
Hello, to be honest I'm shocked I'm even writing this, as for me I usually go it alone but using this app to keep a food diary, but I've never really given it a good go.
So tonight I learnt there was a community and walla I'm here.
Ok even saying my weight cringes me but I'm trying to throw caution to the wind and just go forth.

I weighed two weeks ago at 203 pounds my heaviest ever, since then I've been at the gym and trying to do 10k every day today I had a rest day I feel my legs needed it.
So tbh I'm afraid to get on the scales even though I really want to as I feel lighter, but I do have that fear of it saying " NO WEIGHT LOSS", yes I know it's not all about the scales and it's how you feel but really if that number changed in my weight going up then it must come down :)
It really is a motivator I guess, but a scary one at that!

Anyways I seen all these great success stories and thought why not introduce myself and give it a go.

So " hello" once again :)


  • BadassSavageVix
    BadassSavageVix Posts: 432 Member

    I also have a small fear of the scales saying no weight loss but I'll bridge that gap when I come to it. If you work hard at it the weight will come down and I know that being on these message boards means that you can get help, support and encouragement for everyone around. Good luck with it :)
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Welcome, and, hi! Here's to good health! Add me if you are looking for friends!
  • Janicebrown77
    Janicebrown77 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you both. :)
  • vettim16
    vettim16 Posts: 97 Member
    Don't just rely on the scale. Take measurements and pictures. They can be motivating when the scale isn't. I also go by how my clothing is fitting. If you are looking for friends feel free to add me!
  • grannylou89121
    grannylou89121 Posts: 8 Member
    vettim16 has some good advice. Don't rely on the scale because your body realigns itself as you lose weight and gain muscle. Remember - muscle weighs more than fat, and STRONG is the new SKINNY!!! I suggest trying on a piece of clothing that is tight, once a week. I have lost out on wearing some items because I didn't think I lost enough to fit in them, but when I did try them on- they were already loose. Good luck and welcome!
  • Janicebrown77
    Janicebrown77 Posts: 18 Member
    I agree 100% I weighed today and lost 5kg as I hadn't weighed in two weeks but felt slimmer in clothes, I did also take pics two weeks ago so in around 6 more weeks I'll take more to compare.

    Thanks for your advice, it's very much appreciated

  • Satr33
    Satr33 Posts: 8
    For sure do the measurements and not just weight. It's kinda cool losing an inch here and there even when the weight is slow to come off.
  • Janicebrown77
    Janicebrown77 Posts: 18 Member
    Too right :) thanks
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi. Best of luck to you in reaching your goals! I can't tell you how many evil thoughts I've directed at my scale. Now I just see it as data to be analyzed.

  • Janicebrown77
    Janicebrown77 Posts: 18 Member