up for the week without weighing.
  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    oh, i also have a metric scale, and being from the UK also think in "stones" when i do calculate back. certainly makes for a good number, but as i use kilos, ponds and stones they really are all just numbers to me.

    OK, I'm glad you brought this up bro, as I have always wanted to know how many pounds does a "stone" weigh? I've heard it all my life, but never had something to compare it to (ya know like US and Metric)(Ooops, was that English and Metric?)(OK really it's Imperial and Metric, but what's the difference anyways, lol?)
    Oh, and as for the scale, I couldn't care less.... mostly. For me it really is about how I, and my clothes, feel. but *somebody* more or less insists that I weigh in weekly. I could do it monthly and be happy. Of course, before I start this, I never weighed in, and was ecstatic *giggle*
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member

    OK, I'm glad you brought this up bro, as I have always wanted to know how many pounds does a "stone" weigh? I've heard it all my life, but never had something to compare it to (ya know like US and Metric)(Ooops, was that English and Metric?)(OK really it's Imperial and Metric, but what's the difference anyways, lol?)
    Oh, and as for the scale, I couldn't care less.... mostly. For me it really is about how I, and my clothes, feel. but *somebody* more or less insists that I weigh in weekly. I could do it monthly and be happy. Of course, before I start this, I never weighed in, and was ecstatic *giggle*

    A "stone" is equal to 14 pounds I believe