For those who carry weight on their thighs



  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    This thread gave me a sadz.

    No! No sadz.

    Pear shapes are lucky! About a month ago I was walking toward a room that had a large mirror and saw myself walking. Every time my hips moved, my waist had to twist....because, yes, my hips ARE that big. Watching this movement made me realize though - this is why I have a super strong stomach!

    There are benefits to being a pear.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    if you're genetically determined to have thick thighs then they are going to be relatively think no matter what your weight .

    you'll just be a smaller version of whatever your body type is
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Pear here, and as much as I work um they still seem all giggly and yuck! Hoping to eventually be a smaller pear.
  • VelcroButt
    VelcroButt Posts: 34 Member
    My thighs will always be thick even at a lower weight but they look strong and do not rub together when I am slim.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Well they look like someone popped them and let the air out and I have shelves under my *kitten* so yes I would say the weight does go away. My weight loss is quite funny it's like my forearms and lower legs are totally fine and are waging a war on my core where the fat is going all last stand at the Alamo on it. I'm slowly winning but yeah it's hanging onto my core upper legs and bum area.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    Did they eventually slim down after losing allot of weight?I started at 150 and I have lost weight on my upper body ,waist, stomach but my thighs are still quite thick.I am down to 140 and my goal weight is 120 so I was wondering if the 20 pounds will slim down these thighs. If not then maybe I can keep going to go for 115 ?but then I heard those last pounds are hard to get off and some people have given up on them. I also run outside for an hour few times a week and I also lift weights and do allot of lunges and squarts.I am 5`3
  • ZoofMW
    ZoofMW Posts: 12 Member
    I've lost 4.5KG since June and most of my weight came off my top half to start with. Next to the scales I've been keeping track of things by keeping measurements on a regular basis. It was really interesting to notice that losing centimetres on my hips and thighs went really slow in comparison to waist and chest but now it seems they have caught on to the program and have been catching up.

    Felt like I 'unlocked' the next level or something when I saw the increase in cm's coming off from my lower half :D
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,563 Member
    Thighs and upper arms are my most problematic areas, and have always been. My inner thighs have always been in contact, regardless of my weight. Ok, some might say my pelvis area/butt is a problem zone as well, but I do like the curves, and they are very nicely shaped due to squats, lunges, etc. :D

    Despite this I've lost a whopping 5.3cm on my thighs (now 60.70cm) and 2.8 cm on my upper arm. I also lost 4cm on my waist (now 74cm) but I don't think there's a lot more to lose unless I remove bits of rib cage and pelvis ;)
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    You are probably a pear shape (like me). So we store our weight in our thighs. You should try
    it will show you what you will look like at your goal

    oh nice,i will try it out
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,563 Member
    Doesn't work for me, unfortunately *laugh* I though my hips were wider than my shoulders. Now having lost some weight I found out my pelvis isn't quite so bad, there was just a lot of padding, while my shoulders are wider in fact. Mind you, my legs are still big and will never stop touching. Oh well...
  • FisherGT
    FisherGT Posts: 55 Member
    I am 5'8" and 117 and my thighs carry most of my weight still, granted they are toned and thick. I think its just genetics and there is no beating it.
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member

    Felt like I 'unlocked' the next level or something when I saw the increase in cm's coming off from my lower half :D

    OMG, that is exactly how it is isn't it? :laugh: Looking forward to getting to that level myself!
  • BarbieFromHellx
    BarbieFromHellx Posts: 758 Member
    Yes, my bottom half is where I store most my weight and at my heaviest my thighs looked disastrous!!! :grumble:

    When you keep losing and exercising, your thighs will gradually tone up and look better. I don't think I'll ever have chicken legs as my genetics will not allow it :laugh: big booty b*tch problems.