Mirena the cause of weight gain and migraines?



  • jomama519
    jomama519 Posts: 21 Member
    i'm on my second mirena. first one inserted in early 2008. i suffered from migraines prior to getting it and didn't see an increase in the frequency, severity, or duration. i gained weight since getting them too but my weight was directly correlated to my low level of physical activity and high caloric intake...
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    I have had the mirena for about 2 months. Then they took it out again. I felt horrible. I can't remember gaining weight, maybe because it was so short but I had massive headaches with it. I had problems with all hormonal birth control pills.
  • sschneider1202
    I too get horrible migraines at even the thought of hormonal birth control. My gyno wouldn't even think about Mirena for me because of that. Instead, I went with ParaGard which is a non hormonal IUD. It's copper which (I didn't know before) is pretty much a spermicide. So....I got ParaGard IUD in July and have had NO problems whatsoever. Since there are no hormones I do not have to worry about migraines. Check it out. Maybe Paragard is a better option for you.
  • Thelma1980
    My only problem with the Mirena coil is the hormone imbalance ..Im so emotional and feel depressed..Spoke to my GP who also agreed that it can cause that...im having it removed as I want to be my old self. Awful feeling of being emotional and anxious.
  • jennalennafur
    jennalennafur Posts: 80 Member
    Never had a problem with mine. No mood swings, headaches, or weight gain. But everyone is different.
  • 949BeachMom
    Seems like you should get it removed
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    I had mirena taken out 6 month ago. I gained weight with it had mood swings and lactating breasts.Mirena was recommended to me by my friends who never had problems with it. The hormone in it is a synthetic form of progesterone which is responsible for pregnancy. The side effects are all listed on the packaging and I was aware of weight gain before I had it inserted. This bc affects everyone differently and nobody is the same.Some people suffer from side effects some are perfectly fine which can happen with any other medication.