Why Counting Calories?



  • yungibear
    yungibear Posts: 138 Member
    It's like finances. Without counting every penny, I don't care how smart you are, you don't know things about your money and how it is being spent. People that balance their accounts and track every penny spent know very well where their money goes, and they immediately notice when bills don't seem right or their balance is off, or if a medical bill is wrong. Other people that don't track typically don't really know where their money is going and they are surprised when they dig in. I had a friend that discovered she had been paying for some kind of subscription for over a year without being aware of what it was. They were just taking money out of her account every month. She had no idea.

    Food tracking is the same. Once you start tracking, you become aware of what you are eating and how it impacts you. One of the very first things that happen to people when they are new is they are completely shocked with how much they actually consume. The next thing is they are shocked at how many calories various foods have in them, like peanut butter, as an example. Even if someone is against tracking their food, I ask people that start dieting to at least do it for one month. 4 simple weeks, just to get a handle on it.
    Oh, this really makes sense as to why calorie tracking has become easy for me! I just started tracking my finances 1 year ago and I have made leaps and bounds with my spending and saving! I agree that calorie tracking is basically the same idea.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    1. It works, for anyone.
    2. It's free.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    I've noticed that a lot of the magic weight loss pills also come with a "recommended diet" to maximize your results. That "diet" is essentially the same thing we're doing here, CICO, but in a pretty package with some slick marketing.

    Same thing with Weight Watchers, Bernstein, etc. You're just paying someone to do your work for you - they are calorie restricting, ergo, you will lose weight (if you're doing it right). Which is fine and dandy, except these programs are set up for repeat business, so they're never going to actually teach you how to take proper care of yourself for the long term.

    In the end, if you follow the directions on the pill bottle and follow the WW and Bernstein plans, you will lose weight, because they are essentially CICO. The difference is that you're paying out the wazoo for it, when you can do it yourself for free with a bit of work and effort. Plus, by doing it yourself, you're setting yourself up for long term success by having an understanding of how you're treating your body, instead of just blindly doing what someone else tells you to do while handing over your hard-earned cash. You'll have similar results, but be broke.

    Utimately I think most peope will start with the quick-fixes, pills, fads, etc. first because most of us would rather take the easy way, and let's face it, the marketing is pretty effective. This type of marketing, along with food package labelling (oh look, I can eat a whole pack of twizzlers because they're fat free, wahoooo!), drives me nuts. I think false marketing is a big contributor to the obesity epidemic.

    Sorry for ranting....this topic hit a nerve with me.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    Counting calories is the only way to actually lose weight. Calories in equaling less than the calories you burn to go to work, work out, or spend time with your family (because we burn calories all the time) equals losing weight. If you eat the healthiest food and consume over your bodies necessary calories you will not lose weight.

    The diet pills that do work are usually appetite suppressants, or ones that will cause you to run for the bathroom if you eat greasy foods (thus curbing your diet, and it is hard to eat over calories in spinach.) so in the end it's all calories in calories out.

    So in short, it's the only scientifically effective way to lose weight. (Diet pills may help you not eat, or eat better thus decreasing your calorie intake, but in the end it's still the same.)
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I am not trying to stir the water, really.

    Thing is, I've ran into several websites, ads, messages and people everywhere who are either:

    - Burning out every nerve at the gym and not eating
    - Eating so bad and not moving at all they are reaching the point of no return
    - Doing every single diet they see
    - Waiting for magical solutions

    Doctors are calling me, telling me to go to X or Y diet, to take N or M pill or shake and to do whatever they saw on tv (they even suggested surgery since I was 15). The internet is loaded with tips and tricks to lose weight and all against CICO.

    So, how would you tell someone who gives you the magical solution that counting calories is better?

    I explain to them that - like everything else in the universe - our bodies operate based on certain laws of physics. Our body uses fuel for energy, much like a car. When you use up all of your fuel, your body switches to its reserves (body fat and muscle). So even though eating a varied diet with a healthy balance of carbs, fats and proteins for your lifestyle is ideal; if we're strictly talking weight loss, it's as simple as CICO. Even if you eat nothing but refined, table sugar for your source of calories, you WILL lose weight if you give your body less fuel than it needs. You just have to find out how many calories your body needs (everybody's metabolism is a bit different) to stay at its current weight, and eat LESS than that on a regular basis.

