Torn Meniscus - How can I exercise?!?!?!

lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
I just found out I have a torn meniscus and am getting an MRI on Monday to see how severe. Any idea what I could do to to exercise with a bum knee?


  • karenleepl
    karenleepl Posts: 4 Member
    Funny thing is, i came in here to basically discuss about the new symptom i have which is a painless clicking sound on my left knee whenever i do squats with or without barbell. I am wondering if it is torn meniscus as i havent seen a doctor yet.

    Ive read online that it might be due to the lack of warm up prior to intense exercise... but id really like to know more before i have it checked out and wondering if i shld continue my squatting and lunging routine with weights...

    This is rather worrying. Sorry on wrtiting this on your thread; i hope u feel better soon and also get some good answers here.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I'm dealing with this right now, too. I've shut it all down - no running, no cycling, no soccer - and focusing on rehab-type exercises to strengthen the ligaments and muscles around it. I went through this last year when I started a C210k - 10 days off and restarting the program nice and slow took care of it.

    It sucks, but there really isn't much you can do except hit the Reset button and build back up slowly.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    I just found out I have a torn meniscus and am getting an MRI on Monday to see how severe. Any idea what I could do to to exercise with a bum knee?

    Cycling. The muscles will atrophy rather quickly due to the torn mensicus. Hopefully, you'll get scoped rather quickly and can begin the rehab to build the leg back up. Takes about 6 months to a year to return to full leg strength.

    I've had both knees done due to torn meniscus. Not fun, but you will bounce back.
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    Upper body work like shadow boxing?

    Swimming or water jogging or deep water aerobics?
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    I've had extensive work and damage to one of my knees including 4 separate surgeries, I agree with the other poster about the bicycle and I would use a stationary bike only with low resistance just to keep things loose. If it starts to hurt or swell stop immediately, ice will be your friend.
  • jocoff2012
    jocoff2012 Posts: 7 Member
    3 ACL tears veteran; 2 surgeries & 3 rehabs. I would stick with light stuff until you get an mri, when that stuff floats around it can get painful & even catch. Dull pain isn't as bad as a stabbing pain but keep an eye on swelling, if so then RICE. I would go maybe stationary bike. Just from experience I would get that mri sooner than later as that gives you a starting place. A scope isn't difficult to recover from & you can be back on your feet the next day/week. Putting it off can do more damage.
  • bluntlysally
    bluntlysally Posts: 150 Member
    when you are cleared, get a chiro/sports med place show you how to use kinesiology tape. it saves me from being couch bound many many days every month.

    for me, i get used to the tape on your skin feeling in the first 10-20 minutes and then i have a normal knee!!

    for the knee, i prefer the rocktape brand. plus they have some great patterns. :)
  • SunnyDuckling
    SunnyDuckling Posts: 204 Member
    Oooh! My sympathies. I tore my meniscus skiing a few years ago. :brokenheart:

    Definitely need to concentrate on non-weight bearing exercises. Swimming & cycling would be the two most convenient. Take it easy when you do. Don't substitute running at a frantic pace for swimming or cycling at a frantic pace.
    The muscles will atrophy rather quickly due to the torn mensicus.
    This is very important to keep in mind. I never did as much physio exercises as I was meant to do, and three and half years after the surgery (arthroscopy), my right leg is still slightly weaker than my left. A fact I only discovered recently.

    There should be some strengthening exercises you could do, in particular to strengthen the muscles above and below that connect the knee. The exercises on this page are ones that I was asked to do as pre- and post surgery rehabilitation of my knee. I found them useful. But of course, go easy on them, you know your own body and its limitations.

    Good luck, I hope you find answers on Monday.
  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    You all are amazing. Thank you for all of your feedback. MRI was today, I have the images and now a follow up with the ortho. I walked this afternoon (only 1.5 miles) and it was painful. I am not liking my odds!

    Is it possible to lose weight without exercise? I feel like I really need to exercise.