Insanity or 30 Day Shred - Women?

So, this is my second time around with MFP. I used this thing well over a year ago and lost around 40lbs. Well, I'm back and have gained some weight and still have a long ways to go. I won't have access to a gym for three more weeks and I am going to start my diet I need some advice. I have both the insanity DVD as well as the 30DS (which was given to me). I want to lose around 80lbs total and was wondering what you all thought about these two? Which one should I do? Which one has better results? Is there anywhere I can see the results from people who actually have used these? I tried google but a ton of random pictures popped up. I am going to be eating really clean so my nutrition will be on point. It's just that I want to lose some fat before lifting big weights. Suggestions on these DVDS?? I'm currently a size 16 and would reaaaaallly like to be at least a least. I don't plan on being stick skinny, but want to be athletic and muscular (like I used to be before college).


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    Starting with Insanity is like going from walking around the block to running a 10k. Start with the 30DS (but it killed my knees when I was overweight, so watch out for that).
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    I have done both and 30 Day Shred would be the best for you to start with - Insanity is bloody difficult even for a fit person and I think you would end up dropping it or injuring yourself within a fortnight.

    Both will have great results if you stick to the routine and calorie count!
  • nasrin35
    I have done 30day fully and attempted Insanity but stopped because I could not keep up. 30D is a good start, however I am starting to exercise again and will be doing insanity as I want to lose a significant amount of weight. The trick to insanity is to listen to your body if it resists a move and do a modified version. You must push your self to do it properly but you know your own limits and listen to what your joints tel you. If you modify a move make sure you increase the repetitions and intensity over time until you can do it without a problem. I know it's a big challenge but you wouldn't be on MFP and on these forums if you didn't want to challenge yourself. :)
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    It's not supposed to get easier!! :P

    Stick with INSANITY. It's a brand I believe in....I've been at it since 2013 and really, really believe in this program. As it says "It doesn't get easier, you just get better". I even got certified to teach it live this past March and I'm so happy I did. The Shred is a great starter program, but it's too easy and you're body won't adapt anymore once it's no longer being challenged. I'd give INSANITY a try. It's worth sticking with. Let me know if you need help with any of the moves! :)
  • R_Bedard
    R_Bedard Posts: 91 Member
    30DS! With three levels, you can ease into it. 10 days of level 1, 10 days, level 2, 10 days level three. You may even choose to do it twice or three times. Then once you feel comfortable with your abilities, switch to insanity.
  • coach_si
    There is also the Athlean XX programme from Jeff Cavalier (it has female instructors) my wife has been doing it for 5 weeks and in conjunction with MR had lost over 14 pounds.
  • cecesquats
    cecesquats Posts: 166 Member
    start with 30ds. in the end, the best one to choose is the one that you'll actually stick with. insanity is very difficult and the workouts are longer than the shred workouts. it's not going to benefit you if you start insanity and dread it and just stop doing it. by the time you finish the shred, you'll probably be ready for something more challenging, like insanity.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    30DS! With three levels, you can ease into it. 10 days of level 1, 10 days, level 2, 10 days level three. You may even choose to do it twice or three times. Then once you feel comfortable with your abilities, switch to insanity.


    If you're really starting from scratch I think insanity now would make you quit. Ease into it. 30DS is easy compare to insanity.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    It started with 30DS then move onto insanity and completed that back in 2012. I couldn't think of anything worse these days lol but I've done it. I got amazing results from 30DS!
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Neither. Lift weights. Way better for you in every way. No it doesn't make you bulky.
  • BellaGettinFit
    BellaGettinFit Posts: 113 Member
    i am out of shape. insanity was just entirely too hard. i couldn't finish. i'm not interested in doing the hardest workout on the planet. i want something i can finish and will not dread doing it each day. i found that with 30 day shred. it's quick workout that will leave you sweating.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    I agree - Insanity is INTENSE! I started with 30DS after having my baby to get my core fitness back and then moved onto don't want to get injured, Insanity can be hard on the knees and back!
  • freckled_belle
    I've started strong-lifts 5x5 almost a month ago at 255 lbs. I would not wait to start lifting heavy! I have seen numerous posts as well as friends on my friend's list who say that they wish they had started lifting weights early in their weight-loss. I've dropped 10 lbs in the last month and a crazy amount of inches, I eat A LOT!

    I know people that weigh 300+ lbs and do Insanity! It's hard, they modify it. Choose which you like to do. Try Insanity if you want to do it more or 30DS, figure out what works for you .....
  • LivyMarie93
    LivyMarie93 Posts: 134 Member
    I never tried insanity but I would love to purchase it one day. I seen the weight loss results by some users and I was amazed. But for now I enjoy doing my 30 day shred 5 times a week. For a good few minutes Jillian will have you sweating with your heart rate high. But try them and see which one works for you the best. I also recommend JM's Kickbox Fast Fix if you're good at learning combination exercises.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    If you're starting out, do 30 Day Shred, there is weight training, not heavy, but its a start if you're a beginner. If you want to do a Shaun T program, do Focus T25, only 25 minutes and its progressive. I consider myself a fairly fit person, did FT25, Turbo Fire, lift heavy, but when I tried an Insanity class, I thought I would die. I made it through the class without stopping, but it was not easy.

    ETA: 30 day shred is much much cheaper than Insanity. Something to think about.