    If I told people my gas tank will stay full forever if I fill it just once with premium gas, they would look at me like I was crazy. . . because that's not physically possible. . . but if you try to tell somebody they'll never be fat if they only eat "healthy" foods, no matter how much of it they consume, they will nod and agree that that makes perfect sense. Physics. PHYSICS ALL AROUND!
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Because the only way to lose weight is to have a calorific deficit, and after years of ****ty habits I can't eyeball correct serving sizes and ****.

    So I count so I know that I'm getting a deficit.

    +1 on this for me. I was able to "outrun" (so to speak) an atrocious diet for the bulk of my life. However, an extremely physical, blue collar job is no longer the life for me, and I'm not sure how many years of "appropriate" eating I will need to relearn the right portion sizes for myself.

    Calorie counting will be my tool for the foreseeable future to hold me accountable and ensure proper fueling for my body.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Because whatever they are doing, they are all essentially doing the exact same thing: calorie deficit.

    Sure there are a zillion and one ways to do it...but why do the fads when simple works just as well?

    Eat less, move more. It's not rocket science after all ;)
  • rowanstuff
    The Magic Solution is better. With Magic you don't have think for yourself. With Magic you don't have to make any effort. With Magic you don't need self control. Magic is FAST. Magic is as simple as spending money. Magic is as easy as avoiding (or eating) that ONE food. Given the choice I would always pick Magic...if it worked.

    CICO is about as simple as Muggles* can get. Very small amount of effort, thinking and control, but it is kind of slow.

    Just paying attention is the first, best, key. The whole reason I 'm using MFP is because of the food diary. Just paying attention to what you eat makes a big difference. Plus, its not worth eating that cookie over there if I have to write down that I ate it.

    A lot of fad diets work, for a while, because they get you to pay attention to what you eat. Others have pointed out that the instructions that come with certain pills is just another way to trick you into paying attention. Even bariatric surgery forces you to pay attention to what you eat.

    For me the MyFitnessPal app is Magic because it makes it easier to track more than just calories. It helps me pay attention to my salt intake, my carbs and fat. It also keeps track of my personal stats (not just weight, but blood sugar, blood pressure, etc) It helps me to Pay Attention.

    Keep track of what you eat, even on the days that you have "off" from dieting. Count those calories, its more magical than you think.

    *Muggles are non-magic folk, for the un-initiated.
  • chilly1470
    chilly1470 Posts: 178 Member
    Simple Answer: If there was a magical solution, there would be no overweight people.

    Great response! If those pills worked, everyone would be in line for them. If that fad diet worked, everyone would eat it. There is no easy way out, not even surgery is a quick fix. It's all work and effort, but rewarding when you finally apply yourself. I know, I have been through the wringer with it all. Pills are a new addiction and fads are just that, fads. If you can eat 7 pounds of bacon a day, something is wrong, even if it has results.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Because the only way to lose weight is to have a calorific deficit, and after years of ****ty habits I can't eyeball correct serving sizes and ****.

    So I count so I know that I'm getting a deficit.

    What he said.

    Binge eating/drinking when depressed aside, my previous usual day to day diet wasn't so bad, I ate plenty of veg and cycled to work, I just ate enough for 3 people.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I never tried any of the "magical" solutions, because none of them make logical sense to me and generally if something sounds too good or easy to be true, it is. It's the same reason I don't fritter away my money in get rich quick schemes.

    Calorie counting makes logical and scientific sense and MFP fits with my personal enjoyment in tracking things and interacting with Internet forums. It's not the only way to lose weight sensibly--most can eat fewer calories and burn more without being so precise with the tracking, I did that once before--but for me this makes it more fun, since I like data crunching.
  • yeymap
    yeymap Posts: 1
    I've been on MFP for a while but havent taken it seriously but ive been really on the grind. Personally calorie counting is like a reality check for me, like i see the intake and outtake of all my decisions. Helps me be aware that a chocolate bar can equal a full meal, it's still hard i have to admit but im taking it day by day.