Good salad ideas for a person who hates salads?

So I hate salads, I'm a huge texture person and a lot of the foods I dislike are because of how I dislike the texture in my mouth. Lettuce is just one of those things, it feels weird in my mouth, has little to no flavor, and makes me feel like I'm chewing on grass or something. I also just don't like a lot of the things people put in salads. I don't like tomatoes, raw onions, hummus, cold chicken, eggs, etc. Because of this, salad has never been my friend.

But I'm really really trying to work on losing weight, I suffer from PCOS and it is important I keep my weight in check, and right now it is a lot higher than I am happy with. But I'm also a college student, with a full 15 hours a semester on my back that hinders how much time I can dedicate to meals, and so I know I need something I can make quick, easy, and take with me to school for my long days on campus. Salad is clearly the best option - but I just can't force myself to eat it.

I do like some things, italian and ceaser dressing, croutons, cheese, fruit, and a lot of vegetables!

So for people who love salads, or people who disliked salads but found something that worked, what did you do?


  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    No reason you have to have lettuce in a salad if you don't like. You said you like veggies. Chop them up. Add a pinch of cheese and a pinch of croutons and a splash of dressing. Tada!

    Southwest: black beans, corn, crumbled tortilla chips, salsa, over a bed of chopped veggies.
  • Shelgirl001
    Shelgirl001 Posts: 477 Member
    Dole has these new salad mixes with a large variety of greens and veggies in them now, where you can get ones with a dressing included, or where you can add your own dressing. I had one with and one without. The one without I just added a little bit of light honey mustard dressing and it was pretty good. They don't taste like your typical salad.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    If you like many vegetables, prepare them the way you like them, toss them together with your favorite sauce and there you go! Salad!

    There really is no one food item that you MUST eat. If you don't like something, there are many other things with similar nutritional value. Don't stress it. As long as you eat enough fiber and vitamins, you will never need to eat salad.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    If you don't like lettuce - don't eat it! There are tons of things you can prepare for lunches - how about chopped veggies with a dip you like (I love blended cottage cheese (no chunks left - the texture thing) with chili sauce or just plain ranch salad dressing); or a fruit salad with yogurt; mix up some cowboy caviar and eat it with a few chips or just plain. I love spinach - you can use that instead of lettuce in a salad. Just get creative and you can come up with a ton of ideas - with foods you enjoy.

    Make being healthy a lifestyle. You'll do so much better at losing weight if you enjoy what you are eating!

    Good luck!
  • kwaz29
    kwaz29 Posts: 190 Member
    ...don't eat it? Why force yourself to eat something you don't like when there are so many other delicious things to eat! Eating salad won't make you lose weight. Eating at a deficit will!
  • jillxmadelynne
    I suppose this isn't exactly a traditional salad, but growing up my dad peeled cucumbers, sliced them super thin, squeezed fresh lime juice over them and sprinkled cayenne pepper over them (just depends on how hot you like things). It's quick and easy to throw together and makes an awesome snack or side.
  • ElicitDreams
    ElicitDreams Posts: 73 Member
    I'm just like you. I loathe lettuce. I've recently found salads much more enjoyable if I have a salad with things like tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, hard boiled egg, pinch of shredded cheese, avocado, a few grinds of pepper, and a splash or two of dressing (I like a good balsamic vinaigrette) and then I cut it up all to hell so it no longer resembles a salad lol. I found that eating it like this is actually much more flavorful, and isn't as miserable as begrudgingly forcing tasteless leaves into my mouth.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So I hate salads, I'm a huge texture person and a lot of the foods I dislike are because of how I dislike the texture in my mouth. Lettuce is just one of those things, it feels weird in my mouth, has little to no flavor, and makes me feel like I'm chewing on grass or something. I also just don't like a lot of the things people put in salads. I don't like tomatoes, raw onions, hummus, cold chicken, eggs, etc. Because of this, salad has never been my friend.

    But I'm really really trying to work on losing weight, I suffer from PCOS and it is important I keep my weight in check, and right now it is a lot higher than I am happy with. But I'm also a college student, with a full 15 hours a semester on my back that hinders how much time I can dedicate to meals, and so I know I need something I can make quick, easy, and take with me to school for my long days on campus. Salad is clearly the best option - but I just can't force myself to eat it.

    I do like some things, italian and ceaser dressing, croutons, cheese, fruit, and a lot of vegetables!

    So for people who love salads, or people who disliked salads but found something that worked, what did you do?

