Loose the fat first - or start lifting immediately

This is Round 2 for me I'm ashamed to say.

I lost interest in my program as I had acute plantar fasciitis. My previous program consisted of uber amounts of cardio, and I eventually was too sore to train; even lifting hurt because it put strain on my feet. I went from 146Lbs in Nov 2013 - 166.2 Lbs as of today.

I have seen a podiatrist, have the inserts for my shoes, have been wearing them since May and feel about 50% better.

So...... I've decided to try a new tack and reduce the cardio and start lifting. I just have one small question. My goal weight is 132Lbs which means I have about 34 Lbs to loose, should I loose some of the weight (calorie deficit) before I start lifting, or is it okay to head off the weight room immediately (no calorie deficit)

My Stats:

45 Years Old
RMR 1336 (maintenance) (calculated from formula in New Rules of Lifting for Women)
BMI (28) 1600 on non work-out days and 1870 on workout days (maintenance) (New Rules of Lifting for Women)
Weight 166.2 Lbs
Set Carbs @ 40% Protein 30% Fat 30%


  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Start lifting last week.

    This week will do, however.


    If you're looking to lose weight you'll still need the calorie deficit, but lifting will help make sure you keep muscle and lose fat (also make sure you get plenty of protein) and you'll probably find you get some strength improvements anyway despite a deficit.

    I'd set protein based on body weight/lbm rather than as a percentage.
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    Thanks Geebusuk (Sp?)

    Perhaps I should start off with a small calorie deficit say 300 cals for the first month and then assess and change if need be.

    If I loose 1Kg (2.2 pounds) a month, I will be happy. Even though, I must say, it's not really the weight I want to focus on this time around. I really want to focus on inches.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    This is Round 2 for me I'm ashamed to say.

    I lost interest in my program as I had acute plantar fasciitis. My previous program consisted of uber amounts of cardio, and I eventually was too sore to train; even lifting hurt because it put strain on my feet. I went from 146Lbs in Nov 2013 - 166.2 Lbs as of today.

    I now have seen a podiatrist, have the inserts for my shoes, have been wearing them since May and feel about 50% better.

    So...... I've decided to try a new tack and reduce the cardio and start lifting. I just have one small question. My goal weight is 132Lbs which means I have about 34 Lbs to loose, should I loose some of the weight (calorie deficit) before I start lifting, or is it okay to head off the weight room immediately (no calorie deficit)

    My Stats:

    45 Years Old
    RMR 1336 (maintenance) (calculated from formula in New Rules of Lifting for Women)
    BMI (28) 1600 on non work-out days and 1870 on workout days (maintenance) (New Rules of Lifting for Women)
    Weight 166.2 Lbs
    Set Carbs @ 40% Protein 30% Fat 30%

    Start in the weight room NOW. The weight loss will most likely be slower, but the results are amazing! You might find that with weight training you don't *need* to lose 34lbs to look the way you want to.

    I personally have been a skinny-fat size 8 at 140lbs, and a fat-fat size 18 at 228lbs. Currently I am a chubby 10/12 at 184lbs. I have 20lbs to lose to go from obese to overweight according to that stupid BMI chart, but my goal is to be a size 8. Because muscle takes up less space than fat ("muscle weighs more than fat") you can be heavier, but look lighter. People generally guess that I weigh around 150lbs.
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    Hi Sarahrbraun - Thanks so much for that inspiration. I am looking forward to hitting the weight room tomorrow.... a bit nervous... but excited nonetheless.

    I'm okay with small weight losses. I suppose when you get to 40+ it's more the inches that count... and looking good naked!
  • FatJockSing
    FatJockSing Posts: 164 Member
    As above . . . start lifting/gym with a calorie deficit and you SHALL lose weight. My coach has had me "Cardio Free" for a month now and so far I have dropped about 1 pound a week. 6 days deficit, one day eating on maintenance.

    Not sure about how I look . . . clothed or naked, but the weight is dropping and so are the inches!

    Good Luck!

