Just Diagnosed Pre-Diabetic



  • louisefranks
    louisefranks Posts: 12 Member
    I have prediabetes too (diagnosed last month), so of course I'm modifying my lifestyle. I've been eating low carb high fat and the weight is just dropping off. I have about 10 stone to lose, so it's going to be a long process. Have you checked out the forums here http://www.diabetes.co.uk/forum/? They're a great source of support for me and it's fab to be able to ask questions from the "pro's".

    best of luck x
  • louisefranks
    louisefranks Posts: 12 Member
    Just thought...have you had your thyroid checked? Seems thyroid-ish to me, check with your doctor...
  • crymsnroze
    crymsnroze Posts: 21 Member

    For the last three weeks I've been experiencing what seems to be daily symptoms of slight dizziness, tremors, anxiety (lump in throat), headaches, and others on occasion like sweats, palpitations, etc. Unsure if the anxiety itself is a result of pre-diabetes or if it is just from dealing with the other symptoms so long.

    Your symptoms are classic symptoms of hypoglycemia. Do these symptoms get better/go away after eating? Do you test your blood sugar?

    We thought it was reactive hypoglycemia when she scheduled me for a 2 hour oral glucose tolerance test.

    I now test my blood sugar in the AM and when I have the symptoms I've described above.
    Usually symptoms are when I'm over 140.

    My 2 Hour OGTT was 166.

    When I went for my 2 hour test I also had my thyroid checked as well as my electrolytes which both came back at normal range.

    Here is what I've been reading in regards to symptoms: http://www.mpcp.com/articles/pre-diabetes/
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member

    For the last three weeks I've been experiencing what seems to be daily symptoms of slight dizziness, tremors, anxiety (lump in throat), headaches, and others on occasion like sweats, palpitations, etc. Unsure if the anxiety itself is a result of pre-diabetes or if it is just from dealing with the other symptoms so long.

    Your symptoms are classic symptoms of hypoglycemia. Do these symptoms get better/go away after eating? Do you test your blood sugar?

    We thought it was reactive hypoglycemia when she scheduled me for a 2 hour oral glucose tolerance test.

    I now test my blood sugar in the AM and when I have the symptoms I've described above.
    Usually symptoms are when I'm over 140.

    My 2 Hour OGTT was 166.

    When I went for my 2 hour test I also had my thyroid checked as well as my electrolytes which both came back at normal range.

    Here is what I've been reading in regards to symptoms: http://www.mpcp.com/articles/pre-diabetes/

    I'm surprised they used the OGTT, but I'm curious what your starting (fasting for 8-10 hours) glucose was.

    Also, I'm confused about the timeline. You went in for the OGTT today? Have you been using a glucometer for awhile, and have found high glucose with these symptoms on multiple days and in various circumstances? How long? If you just did the OGTT today, what prompted use of a glucometer and when?
  • crymsnroze
    crymsnroze Posts: 21 Member
  • mmd575
    mmd575 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi, my name is Holly, I'm 32 and just today was diagnosed with impaired glucose tolerance or pre-diabetes.

    For the last three weeks I've been experiencing what seems to be daily symptoms of slight dizziness, tremors, anxiety (lump in throat), headaches, and others on occasion like sweats, palpitations, etc. Unsure if the anxiety itself is a result of pre-diabetes or if it is just from dealing with the other symptoms so long.

    Looking for a way to stop these symptoms by trying diet and exercise. According to BMI I am 40-50 overweight for my height and age so I'm hoping this really helps.

    Otherwise the next step would be to schedule a tilt table test, but my blood pressure has been normal every time I visit the doctor so I'm unsure if it would tell me anything different.

    If anyone else has other opinions or recommendations, I'd be glad to read them flowerforyou

    Anyone is welcome to friend me :ohwell:

    Hi, I was diagnosed as what my doctor would call a "borderline type II diabetic" and she wanted to put me on metformin as well. I asked her what I could do so that I don't have to take pills (my mom is type II and has to take two pills to control her sugar) she told me I had to lose weight and see a nutritionist. I asked my doc tor to prescribe me a glucose meter so I could monitor my sugar (my insurance also pays for the meter and supplies). But honestly seeing a nutritionist was the best thing for me and then I started walking my sugars have returned to the normal range. About the anxiety well not sure what is causing that but I know after my diagnosis I had panic attacks because I was freaking out about the diagnosis, but in my case it was accepting the diagnosis and realizing that I have to treat myself better.

