Trying to lose over 100 pounds and I need motivation.

Hey Everyone.
I'm on my journey to lose over 100 and I need a support system. I'm looking for people with a similar goal who are willing to be there for me and I'm going to be there for you in return. This is really hard but I'm looking to get it off and keep it off for a long list of reasons. Anyone please feel free to add me or chat with me. I'm welcome to anything.

My main goal is to lose 30 by the start of December. Anyone else have a similar plan!
Please share!


  • unapologetically_crystal
    well we are already friends.. and i dont have AS much to go now.. but i have been there.. and trying to hit a possible 200lbs lost one day.. (if my body and i decide to go that far... never know i might want to stop before then..) but anyways, i have been there.. and i chose a lifestyle change so i am here for the long haul.. whether i have weight to still lose or not.. i have to have this as a tool. i am looking forward to supporting you throughout your journey. if you ever need to vent or anything i am often around. :D

    best of luck!!! i know this is hard. and i know its hard to find motivation... but just find dedication and love to yourself and you can do all this! here is a before/current. =)

  • katznkt
    katznkt Posts: 320 Member
    Honestly... I had a goal of 100, but I focused on a goal of 10lbs a month but really focused on 5 lbs at a time. To the point where it still surprised me how much I lost.

    Focus on small amounts and reward (non food) often. It adds up!!
  • Bein_D
    Bein_D Posts: 7
    Wow! Its soo exciting to see these results ladies (I'd say gents as well if any men posted before this, lol). I've lost 14 pounds since about 3 months ago more or less. I've never lost that much before, and I still have a long way to go but I've already noticed small changes. In general, it has taken me a year to remember to eat regularly, and then it took about a year to remember to eat breakfast (and regularly) and now that I have gotten better at knowing when to eat I am much more conscious of it. I used to wake at 8am, maybe eat a granola bar or something and not eat a meal until about 11pm, stay up working/studying/etc and do it all over again. I would always say "I'll eat when I finish doing this,..." but then I'd get busy doing something else, and then I had work or homework or something else and then I would realize 3hrs have passed and that I still hadn't eaten anything. So, it has been a mental journey for me. I actually enjoy being active so that has never been a problem, so now that I am in a better mental place it is easier for me to put the pieces together. I am also training for a half marathon so that will add consistent exercise, so I look forward to continues progress. You want to lose 100+ pounds, know there are many working pieces to making it happen, so one step at a time is progress. :o)
  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    100 lbs sounds not so encouraging when you see it that way. P.S. I had to lose something similar.

    The way to do it I'd say is set smaller goals and forget about the 100 lbs. Set a goal to lose 10 lbs then have a celebratory dinner or something. Go like that and you'll enjoy the journey.
  • sherambler
    sherambler Posts: 303 Member
    I have to lose 170lbs total. I'm setting a goal of 10lbs at a time, with the aim of losing it in a month's time. I probably could lose 12 lbs a month based on what I'm doing now, but I like to keep a buffer for things like birthdays, date nights, etc. I'm hoping to lose 50 lbs by January 1st. I think it's good to have small, medium, and large goals because they each do their own part in keeping you motivated in different ways. My advice to anyone is not to create goals blindly. I have done this in the past and it set me up for major failure. I didn't take into account my busy life (work full time, school full time, and extracurriculars) or how over or under my calorie goal I normally was, or a realistic burn from exercise. I just assumed I'd set my goal and follow through 100%, which of course I knew I couldn't do because the expectation was ridiculous. Do the math and see what's actually realistic for your lifestyle and body. I do think 10 pounds is realistic, especially for someone who has 100+ lbs to lose. You sound really motivated and also aware of the hard work ahead of you. I think you'll do great. A positive attitude really is key. It's what will keep you going even when it gets tough.

    Anyone can feel free to add me.
  • adaffern
    adaffern Posts: 161 Member
    My ultimate goal is 130 pounds lost. Hopefully we never find our pounds once they are lost. :laugh:

    I agree with setting up the smaller goals to get to your ultimate goal. Mine is usually clothes that I have that I no longer fit into. I have a pair of jeans hanging on my closet door that are my next goal.

