Weigh MORE in the morning?



    TAMEKAHARDY Posts: 8 Member
    Hey, LeeAnn

    I am having the fricking same problem! I weigh more in the morning but less around noon.. Pisses me off.. And I too also weigh myself daily.. It keeps me on track and motivates me that much more to keep going.. I guess it's just a habit.. So since I have been having this problem, I only have a protein shake for breakfast then I go workout.. When I come home, I pee, shower then weigh.. I have a trainer and we weigh in once a month.. I hate doing it because I know if I wait till later I will weigh less.. It depresses me as well cause I weigh more in the am and I train at 5:30 in the morning.. I have been looking for an answer to this mystery for months and have yet to find it:.. So, when I do, I will let you know.. Keep doing what you're doing.. Everybody is different and everyone will have an opinion but you do you.. :wink:
  • JLove2Zumba
    I just want to say I understand! Twice now I have weighed in post workout and my weight has been lower then stepping on the scale first thing in the morning.. I weighed in yesterday first thing at 135.. Then I had my toast for b'fast and coffee, and ran for an hour on the treadmill, I then Stripped down to nothing and jumped back on.. 134.2 .. I stepped on and off 5 times and there is where it stayed.. So I made the decision, that I will weigh in post workout from now on and not first thing in the morning.. NEVER at the end of the day, But I do believe a few hours after being up gives you more of an accurate reading : )
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I'll have to try this... though I have weighed both before and after bathroom and after 2 hours exercise and been the same weight.. I don't know if its water retention I do have monthlies.. I'll have to try it when they end.

    Usually on my regular digital scales (gives just one weight) I'm lighter in morning than at night but on the body fat scales I'm heavier first thing than at night and sometimes can be up to a stone difference between them, which I can't understand.

    I thought body fat scales might give a lighter reading cos its not including water weight, but surely can't be carrying about stone of water?... and other digital scales only fluctuate by 1 lb in day if I haven't eaten carbs. For example on digital scales this morning I was 11st 5, on the body fat scales just now I got 10st 2, 10st 8, 10st 3, 10st 4... usually on digital scales I get the same number if I get on and off a few times in a row.. so they are the ones I go by.
    TAMEKAHARDY Posts: 8 Member
    Jaime, good idea.. Post workout weighing is more accurate for me right now.. I'm thinking it has something to do with gravity or something.. But I have yet to find anything online about it, just a bunch of forums.. But I really need to stop weighing every single day cause when the scale doesn't change daily, even if it is the same weight as the day before, it ruins my whole day! pretty bad, huh? I don't gain but some days, I may weigh the same for two days and I hate that with a passion..
  • Care911
    I don't have an answer for this... I was just trying to look it up myself, lol. But I just wanted to say that I have the same thing happen to me. If I weigh right when I get out of bed--and I also weigh daily--I weigh anywhere from 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 lbs more than if I weigh myself the same way a few hours later. This is consistent, and the only thing that may have changed is going pee, and sometimes not even that. That certainly isn't responsible for that type of weight loss! My last scale broke only a week or two ago and I still have this so I doubt it is your battery. And I have a wood floor, not carpet, and my scale is completely level.

    The only thing I can think of--besides what some people have mentioned about maybe not having fully digested food from the night before (which even then, is curious, because it is still in your body--but maybe the food weighs more in you before it has been fully digested? That much weight difference seems unlikely, but I honestly don't know) is I wonder about muscle tone. When you sleep your muscles become relaxed, and you become heavy. Any person who has ever had their partner fall asleep on them, or carried a sleeping child, can testify to the fact that dead weight of a sleeping person is A LOT heavier than trying to lift them when they are fully awake and alert, and it isn't their actual weight that has changed. So maybe when you first wake up your body is kind of like that, not fully out of that zone, and your muscles aren't functioning as well because you are still slightly sleepy and relaxed, than they are a couple of hours later when you are fully alert and moving around.

    Not sure how that works, but it's the only other reason I can think of for this. And I don't know about for others, but for me it is consistently this way.
  • popcornplaya64
    I feel for you. I weigh myself 5 or 6 times a day and if I'm ever over two pounds heavier I won't eat for 12 hours and do a lot of exercise. I think something is wrong with me. Haha.
  • mundaycarroll
    mundaycarroll Posts: 64 Member
    I know exactly how you feel about having to know the numbers. For me it's like the number on the scale is what determins how big I am. I know that's not true at all but it's just how my thought process works. I'm trying really hard to fix that though.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    WOW this is an old thread.
  • tmbg1
    tmbg1 Posts: 1,344 Member
    I weigh more in the morning too!! I still haven't figured out why.
  • belabbacihadj
    belabbacihadj Posts: 1 Member
    Recently started doing Diet , I am experiencing same! did you know what was the reason ?
  • Lynatea
    Lynatea Posts: 311 Member
    edited June 2020
    I always weigh less in the morning. First thing, after emptying bladder and in the nude. I can weigh as much as 5 lbs higher if I weigh before bed, so the morning gives me the best baseline to determine consistent, true loss.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited June 2020
    I always weigh less in the morning. First thing, after emptying bladder and in the nude. I can weigh as much as 5 lbs higher if I weigh before bed, so the morning gives me the best baseline to determine consistent, true loss.

    I am always at my lightest first thing too..
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    gahh this is an OLD thread!
  • Lynatea
    Lynatea Posts: 311 Member
    gahh this is an OLD thread!

    Shoot, I didn't even see that, darnit!
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,568 Member
    I can think of a couple of things here:

    your scale is dodgy, not on a flat surface, has dust underneath the feet or in need of a new battery. Worth checking all those.

    Do you get dehydrated during the day and have something to drink on your bedside table? Water of course has weight. I find that if I drink very little during daytime, for example because I'm hiking all day and don't drink enough then I pee very little. Also, when I work out in the evening and don't replenish all fluids and still sweat a bit in bed then my body holds onto additional water more.

    Night snacking? Does food vanish from the kitchen?
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,883 Member
    edited June 2020
    One of the things I dislike about (some) threads that are reawakened from a long-past year like 2011 is that they're often full of pretty terrible (outdated, or just plain wrong) advice.

    This is an example. There's some terrible, bad, incorrect stuff. I'm not going to belabor what and why.

    Also, just for fun: I usually weigh less in the late afternoon, in the rare cases I step on the scale then. (I put my AM weights in Libra, for consistency of conditions, anyway.)

    Also, fun fact to know: When we lose fat, approximately 80% of that weight is exhaled in the form of gases. The other roughly 20% is water. Part of that water is of course lost through urine or sweat . . . but part of the water is also exhaled in the form of invisible humidity. Guess what you do more of, in your sleep, coinciding with a long time period of no food/fluid intake? ;)

    You are breathing out your fat weight.