    But when my sugar dips low (for me it's around 79 , but doesn't happen often) I tend to get overly tired and even if I get enough sleep it feels like I'm fatigued and want to take a nap.
  • crymsnroze
    crymsnroze Posts: 21 Member
    Started having symptoms the mid- July so I bought a glucose meter with my HSA because my Dad is Type 2 and that was my first thought. I went to doctor on the 5th of August, 72 hour high carb diet prior to test, glucose/thyroid/electrolyte test on the 8th, results and diagnosis today.

    Thyroid - OK
    Electrolytes - OK
    Glucose - I think my fasting number was around 93, 2 hour was 166.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    Started having symptoms the mid- July so I bought a glucose meter with my HSA because my Dad is Type 2 and that was my first thought. I went to doctor on the 5th of August, 72 hour high carb diet prior to test, glucose/thyroid/electrolyte test on the 8th, results and diagnosis today.

    Thyroid - OK
    Electrolytes - OK
    Glucose - I think my fasting number was around 93, 2 hour was 166.

    How often do you have these symptoms?
    Have you tried to test 2 hours after meals at home, whether you experience the symptoms or not, and recording both glucose and your symptoms?

    I still think it may be a coincidence that your glucose is high when you have these symptoms as they are not what one would expect for hyperglycemia... especially not something as slight as 140. If that were the case, everybody would have those symptoms about 15-30 minutes after every meal.

    With that said, it is still important to lose weight and deal with the pre-diabetes. Just don't be surprised if that doesn't resolve your symptoms.
  • 1flowergirl
    1flowergirl Posts: 57 Member
    the anxiety, lump in the throat, tremors& palpitation's, are also symptoms for thyroid disease, I would make another appt and have the Dr run a full thyroid panel, I went many months with those same symptoms before a new Dr found the true problem, as for the sugar issue, cut down carbs,get some weight off and those numbers may drop, I was insulin resistant, pre diabetic also.After losing 50 lbs my numbers are normal, I watched my grandpa lose a leg and my dad go blind from diabetes, and made the decision to do what it takes to avoid that same fate, for me diet changes, weight lose and exercise did it.
    Good luck, and get that thyroid checked! it can cause terrible anxiety.
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,687 Member
    People who are accustomed to running high BG can experience false hypos. This is caused by stress hormones being released when BG is at the lower range of normal (say 4.0-4.6). The standard wisdom is not to treat false hypos with sugary food or glucose tablets. If your BG is really on the low side, try having a small glass of fruit juice.

    Important thing is to get a meter and test whether you are getting real hypos or false ones. After my BG normalized (after losing weight, my hba1c returned to 5.0 without medication) I stopped experiencing false hypos.
  • changing4life
    changing4life Posts: 193 Member
    Save for later.
  • staylo13
    staylo13 Posts: 13
    I would suggest reading Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes without Drugs. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last year and have been following this for the past month. My blood sugar readings are lower than they have been since diagnosed.
  • crymsnroze
    crymsnroze Posts: 21 Member
    I would suggest reading Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes without Drugs. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last year and have been following this for the past month. My blood sugar readings are lower than they have been since diagnosed.

    Thanks :)
  • crymsnroze
    crymsnroze Posts: 21 Member
    Started having symptoms the mid- July so I bought a glucose meter with my HSA because my Dad is Type 2 and that was my first thought. I went to doctor on the 5th of August, 72 hour high carb diet prior to test, glucose/thyroid/electrolyte test on the 8th, results and diagnosis today.

    Thyroid - OK
    Electrolytes - OK
    Glucose - I think my fasting number was around 93, 2 hour was 166.

    How often do you have these symptoms?
    Have you tried to test 2 hours after meals at home, whether you experience the symptoms or not, and recording both glucose and your symptoms?

    I still think it may be a coincidence that your glucose is high when you have these symptoms as they are not what one would expect for hyperglycemia... especially not something as slight as 140. If that were the case, everybody would have those symptoms about 15-30 minutes after every meal.

    With that said, it is still important to lose weight and deal with the pre-diabetes. Just don't be surprised if that doesn't resolve your symptoms.

    You're right, it didn't resolve the symptoms.

    Doctor decided to try me on a SSRI for a month and scheduled a followup appt.

    She also thinks that the digestive issues I've also passed off as due to gallbladder surgery in '06 could also be caused by anxiety "nervous stomach".