Do you even like getting cheered on?



  • vpadd
    vpadd Posts: 7
    I think its great. this should be a open forum for support and good vibes...our lives are already too full of negativity and feeling shammed for messing up..its nice to have people "in your corner" even if you have never met them. I say keep on with your likes and way to go' might just make someones day!
  • amolyneau
    amolyneau Posts: 14
    I love being cheered on. I think because there are very few people interested in living a healthy lifestyle (at least those that I personally know) I think when someone is legitimately impressed or happy to see you are succeeding, why not share it?.. Besides, something as simple as "Way to go!" or "Keep it up!" Might be the encouragement someone needs while having a rough day?..

    Anyway, if you're interested in a motivational friend to cheer you on, feel free to add me! :)
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I have to admit that I like it. The best way for people to get to know each other here is by the small comments here and there as well as the "likes". I always play with my news feed settings so that I only post bigger things.

    I try to be a "supportive" friend here. :smile:
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    I love cheering people on and being encouraged when I hit a wall, (which I do). The friends I've met on here keep me accountable, and I hope in return, I do the same for them!
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    The language of the internet is generally exaggerated, lol. Please note that I did not literally laugh out loud.

    It's just how people generally communicate via text.

    Yeah. Since tone can be hard to read on the internet, using exclamation points or 'lol' helps. Otherwise someone saying 'Nice job' might look sarcastic.
  • Missboss888
    Missboss888 Posts: 41 Member
    I love using exclamation points :p
  • MisspelledMe
    MisspelledMe Posts: 33 Member
    I love it. Most of my support is online, either here or elsewhere. Every little bit of encouragement or assistance helps, and being able to give some of that in return is great. :)
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I could care less either way. I don't do this thing for gratification. It's nice but doesn't bother me. I congratulate others though.
  • kenc1971
    kenc1971 Posts: 107 Member
    Getting cheered on is awesome, I just wish that my neighbors would get the hint when my theme music starts blasting, and the pyros go off when I step out of my house in the morning. Maybe Michael Buffer can help me out. Until then, I'll get whatever cheers/encouragement I get here, and give 'em back.
  • Listeninguponyou
    Listeninguponyou Posts: 507 Member
    I actually really enjoy it. It keeps me motivated. When people tell me that I had a good morning run or congratulate me when I lose 1 lb for the week it's easier to keep going. Like someone else said on here, I don't really have anyone cheering me on in real life so when MFP friends do I feel better about this!

    I don't see a reason not to love it, it's pure motivation for you to reach your goals. I don't think I could of lost 21lb without it.

  • jellybeansmamma
    jellybeansmamma Posts: 122 Member
    I love getting cheered on, and I like cheering others on :) It's good to have somewhere to talk about weightloss, food etc and have other people interested in it to talk to.
  • lunalee84
    lunalee84 Posts: 372 Member
    While I don't have friends to cheer on yet, I think its nice. There is not enough support for people trying to make better choices- so why not be that person.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i like even more when people actually talk to me... you know. like... have conversations, act silly. call each other a spleen, whatever randomness is around to talk about. or about weight loss. i like sharing tips and recipes and getting them shared at me.

    but i also appreciate a good thumbs up when i do something that was not easy for me. or when it was. basically i like it when people aknowledge the work i do. yay for external validation!
  • maiko_91
    maiko_91 Posts: 10 Member
    I guess if people keep posting their progress as little as it may seem, and no notices or says anything it may appear as if no one cares or that what they're doing is of no significance. Although it doesn't seem like much that 'like' may just keep someone going. Not that we do this for the likes but it gives a gente the recognition that all humans seek in some way.
  • reneb28
    reneb28 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't really have anyone to talk to in "real" life, I think everyone around me is tired of hearing what I eat , how great my work out was or that I lost 2 lbs. I just recently found how to read the forums and find other people on here. So yeah some encouragement would be nice! Also I don't like sharing these things on my other social media sites..
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
  • nykismile
    nykismile Posts: 198
    I absolutely love being encouraged onward, maybe even a little too much.

    It makes up for the fact that people in real life tell me to stop.
  • picnic2day
    picnic2day Posts: 63 Member
    I'll be honest, if it was real life it'd drive me batty, but I guess I've joined this site to get a little encouragement from a distance :smile:
  • baoyaoren
    baoyaoren Posts: 11 Member
    I am completely new here, but what I noticed over the years in online communities is that a lot of people interact based on a 'I treat you like I wish to be treated' maxime*. That by itself isn't bad, but it can lead to situations where both people give the other the treatment they wish to receive, and neither actually receives the treatment they want. I think online it's harder to communicate that you're not comfortable with how somebody reacts to something you did, even though you are sure they're meaning well.
    And after a while they decide they don't like the other person.

    Tthat's kind of sad, because the other person might be very nice and might have become a good friend, and it's also sad because you wasted all the time trying to hint at how you wish to be treated.
    So, I think naturally people will start to find those who want to be treated like them, and build a circle of similar friends. But I think it's easier and you can make friends with more diverse people if you just talk about your intentions and ask if you're doing the right thing.

    I think that helps preventing 'I had good intentions!' situations. (In my language there is a saying, 'gut gemeint ist das Gegenteil von gut gemacht', 'well meant is the opposite of well done', meaning that when people have to rely on their intentions to explain why they did something, it means they are trying to justify why they screwed up.)

    *makes you wonder about trolls.

    ETA: I myself, nope. I have a hard time accepting compliments and beat myself up when people show me support and I think I'm disappointing them IRL, and it's only slightly better online.
  • xoxchelaxox08
    xoxchelaxox08 Posts: 5 Member
    I don't have "real" friends to help motivate me, but I personally see the likes and comments as support and motivation whether they're fake or not! It makes me feel good inside that people are "cheering" me on! Everyone needs a support system, and besides me boyfriend, I rely on my MFP friends :)