Ready to make the time for ME to lose it for real

kuechletwins Posts: 88 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I've used MFP on and off again over the past couple of years, but am ready to really commit to myself to make this happen and could use someone to help keep me accountable! I am a mom of 4 - all under the age of 11 - and work full time. I struggle so hard to make the time to work out - I love it when I do - but always feel like there are so many other things I need to accomplish for my family when I'm not at work that I just don't make the time. That stops today! I'm tired of feeling frumpy and my clothes not fitting right.

I'm hoping to lose at least 20 pounds, but more importantly, get some tone back! I'd love some support! :smile:


  • Just keep reminding yourself that you have to be healthy and fit in order to be around for your kids! Plus, you are teaching them a great lesson - how to live a healthy lifestyle! My 5 year old is very excited about riding her bike alongside of me this coming spring, maybe getting your kids involved will help ease the guilt that we working moms feel when we want a little me time!

    GOOD LUCK _ YOU CAN DO IT~:smile:
  • kuechletwins
    kuechletwins Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks Jelly Bean! That is why I'm on get support like that! You are right on!
  • you can do it ! im a mom of 2 kittens and am married and still make time for myself to exercise and eat right!. i joined weight watchers dec 31st and lost 8lbs so far, i have a long journey to go but thanks to the support of my husband and my friends and leader at weight watchers i am making it happen. i just remind myself i want to be around to grow old wit my husband and be around to watch my kittens grow up. if you need encouragement check out my blog or message me.
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