Choking on the Sands of Time

Sometimes, I get nostalgic and a little reflective. I remember days that I felt like time were so slow. I start to think of time, as the immovable hourglass it truly is


It starts out as a slow trickle. Merely pebbles to an endless sea. Maybe that's how I felt every time I gave up on something. The "Oh well, I've got other things to do. " Or the, "I'll start tomorrow."'s.


We feel invincible when we're going through our lives half open to it. Closed off by the horse blinders of work, eat, sleep.

When is a good time for change?


New year's?


You may not be ready but the Sands of time always are. We cannot choose our demise, or genetics, our past. But we can change what we do today to better ourselves even in miniscule ways. I'm not saying be perfect. I'm saying try. No more, "I've tried everything. " Or, "I'm trying this 10 day juice cleanse because I'm impulsive and love burning out and starting back at square one. "

Small changes, small progress beats the Sands of time. Rise above it. Claw your way out until that day. Don't let it surprise you. Be the best you, you can muster and give your heart in each motion so that the Sands of time do not rise to extinguish a life unlived.


I say it a lot but... Let love guide you. Self Worth and self love. Take this not lightly but do so in gentle steps. Be who you're destined to be and not what you think you are in your darkest hour. Have courage. Have faith that the beat of your human heart is the sound of confirmation that you can. You will. You must.

Don't choke on the Sands of time, stand at the pillar of that hourglass and scream out loud. A life lived to its fullest is a life well spent.



  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I saw the thread title and was like "that sounds like a reference to Aladdin".
    Awesome post!

    ♡ that's immediately where my mind went. Reflecting on Aladdin and Robin Williams being so deeply ingrained into my childhood memories. Them feels!
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Friendly neighborhood bump
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    This is absolutely amazing. I relate so much to all of this in so many ways. Thank you for putting into words something that I so needed to here right now!