Nuvaring vs. Pill on weight loss

I took the pill (levora) for a year and had bad bad weight gain. i eat healthy, keep the calories under control, drink water, etc. still was uncontrollably hungry and bloated. just got switched to nuvaring after telling my dr. about this. but it says on the paper one side effect is weight gain so why did she prescribe me?

anyone have experience in this?


  • tiffanyagee2003
    I too was on the pill after my last child and started to gain weight. I switched to Nuvaring about 4 years ago and I didn't gain as much as I did when on the pill. I have gained some weight over the years since then but I think that was just because of laziness and bad eating. I was 215lbs right after I had my son 6 years ago . My high pregnancy weight was 265. I also breastfed after so that helped with the fast loss but since those 6 years I have gained back to 255. I love the Nuvaring because I don't forget to take my pill. Hope this helps a little
  • Rmfowler1990
    Rmfowler1990 Posts: 83 Member
    I was on the pill for a while and gained a good deal but even worse it was so hard to lose! I've been on the nuvoring for about three months so far and have been losing weight quote easily all things considered. I think any hormone based pill will say something and weight gain.
  • meganhertz
    meganhertz Posts: 8 Member
    I'm on Syeda and have been on birth control for years. I don't think its really contributed to my weight gain, but I've lost 12 pounds so far and still taking it as prescribed.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 791 Member
    I'm on the shot and tons of people tells horror stories about that but my weight gain wasn't from that and I'm losing fine. Not everyone reacts to everything the same particularly hormones.
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    I'm on Ortho-Tricyclen Lo currently and am losing weight. I was already on my road to gaining a butt ton of weight before I got started on the pill, so I can't really point a finger at it as much as I can glare at The Olde Spaghetti Factory and other vice places.

    But losing the weight has not been difficult, if that matters. It's been steady as long as I've been actively attempting it (see: lazy), and has done wonders for my skin (see: previous pizza face).
  • resistsweets
    Thanks ladies! Follow up Q: does anyone know whether having a period monthly or having one every 3 months is better or will help me lose weight? my dr. gives me the option to do either.

    on one hand i'd think periods make you hungrier and therefore hinder my progress. on the other, i'd think less hormone (monthly period plan) would be better and be less risk of weight gain.

    Ideas? Experience?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    OMG, I tried Nuvaring. My boobs were so sore. Felt like when they're full of milk and about to burst and it's dripping out. I had a job where I was in front of people and couldn't baby my boobs. The GYN said it would probably go away in week or two, but after three or four days I couldn't take it anymore and popped it out.

    Boyfriend got the snip-snip. We were both done having children, anyway.

    I hope your experience is better than mine. :)

    I eat much more the week before my period and much less during and for a couple days after it than the other two weeks. FWIW. :)
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    Thanks ladies! Follow up Q: does anyone know whether having a period monthly or having one every 3 months is better or will help me lose weight? my dr. gives me the option to do either.

    on one hand i'd think periods make you hungrier and therefore hinder my progress. on the other, i'd think less hormone (monthly period plan) would be better and be less risk of weight gain.

    Ideas? Experience?


    I've tried Seasonique (the 3-monthly), and I honestly hated it. It made me crave having a full stomach all the time, but that's my personal experience. I'd offer up a friend's, but I don't know anyone else who has used it. Honestly the 3-monthly scared me because of the "What if, and I don't find out in time?" deal. That and my periods were always late on it when it finally came time.

    Ortho-Tri-Lo isn't holding my weight against me at all. I'm in a mode right now where I don't want to snack or eat junk food, and I'm a week into the ring right now. My only complaint is the headache I have for 2 days when starting each ring after my period week.
  • queenbrc
    queenbrc Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in because my I plan on implant will be out in a few weeks and I plan on using nuvaring. I gained about 40 pounds (after losing 29lbs post partum. So I dong think the nuvaring will be too much for me to handle. While I was on implanon I have been depressed, fatigued, had spontaneous periods that last for weeks (currently on day 24/of this "period") Always hungry, hungry and oh yeah, hungry
    So I don't think nuvaring can be worse than that.
  • queenbrc
    queenbrc Posts: 29 Member
  • Castiel22
    I have had nuvaring for over a year. I haven't had any weight gain from it or any other side effects. I highly recommend it.