Too "heavy" to work out... Any tips??

My heart wants it, my mind wants it, I feel motivated... Then I get to the gym and my body says Nope! I'm 5'2, 244, so I just feel too heavy to get moving and it's very discouraging. I also have knee pain from an old injury. Sigh... I don't know what to do.


  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    Do your knees bother you so much that you can't walk?
  • mrsmitchell0510
    mrsmitchell0510 Posts: 83 Member
    Start slow.
    Any movement more than what you're doing now is a step in the right direction.
    My suggestion is to just start with walking. I love these stories of how people couldn't even walk around the block when they first started, but now they're running marathons or something cool like that.
    Start slow and gradually progress from there.
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Walking incline treadmill is always a good start but if you feel any sharp pains or joint pains should prob go lighter or slower
  • rnwendy67
    rnwendy67 Posts: 2 Member
    Okay this is my very first post to anyone on here. I'm 47 years old, 5'4 and 266 lbs. The heavier I've gotten, the harder it is to work out, it just seems so hard and I have no energy. I just had tendon repair surgery 6 weeks ago (I am just now getting off the scooter and crutches), and in the last year I gained over 40 lbs from having to stay off my foot and eating Baskin Robbins! Seriously...that is what I would have everyday. Looking back I wish I hadn't but this is where I am at now so here goes!

    First of all: KUDOS for going to the gym!!! I literally would get to the parking lot last year and talk myself out of working out. You are already in the game! Someone told me once that getting there is the first step. Next just go in and work out for 5 minutes. More if you want to, but set a goal of 5 minutes and when your done, your done. No beating yourself up over it. You set a goal and made it! Next time do the same and do this for 3 or 4 visits. Then set a goal of 10 minutes and repeat. Never beat yourself up over not doing more. You'll get there. Okay, now work up to 15 minutes and so get the picture right?

    Motivation doesn't always come easy for me. I've decided I just have to do my work out, motivated or not. I am always thrilled when I've completed my goal for the day and I need to remind myself of that. I am just beginning my weight loss and health journey (again). I refuse to give up even though I've been on this journey for 26 years. I truly believe I can be just like all those other people who manage to lose weight, keep it off and get healthy. I just have to find the way that works for me and have faith.

    Your post inspired me and put things back into perspective as I've been procrastinating my work out all morning. I can't stand on my foot completely but I know I have lots of exercises I can do sitting down. So I'm off to work out! Don't give up! You made a difference in my morning, I don't feel so alone. One moment at a time :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    or the pool.

    you can do it.

    stay on your calorie deficit though for sure. Good combination of diet awareness and walking will take you far.
  • kd_mazur
    kd_mazur Posts: 569 Member
    Water activities might be good. It will take the stress off your joints. Walking is always great exercise. Small improvements will lead to long term improvements.
    The fact is you didn't put the weight on over night and you won't take it off overnight either.
  • mom2my4boys
    mom2my4boys Posts: 148 Member
    I started at 275lbs with joint pain on the elliptical, it's easy on the knee's. The important thing is that you start and dust yourself off and keep going :)
  • formonte
    Hi Everyone.. I agree.. baby steps. ;)

    I gained all my weight due to an injury as well. From running xcountry in school, jogging into my 30's.. to injuries and happily married 40's and now.. here I am.. 51yrs old and 5'5 230lbs.. Crapola!

    I need inspired, so I started reading these posts.. and this one struck a cord. I've never felt uncomfortable in a gym. Until I needed it the most. I live in a small rural town, and the gym (only 1 choice within 20 mile radius) felt really weird to me.. I gave it a good shot for 3 months.. never felt comfy.

    I'm back to the house, staring at my treadmill and work out tapes.

    Tonight.. I push PLAY!

    Keep the Dream!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My heart wants it, my mind wants it, I feel motivated... Then I get to the gym and my body says Nope! I'm 5'2, 244, so I just feel too heavy to get moving and it's very discouraging. I also have knee pain from an old injury. Sigh... I don't know what to do.

    Is it just your knee that's bothering you? If so, try low impact exercises like swimming, biking, the arc trainer or elliptical (cross trainer). Don't try going all out your first day, take it nice and slow with an easy resistance level. Play with the inclines to find a more comfortable position. If the regular stationary bike isn't comfortable, see if they have a recumbant bike (much more comfortable and easy on the hips and back).

    If you can only do 10 minutes, so be it. If you have to go slow, who cares?! Just do what you can.

    Maybe consider getting some medical advice on that knee? Talk to your doc or a physical therapist regarding what they recommend. Or maybe even see if wearing a brace would help?