  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    @ FJS - Giving up the cardio is going to be really difficult for me...... I just don't feel like I've worked out unless I am breathless.

    So if I lift three times a week, would it be okay to do light cardio, say the cross trainer, the other three days, or will I be defeating the object of gaining muscle.

    My worst fear is being skinny-fat.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    The calorie deficit amount is going to be both how quick you lose and how you work with different deficits.

    At the start of this year I did 20 weeks at 1000 calorie average deficit for 40lb loss. However, after enough 'yoyo's, I've worked out what works for me pretty well - hopefully this will be the time I don't bounce back up - have kept myself in control so far.

    Inches is pretty much related to the scales, I'm afraid.

    People who go for 'body decomposition' tend to be those who are already around their desired weight and are looking to keep keep the look they have at the expense of slow progress.

    However, nothing wrong with a 300 calorie deficit - I'm currently probably on something like that while recovering from an injury - ideally I should eat more, but I was also half way through my first 'bulk' when I was injured, so could do with losing a bit of fat anyway.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member

    Pick a good, heavy, progressive lifting program (StrongLifts, Starting Strength, All Pro, NROLFW, etc.), and maintain a modest deficit (like 10-15% of your TDEE) and enjoy the rewards. You can and will lose fat and get stronger while lifting weights and eating at a deficit. You'll also retain more muscle as you drop the fat, so you'll be firmer when you reach your goal weight. As an anecdote, I lost a decent amount of weight doing just cardio for a year but wasn't happy with how I looked afterwards. I finally started lifting weights and the weight sort of flew off (I had to raise my intake a lot) and was finally happy with my physique. Now I'm totally hooked on lifting. You won't regret it!
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    @ cmeiron - Thanks! I'm definately going to do as you all have suggested.

    Small deficit and lift!

    I have to say that I also lost quite a bit of weight last year doing loads of cardio, but, my appearance was not on a par with the amount of weight I lost doing cardio.

    Hi Ho Hi Ho - it's off to the weightroom I go!

    ETA: I'm doing the NROLFW program.
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    Start now!

    Honestly, I've never seen so many positive changes in my body in such a short space of time (8 inches lost overall in 3 weeks).
    There's no reason to delay diet either. Follow the -20% TDEE plan (or 15% if you want to lose slower) and you'll lose at a safe and steady pace.

    Do heavy lifts-low reps instead of low weight-high reps.
    I'm personally using Stronglifts, but I hear Starting Strength is good as well. If the weights listed in the plan are TOO heavy don't be ashamed to lower them a bit, or to use dumbbells and work up to barbells.
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    Also, I do cardio either two or three times per week. Since you have issues with your feet I'd say a stationary bike might be a safe bet. A cross trainer is good for your joints, but you'll still be on your feet for quite a while so a bike is better until you're feeling 100%.
    Use the interval setting for a higher burn.
  • I AM inspired by your motivation to get weight lifting How does one get into this weight/lifting. I am a female in my early fifties currently weighing 14st 4lb at 5ft tall, Physique I look as if I weigh 16 to 17 stones and wear size 20. Can weight lifting really help, can I at my age start this and where would I start, what do I need to do. SOS !!!!
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    The calorie deficit amount is going to be both how quick you lose and how you work with different deficits.

    At the start of this year I did 20 weeks at 1000 calorie average deficit for 40lb loss. However, after enough 'yoyo's, I've worked out what works for me pretty well - hopefully this will be the time I don't bounce back up - have kept myself in control so far.

    Inches is pretty much related to the scales, I'm afraid.

    People who go for 'body decomposition' tend to be those who are already around their desired weight and are looking to keep keep the look they have at the expense of slow progress.

    However, nothing wrong with a 300 calorie deficit - I'm currently probably on something like that while recovering from an injury - ideally I should eat more, but I was also half way through my first 'bulk' when I was injured, so could do with losing a bit of fat anyway.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Excellent typo :tongue:

    That said last year I lost 8" off my body without losing a single pound - and I am about 20lbs from my desired weight. Inches are not always related to the scale - especially if you are new to lifting, which I'm guessing you are.

