Does it really matter when you eat?

You hear a lot of people say not to eat at night.
I'm trying to hit 1200, so I can get okay with this increase and keep upping the amount until maintenance. I'm busy and I can't eat a ton during the day. I looked at my diary and I still have 600 left (ate 600 so far). I'm going to sleep in a few hours (1-4 hours). Will eating that 600 result in weight gain?


  • defauIt
    defauIt Posts: 118 Member
    It doesn't matter when you eat. Eat whenever you prefer.
  • Catman50
    Catman50 Posts: 33 Member
    Not if your body needs it for energy, repair etc
    If your still in your maintenance figure then you shouldn't put on weight & it doesn't really matter when you eat if your trying to hit those macros. They say ya bodies metabolism is higher in the morning that all.

    I upped my macros and was finding it hard to fit it all in (I still do tbh). Just eat when ever you can to get those numbers in & If it helps like it does for me get some kind of protein powder / weight gain and have a shake in those gaps to boost up the numbers.

    Ive been laying awake since 4am tossing and turning.. well I may as well get up and have a shake and throw a banana in the blender also as a pre breakfast warmup. Not really feeling like solid food at 4:30 am when im still 1/2 asleep.

    Anyway the above is my take on it hope it helps
  • bluecat145
    bluecat145 Posts: 144 Member
    If not, coul you explain to me exactly why that is?
    When you sleep, you don't as many calories as you do awake, so wouldn't the calories you ate before be turned into fat.
    I know it probably sounds stupid and I'm not phrasing it right, but I'm just really curious about it.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Yes and no - IF and common practices prove that timings or when you are eating a specific macro are not relevant.
    So the not eating at night / not eating carbs at night is complete BS.
    However - that being said - if you train pre and post workout nutrition is not to be neglected.
    You want to make sure you maximize you fuel your workout properly and make all your penies worth afterwards.

    Hence - what you eat when is irrelevant beside before and straight after a workout!
  • Catman50
    Catman50 Posts: 33 Member
    Well you may not burn as many calories when ya asleep because your just laying there and not as active as you are while your awake. But the way I see it ya body is a furnace and it does most of its repair work while you are asleep.

    So it doesn't matter if you eat before you sleep because if your body needs that fuel to repair or maintain its existing weight it will use that fuel to do so. If like me your trying to make muscle then if you have your macros right and your training then hopefully that fuel will turn to muscle at night instead.

    Also the internet is a tool.. take the information you find useful and then put it into practice .. everybodies body and lifestyle is different and you have to try these things out and see what works for you imo :)
    BIGBMF Posts: 50 Member
    Not really but if you eat at 3 am and weigh yourself in the morning you will be heavier. Same thing if you eat at 12pm and weigh in the afternoon though.
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    You're going to get a lot of people giving you different opinions on this one. It varies from person to person. You could try it out and if it works - great. If not, try something else!
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    Not really.

    I mean, some people might have preferences.This has more to do with appetite than metabolism or anything. As calories are still calories, whether you eat them at 12 pm or 12 am. However, some people who skip breakfast will be so hungry come lunch that they eat like a starved dog. Then again, some people skip breakfast and manage to stay within their calorie goal.
  • NICOLEMC1980
    NICOLEMC1980 Posts: 9 Member
    I find that I can eat whatever I want whenever I want as long as I stay within my calorie goal and exercise.
    BIGBMF Posts: 50 Member
    You're going to get a lot of people giving you different opinions on this one. It varies from person to person. You could try it out and if it works - great. If not, try something else!

    The laws of thermodynamics do not apply to anyone differently. 100 calories at 9 pm or 2 am is still 100 calories. This is not my opinion.