time of the month...ladies what exercises should i do?

solaceowl Posts: 53 Member
I never workout when the river flows...but I want to stay on track. What exercises can I perform and help me through fatigue, headaches and relieves cramps? Also what foods should I avoid to keep from bloating or what foods help when I'm all bloated up? And what should be my calorie intake?


  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    I find walking is good, or elliptical, as I don't usually feel like jumping around. As for food, stick to your normal calorie intake. If you crave sugar, build a couple of treats into your daily calories to reduce the urge to binge. Some people get constipated at ToM so maybe increase fibre and fluid intake if that applies to you.
  • SofaKingRad_II
    None. You're bleeding and need lots of rest to heal. :flowerforyou:
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I only have one exercise: curl up with heating pad on high for three days and down lots of ibuprofin. >< If you're looking for actual exercise, I would suggest something much lighter, like a short walk. I guess whatever works with how you feel.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Calorie intake stays the same. Although there is proof that during TOM you burn more, you are also hungrier and crave more bad stuff, so it evens out (I think). The exercises I do are also treadmill, but I run until I sweat so that some of the bloat goes away. No saltiness for sure if you tend to bloat. I'm lucky enough not to crave particular things during that time, but I'm sure the added salt would only do you harm in that area. Otherwise, I don't really change routines for it, I will just adjust time of day that I work out (I usually go at lunch time) and go at night instead so that I can go straight home after working out.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Exercise (light) is actually good when someone's on their TOM..

    This coming from someone who gets cramps that feel as though they were given to them by the devil himself.

    Walking is good. Yoga helps with my leg cramps sometimes. Just don't do any wide leg stances, or you might be down one pair of undies.
  • Cerakoala
    Cerakoala Posts: 2,547 Member
    I do what I normally do :) Crossfit, elliptical or moderate walking :) I find when I exercise I feel much better and less cramps but everyone's body is different :)
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    Same calorie intake. I find it best to take the "suck it up" approach when my time comes. I tolerate mine and do my regular routines. It's only really being uncomfortable for an hour of running/weights so I don't find it to be a big deal. Exercise also helps relieve my cramps. Dark chocolate 90% cocoa and listen to your body!!
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    Is it just personal preference that you don't work out? I haven't had a problem doing any kinds of exercises while on my period; although I usually do cycling, and elliptical but I used to do semi-moderate weight lifting too. Any exercise should release natural pain killers and endorphins to make you feel good.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Same exercises I do during the rest of the month, nothing changes.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Actually, exercising usually makes cramps way better; so do what you normally do!
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I never workout when the river flows...but I want to stay on track. What exercises can I perform

    Fly fishing.

  • schelly81
    schelly81 Posts: 161 Member
    Exercise really helps relieve my cramps and improves my mood. I like to do cardio during my time of month.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Same exercises I do during the rest of the month, nothing changes.

    As much as possible depending on cramps and flow mostly. If its a rough day I avoid anything where my pelvic area rises above my chest (bridges, downward dog etc) since it makes it worse. I find it tremendously helps with cramps and headaches to get moving and there are actually quite a few studies that show improvements when lifting during that time of the month.
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    I wait until the worst of the cramps have passed (usually 3-4 hours) and then I run.
    Running actually helps my cramps A LOT.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    None. You're bleeding and need lots of rest to heal. :flowerforyou:

    Ha! I assume (hope) you're joking.

    OP, I just do my normal routine. Exercise relieves cramps for me. Sometimes I'm a little weaker, but I just drop my weight or don't push my aerial stuff.

    Can't help you on the food thing. I stay away from foods that tend to make me bloat normally, but I still can't avoid a little water gain during that wonderful TOM.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Regular exercise, regular food.

    Stay the course.

    This too shall pass.
  • AusteenaHayes
    I change NOTHING when my period comes.

    I still continue my running long distance and weight lifting. My periods put me through aches and pains, well I'm giving my period hardcore pay back.
  • SofaKingRad_II
    I change NOTHING when my period comes.

    I still continue my running long distance and weight lifting. My periods put me through aches and pains, well I'm giving my period hardcore pay back.

    That's exactly what I would do! But I don't get periods.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Any of them. Stick to your routine unless your flow is so heavy or cramps are so bad you can't manage. Bonus points if you do heavy squats on your heavy flow day.