  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    taco salad ftw

    the corn chips give a nice crunch. this was the only salad i would eat as a kid, and the only way i would eat lettuce or fresh tomatos
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    My fave and quick go to salad is from Chic Fil A
    The Asian salad with FF honey mustard dressing

    They use the same breaded chicken(served warm) they use for their sandwiches and its delicious.
  • topazora
    topazora Posts: 82 Member
    I hate cold chicken too, I prefer hot meat in my salad. I won't eat salads I haven't made, like when I go out to eat with friends, I'll just order what I'll enjoy and keep the salad at home so I have more control over what's in it. Also helps to control the calories as well- its hideous how high caloric salads at restaurants and cafeterias can be.
    I use spinach in my salads, I hate iceberg. But only when I know I'm going to be in the mood for salads for several days. Buts its been awhile, I normally just buy frozen veggies and mix it when my hot chicken. Just as good.
  • Satr33
    Satr33 Posts: 8
    Have you tried a different leafy green? I hate iceburg lettuce but found i really enjoy baby spinach, go figure.

    My go to salad is 4 oz chicken, 2 cup baby spinach, 1/4 blue cheese crumbled. 1/4 cup cranberries, fruit based dressing (usually raspberry).
  • alee145
    alee145 Posts: 10 Member
    You don't have to eat salads. You can eat other low-cal veggies like Spinach, broccoli, cabbage, string beans, collard greens, etc.

    I like to sautee different kinds of peppers and onions in some olive oil with a little garlic powder and pepper and just eat that with anything.

    throw it in a wrap with a little salsa and sour cream and you have a veggie taco.

    Or just eat parts of the salad you like. my son (who is only 4 years old, mind you) doesn't always go for salad either. He can, however eat cucumbers. Doesn't even need dressing.
  • SydNyd
    SydNyd Posts: 11 Member
    I'm not a big spinach fan but if you put different/unusual fruits + veggies in there, plus a rockin dressing, it'll taste great!
    My favorite dressing is made of olive oil, water, cashews, tahini, agave nectar, ginger, mustard powder and garlic. You just blend it in a blender and enjoy! It's fantastic with jicama root matchsticks. I like salad with cucumber, walnuts, bell pepper, green apple or strawberries, and avocado. Play with texture!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I rarely eat salad. Hubby can't eat them anymore (digestion issues) so they have disappeared from our dinner table for the past 6 years or so. I occasionally have one when dining out or when having dinner at a friend's home, but I don't make them regularly around here - hasn't affected my weight loss success.

    Find veggies and foods you DO like and make them a regular part of your menu. :smile:
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    If you don't like salads, there are a number of veggies you can steam quickly - string beans, asparagus, broccoli, carrots etc.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I had a "no lettuce" salad at lunch today.

    1 stalk celery, sliced (can sub thawed French style green beans too).
    1/4 peas (thawed)
    1/3 C. shredded carrots or jicama
    2 TBL Newman's Sesame Ginger Dressing

    The nice thing about this is you can toss the dressing in there ahead of time and not worry about anything wilting.
  • sinkinginseas
    This is a really good idea! I might try chopping it up super fine to help, and also thanks to everyone who suggested using spinach, I love spinach so I think spinach, some fruit and a good dressing and I might be able to eat salad yet!
  • andymcclure
    andymcclure Posts: 40 Member
    You can also try shredded broccoli as a salad base, kinda like a cole slaw. You can buy it in bags or shred your own. If you like more of a vinegar-based slaw (as opposed to creamy) you can make a pretty darn healthy salad that way.

    Also, what about tabbouleh? The bulgar wheat portion isn't the lightest thing in the world, but if you made your own, you could go heavier on the parsley and mint, lighter on the wheat.
  • bohemian124
    bohemian124 Posts: 153 Member
    Have you tried a different leafy green? I hate iceburg lettuce but found i really enjoy baby spinach, go figure.

    This! There are many types of lettuce/greens out there that have different textures and flavors. Iceberg is crunch and kind of water, romaine is hardy, butter is tender and sweet, kale is hardy and a bit bitter. You can also chop in different ways. I really like my lettuce julienne as opposed to rough chop - especially for more tough leaves like romaine and kale. Kale also benefits greatly from being massaged with lemon juice or salt.

    I also absolutely love shredded red cabbage in my salads. My favorite is a slaw with red cabbage, carrots, cilantro, lime juice, and a touch of honey or agave. So yummy, and compliments a wide variety of dishes and proteins.

    As many others have said, you can make salads with what you like, or just eat raw or steamed veggies. There is no law that says you must eat salad to lose weight or salad must include lettuce.

    Also, what about tabbouleh? The bulgar wheat portion isn't the lightest thing in the world, but if you made your own, you could go heavier on the parsley and mint, lighter on the wheat.

    Another great option for tabbouleh is to use quinoa instead of bulgar - higher protein, less calories.