    Don't forget to reward yourself with something when you reach each goal. You deserve it. Even if its a manicure or a new pair of earrings!

    Good luck on your lifestyle change!
  • woman_of_steele
    woman_of_steele Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there! I would also like to lose 100 or more. I have tried and tried and tried in the past with very little results, so I have changed my mindset and goals to focus on running farther and getting stronger. It just works better for me this way. I would love to have a friend on here for encouragement and support. I'm a very good listener too:wink:
  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    I am down about 50 pounds since February, but I have another 130 or so to go. I agree with what has been said by the others. It is good to have small, intermediate and large goals. It'll help quite a bit. Good luck on your weight loss!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I have about 150 that I'd like to lose, and the faster and more healthy I can get there, the better! LOL

    When Dr. Oz did his "Transformation Nation" - one of the things they looked for was losing 10% of body weight in 6 months. I'm going to be starting that up real soon here. I'm thinking about Sept 1. Meanwhile, anything that's in the "downward direction" on the scale is great! LOL
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    The door is open, c'mon in. :)

    For those of you on this thread that would like help and support, please feel free to add me - will be happy to pay it forward in the way that others have done for me...

    The past is done. The future will be here soon enough. What you have to do is focus on today & today only. Its all we have to work with.

    I woulda been dead in 5 years if I hadn't made this commitment. All signs were pointing that way.

    Just a few things the MFP tribe and common sense has taught me:

    1) This is a thing you DO, not a definition of who you ARE. Just like laundry. Take the emotion out of it wherever possible. I cannot stress this enough.

    2) My approach? This is a lifestyle change, not a diet. So there is no finite number of days that I am trying to get to. I will be logging in and logging food for the rest of my life, because:

    a) This program works
    b) I don't want to die young and I was headed that direction

    3) Try to remember - We are the results of the choices we make every day, whether those choices are good or bad. Make as many good choices as you can, and the ship will stay steady. At the end of the day, we are the man in the mirror. We are accountable to ourselves and no one else. I can help you with getting there, but the doing is up to you. Leave rationalizing at the door, and be honest with yourself. Its the only path to long term success

    Cal tracking is considered a good choice (whether boring or not) because it tells you where you really are (just like your check register tells you your balance) - remember to be honest with yourself all the time. Ultimately, you will achieve that which you are seeking much sooner.

    If you will commit to doing the work, your MFP tribe will commit to helping. Why? Because that's what we do. And we have ALL been there.

    Three months ago? I couldn't move. Saturday? I burned 2100 calories exercising. Because? I wanted to.

    You got this.

  • stephiejean37
    stephiejean37 Posts: 75 Member
    Hey there! I am on the same mission! I have lost 44 pounds so far, and would like to lose another 120. In the end. I just keep at it, and like other's have said it is a new lifestyle. Eating healthy exercising and drinking water! I sent you a request hopefully we can help each other! I started at 334! I want to get to 175, and then from there I will see if I want to continue to lose or just maintain! Good luck you got this! Oh and I started in April, I just keep thinking to myself wait until this time next year you will love yourself!
  • PastryEmily
    Thank you everyone for the friend invites and all of the motivation and support. The little goals sound awesome and I'm really excited about it. Thanks again!
  • sharonpink
    sharonpink Posts: 76 Member
    My goal is 130 lbs. I've gotten rid of 18 lbs so far and it's taken me 8 weeks (I'm 54). My initial goal was 10 lbs. per month. I haven't hit that, so I've re-evaluated my age, activity, lifestyle, etc., and have reset my goal to 8 lbs. per month (2 lbs per week - a very realistic goal I think) and that way, if I exceed it, it will make me very happy. I'm not even thinking 130 (now down to 112). I'm focused on those short goals. That 100+ to lose is not even in range of my goal. It will get there, but I can't even think long term. Sometime I can't even think until the next meal. I just have to be focused on that 2 lbs. per week and what I need to do to get there. Save the pennies and the dollars will add up :)
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    Since we began our journey in August 2011 we've learned the most natural way that anyone can lose time, eating right, and escalate your exercise. Start by just moving..then transition into actual exercise that works for you and if that's too liberal for you, then try Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30. She teaches so much about exercise and it's almost fail proof. BUT you have to eat right. One bad day ruins that week. Have one good week, then two good weeks, then a month! DON'T stress the time because this is not going to be fast. Trade a year of your life for the healthy body you will have.

