Fair / Carnival Food [dun dun duuuunnnn]

It's Fair Season !!! Anything you're looking forward to food wise ? Will you try to log everything while staying within your goal, or will you go all out like Shaggy from Scooby Doo ?


  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    I went to my state fair Wednesday. I logged everything and I didn't do to bad. I ordered 1 serving of things and me, my daughter and my mom shared. I also enjoy seeing the animals and riding rides, so I tried not to make it all about the food. Me and my daughter did share a deep fried twinkie though. Yum!!! lol
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    A fair came to our little town and I promised my kids we'd indulge in cotton candy and mini doughnuts, and we sure did. I logged everything, including the doughnuts which went against my being gluten free (and paid for it dearly with gut pain and a migraine). We had a ton of fun and enjoyed every moment, even with the aftermath I don't regret it at all!
  • wildskies
    wildskies Posts: 129 Member
    We went to the fair Wed. I had roasted chicken/corn/biscuit for dinner then also had kettle corn and funnel cake. Then last night I went to a street festival and had more kettle corn and fry bread. Managed to stay within my calorie goal both days (barely, and only because of exercise calories) but tbh, I felt like crap all day today. Tired, headache, etc. I had a couple of really low net calorie days before that and I think those followed by the overload of food that I don't normally eat just got the best of me.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I must be the only one who doesn't actually like that stuff, lol. I'd rather go nuts on good pastries or a good restaurant than fair food. My complain every time is that I can't seem to find anything semi healthy (although typically a burger or sweet Italian sausage sandwich will do.. but I can make my own for less calories, so it's always a bit of a bummer).
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    the county fair is coming up this week. I cannot wait for deep fried oreos. I seriously wait all year for them.

    also I typically get a 4h milkshake, grilled corn and a gyro!
  • Rmfowler1990
    Rmfowler1990 Posts: 83 Member
    Wisconsin fairs = cheese curds and beer

    Log and move on. I enjoy myself but keep it in moderation too. If I go over, no biggie but I want to keep track as well. We're all losing weight to ENJOY life not to get fit and stay inside and eat celery all day. All things in moderation.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    OMG, I want an elephant ear!
  • mickiebabs
    mickiebabs Posts: 183 Member
    So far I've managed to avoid all the major fairs in our area. A real challenge since my parents own a popcorn stand that sells cotton candy, carmel corn, and carmel apples. I was half tempted to have my stepmom bring me home a funnel cake from the fair they are working this week but the last time I ate a funnel cake while dieting, it threw my blood sugar so out of whack that I nearly passed out right on the fair grounds.