    When I first started out, I went for walks and could only go 20 minutes max. I was so out of breath and sweaty but I did it! Every couple weeks, I tried adding on 5 minutes more or going more hilly routes. And eventually by that fall (about 7 months later), I was walking six miles at a pretty good clip. And I have a bit of a bum knee myself. I just did what I could and made improvements when I felt like I was ready. You can do this!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    My heart wants it, my mind wants it, I feel motivated... Then I get to the gym and my body says Nope! I'm 5'2, 244, so I just feel too heavy to get moving and it's very discouraging. I also have knee pain from an old injury. Sigh... I don't know what to do.

    Start slow....find low impact activities.

    Walk At Home or Just Walk DVDs are great. You can start out with 5 minutes & build from there. You can go at your own pace because there is no choreography. These are sold at Target, Best Buy, etc.

    Sample 1 mile workout under the "Try It!" header:

    Seated workouts are available: or
  • gromithere
    gromithere Posts: 172 Member
    So many people tend to jump in trying to "go big." While this is a great goal to work up to, it is absolutely possible to lose weight with moderate (or even no) exercise. If you eat at a deficit for a while, you will lose some initial weight. Try working out harder after you've been around a while. Take it slow, and you won't regret it.
  • Alissakae
    Alissakae Posts: 317 Member
    I started out over 50 years old and over 300 pounds. The first time I walked two miles it took me an hour and I was absolutely exhausted when I got home. I started out just doing half an hour to an hour of something three days per week. After two years I now work out every single day doing a variety of thing; including Zumba, weight training, walking/jogging, and water aerobics.. ( I've even been teaching my water aerobics class for the past year). I also had knee pain when I started, which was one reason I started out slowly. I currently have achilles tendonitis and have had to give up my jogging intervals - which is something I never would have imagined I would miss! If I can do this, so can you!
  • jcim1ru
    jcim1ru Posts: 40 Member
    Everyone else has already said it, but start slow, do what YOU can do and celebrate that you did it.

    I started with a stationary bike because it didn't put any impact on my knee. After 15 minutes at a resistance of 1 I thought I was going to pass out. I was winded, I was covered in sweat and my tush hurt.

    I kept at it, day after day after day. I stayed at 15 minutes for what felt like an eternity.

    And then I found a mantra - losing weight isn't about how much everyone else loses, it's about how much you lose.

    It applies to exercising - it's not about how much everyone else does or how "easy" they make it look. It's about you doing what is best for you at a pace and rate that keeps you coming back and doing it day after day after day. And when you feel better you will begin to push yourself to do more than you did before.

    This is about you - not anyone else but you.

    Good luck! and keep it going!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    My heart wants it, my mind wants it, I feel motivated... Then I get to the gym and my body says Nope! I'm 5'2, 244, so I just feel too heavy to get moving and it's very discouraging. I also have knee pain from an old injury. Sigh... I don't know what to do.

    I think you just have no idea how strong you actually are! Seriously! Think about the weight you are carrying around on a daily basis without even thinking about it! Now if you lost down to 120 pounds would you consider picking up a 124 pound person and carrying them on your walk? Because that's what you're doing right now. See, you're strong. Now to get fit. Yes, working out will be hard at first but as you get going and start conditioning yourself it will get a bit easier. Especially if you're losing weight because you will be carrying around less as you work out.

    Start small and start as slow as you need to. Just set a goal of a little time on the treadmill or whatever your exercise of the day is and do that. You don't have to start out thinking you need to run a marathon. Set small, attainable goals and add to them. Can you do 10 or 15 minutes to start? Make it your goal to do it and if you just can't, it's okay! Just try it again tomorrow. If you keep trying you will make it and then you can set another goal. You can do this!
  • dtwalker65
    dtwalker65 Posts: 6 Member
    Look up "Stew Smith Beginners Fitness" it has changed my life. He is a man of his word. I have never felt better, I was in your boat too.
  • howtodothis
    I swim-and I found a personal trainer through the city recreation centre who helped me make up a work out-well worth it-and they have them everywhere I believe.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    good advice in here.

    start slow OP.
    do the things that you can handle AND that you actually enjoy.

    those are the things that you will stick with and will ultimately lead to success!

    keep that mental motivation going! you can totally do this!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Low impact.... Walk, swim. Go slow and work your way up.

    I'm 5'2 and started at 211. I started by walking my heart out.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member

    or the pool.

    you can do it.

    stay on your calorie deficit though for sure. Good combination of diet awareness and walking will take you far.

  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member

    or the pool.

    you can do it.

    stay on your calorie deficit though for sure. Good combination of diet awareness and walking will take you far.

    I agree this is a great start. For someone with knee problems, very low contact exercise (such as the pool) sounds perfect. As you lose weight/gain strength you should be able to do more.