    Sometimes you just have to take a moment and remember how far you've come...


    My name is Chasidy Rader. I currently live in Wilmington, NC and I am 29 years old.

    I am using the last year of my twentys to get back in shape. I have been on my journey since August 2011. When my husband and I first started our journey it was because of the show Extreme Weight Loss and the most amazing man ever, Chris Powell. At the end of one of the episodes during Season 1, he asked a question that hit really close to home. He asked “Why not you?” or something to that affect. My husband and I looked at eachother and we decided enough was enough. We were tired of being tired all the time. So we decided to make a change.

    Our change started out with a low calorie diet…this did not last long for us because we found a movie that changed our lives forever. The movie is called Fat Head. It explained so much about which foods are the right foods and what they do to your body once you eat them. The movie goes against ALOT of medical studies, but that is what made the movie so great! We went on a low carb lifestyle change, with at least 10 minutes of exercise a day and within a year, I lost 100+ pounds and my husband lost 75+. I went from a size 22 to a size 7. We had more energy then we knew what to do with.

    During April of 2012 a dream of mine came true…My husband and I got to meet Chris Powell (via skype). He did an interview with us and they featured a short clip of our interview on Good Morning America. Chris Powell is my hero and he is a HUGE inspiration to me.

    During my lowest weight in my life I wore a size 7 pants (it was always a dream of mine to be a size 7) and I have never felt more ALIVE! I was able to do so many things that I never even dreamed of…like for instance I rode a bike for 5 miles! That was a huge NSV (non-scale victory) for me!

    In June of 2013, we found out that we were expecting a baby in the beginning of 2014. January 23, 2014 I gave birth to a beautiful little boy named Jude. Since that time I am back on my journey to lose the weight all over again!

    My advice to anyone that is starting or struggling to start, would have to be…Don’t ever give up on your dream!! All things are possible if you work hard enough for them! Allow your journey to be as amazing as you are and do not rush it. Everyday you continue, you get stronger then the day before. Time goes by so fast! Dedicate one year of your life to getting healthy and I PROMISE, you will NOT regret it! Ignore the negativity in your mind and know that your body is stronger then you may give it credit for! DON’T STOP AND NEVER GIVE UP! Believe in yourself and know that you WILL do it.

    Your fitness pal,
    Chasidy Rader

    I'm here to help support and motivate others! One day at a time!!!
  • Murph1908
    Murph1908 Posts: 125 Member
    When I started in January, I had a primary goal of 50 pounds. I've hit that, and am working on keeping up the progress. Working on the first strecth goal of an additional 20 pounds (though now I am more focused on body fat percentage than lbs.)

    What helped me is the milestones. Every new 10's on the scale was a reachable point to strive for. It's hard to look at that number 50 or 100 pounds away. Seems too daunting. That new 10's, though, is right around the corner. Before you know it, you'll have knocked out 2 or 3 of those and be hooked.

    The advice I like to give is, enjoy the special days. In 100 pounds time, you're going to hit a lot of holidays and vacations and birthdays and whatever. I ate my maintenance calories on those days, and even 500 more on a few. As long as you get back on track after, the only thing you've done is lost a day or two of the process. So it takes you 9 days to lose that particular pound instead of 7 that week, big deal. I think constantly depriving yourself is a recipe for failure. And taking those days off and getting back on track puts you in the mindset that if you have a bad day, you just get past it and move on.

    Add me if you'd like another friend for support, and good luck.
  • lisarrogers
    Change in diet and lifestyle are the important factors as everyone will tell you! It is such a mental game. If you can find an activity you enjoy as much if not more than food that will help! I have found running and Zumba are my new addictions. I do weight training with my trainer and have like minded "gym friends" now.

    Keep checking and and use this support system! It can be done!
  • htrombleyl
    htrombleyl Posts: 63 Member
    I also have over 100lbs to loose. We can motivate each other!