    Start lifting now - you won't regret it :flowerforyou:
  • LiftAndBalance
    LiftAndBalance Posts: 960 Member
    @ FJS - Giving up the cardio is going to be really difficult for me...... I just don't feel like I've worked out unless I am breathless.
    Heavy compound lifts raise your heart rate as well - squats tend to leave me quite breathless for example ;)
    I AM inspired by your motivation to get weight lifting How does one get into this weight/lifting. I am a female in my early fifties currently weighing 14st 4lb at 5ft tall, Physique I look as if I weigh 16 to 17 stones and wear size 20. Can weight lifting really help, can I at my age start this and where would I start, what do I need to do. SOS !!!!
    Choose a beginner's programme (AllPro, Strong Curves, StrongLifts 5x5, Starting Strength, New Rules of Lifting for Women). Watch youtube videos on good form. Begin. Make sure you have good form (by asking a trainer to check, by filming yourself etc.). The programmes all use barbells but you can do the exercises with dumbbells to start with as well; I'm still not strong enough to even lift the empty bar (20 kg/45 lbs) for upper body exercises for example.
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230

    People who go for 'body decomposition' tend to be those who are already around their desired weight and are looking to keep keep the look they have at the expense of slow progress.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Excellent typo :tongue:

    That said last year I lost 8" off my body without losing a single pound - and I am about 20lbs from my desired weight. Inches are not always related to the scale - especially if you are new to lifting, which I'm guessing you are.

    Start lifting now - you won't regret it :flowerforyou:

    So it was not just me having a blonde moment then - I thought maybe it was some sort of new fitness fad or something. :laugh:

    Fabulous shrink! That's exactly what my goal is - to shrink! If the scale wants to also co-operate, that's a bonus!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    laughs it was a great typo!
    I started close to where you are 3 months ago and I've lost all but about 5-8 pounds; am doing heavy weights 5 days, little cardio (30 min) after each session. Kind of at a plateau right now as far as poundage, but definitely losing on the inches. People are starting to notice the definition which is a huge reward. This is most definitely the way to go!
    Good luck!
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member

    I started my program on Jan 1, dropped 80 lbs purely via cardio (mostly walking due to knee issues) and calorie control.
    ~Jun 1, I joined a gym and started lifting. I'm now doing 3 days of strength work, and 3 days of cardio (elliptical), plus one long walk on a Sat or Sun. I have dropped a further 20 lbs, putting me a few pounds from my goal.

    If I were to start all over again, the only thing I would change is to have done the 50/50 cardio/lifting split from day 1.

    Best of luck!
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230
    laughs it was a great typo!
    I started close to where you are 3 months ago and I've lost all but about 5-8 pounds; am doing heavy weights 5 days, little cardio (30 min) after each session. Kind of at a plateau right now as far as poundage, but definitely losing on the inches. People are starting to notice the definition which is a huge reward. This is most definitely the way to go!
    Good luck!

    Thank you Thank you Thank you!

    It is absolutely wonderful that people are noticing a difference after just three months! Well Done! And did I say Thank You!
  • CarynMacD
    CarynMacD Posts: 230

    I started my program on Jan 1, dropped 80 lbs purely via cardio (mostly walking due to knee issues) and calorie control.
    ~Jun 1, I joined a gym and started lifting. I'm now doing 3 days of strength work, and 3 days of cardio (elliptical), plus one long walk on a Sat or Sun. I have dropped a further 20 lbs, putting me a few pounds from my goal.

    If I were to start all over again, the only thing I would change is to have done the 50/50 cardio/lifting split from day 1.

    Best of luck!

    This is just the sort of thing I was hoping to hear. Well done!

    The program you are on now is exactly what I am hoping to do: 3 days of lifting with 3 days of eliptical inbetween. However I go sailing every second weekend so that will replace the long walks on the weekends. I am so excited to hear fabulous news like this from other members. Thanks so much for taking the time to comment.

    ETA: You look awsome by the way!
  • nicailyzee
    nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks just saving post!