No Support

How do you ladies and gents get by who have no support? I am the only person in my family that is focusing on my well-being and it is really hard. I find people start ignoring me when I start talking about my progress. I am proud of pushing myself but, even my husband doesn't say anything. I watch everything that goes into my body and track my calories burned while everyone else will make late night "munchie runs" and sit there and eat a whole bag of chips or worse. How do you not lose motivation when everywhere you turn there is people not caring?


  • Cactusedd
    Cactusedd Posts: 13 Member
    Prove them wrong with your results. :bigsmile:
    I'm in a similar situation so I get what you mean. Just don't let them put you down. Even if they say something just ignore them. That's what I do (well, I bite back sometimes.. :embarassed: I'm not from steel in the end of all).
  • Snarf2014
    Snarf2014 Posts: 1 Member
    I hear ya! I just got started a couple of weeks ago, easing into my healthy new lifestyle, and my relatives have been nothing but negative, critical, and ridiculing. But it may be a blessing in disguise for it is helping me finally realize something I guess I knew all along, which is that the only person I can truly rely on is myself. You have to keep reassuring yourself that you can do it, despite what anyone else says or how they try to make you feel. You alone are in control of your life, not the people around you.

    I have decided to adopt the position that I will not discuss my progress with my relatives, and instead rely on myself to congratulate me as I get closer to my goal. After every little bit of exercise I do, it's almost like I can feel my inner thinner self beaming. Ultimately, it is your inner thinner self who will be thanking, congratulating, and rewarding you for your hard work.

    Also, coming on here and reading success stories really helps keep you motivated!
  • Solar_Cat
    Solar_Cat Posts: 188 Member
    How do you not lose motivation when everywhere you turn there is people not caring?

    Sorry to be blunt, but if your motivation doesn't come from within, you're unlikely to succeed.

    Here's a suggestion. Write down on 3x5 cards all the reasons you want to get fitter and healthier. Write as long a list as you can. Imagine all the positive consequences of transforming your body.

    Check to see whether expectations about what other people will think, how other people will respond, are prominent on the list. If they are, it's time for you to look really deeply at what you care most about. This can be hard -- much harder than actually staying on an eating and exercise plan. Take your time. Be honest with yourself.

    If you find that you really want to do this for yourself, then make a new list that only includes reasons for yourself. Consult the list frequently. There's your motivation. You don't have to care what others think or do. Whether or not you care is entirely up to you.

    I hope this helps!
  • samthepanda
    samthepanda Posts: 569 Member
    How do you not lose motivation when everywhere you turn there is people not caring?

    Sorry to be blunt, but if your motivation doesn't come from within, you're unlikely to succeed.

    This. You have to be doing it for yourself, not for anyone else.
    Find other people who will support you, like here, and can celebrate those successes with you that people who aren't doing this might not appreciate! There will always be doubters and haters, and those who just don't get it. My mil still doesn't after 4 yrs . When I'd lost my first 3 stone and chatting to hubby about need new clothes she said there was no point wasting money as I'd just gain it back, just a buy a cheap belt for a few weeks. On our last visit she saw me having 'late night munchies' - a packet of quavers "have you given up then". But I know who I do it for, and why I make the choices I make - for how much better I feel and look.

    Good luck with it.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You should never care what anyone else is doing. This is ONLY about you and what you want. Just do it. You are important and no one else will workout or watch what you eat for you or even usually even care how you're going with it all so ..........get to it and forget them.

    Oh and another thing remember you are on this website so any support you need can be found here from people that really understand so look for the ones that did well and know what they are talking about and ask to be their friends. They won't mind you sharing what is going on at all.
  • my partner every night eat junk food my motivation is a want to look skinny in my wedding dress next year and i won't if i eat what he's eats theres nothing i can do about he's eating I'm hoping one of this days he will want to get heathy with me the best thing for you to do this take a picture of your body and look at it every time you want to eat crap it really works it makes me workout (:
  • 178lbs
    178lbs Posts: 14 Member
    I am just reading 'When you eat at the refrigerator, pull up a chair' by Geneen Roth. She explains very powerfully how your self worth comes from within - if you can get hold of a copy that might help your situation :))
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Oh dear, no one in my circle is trying to lose weight, friends or family. To add insult to injury my mother has caught the "baking bug" and it's multiple delicious cakes and pastries every week, sometimes more than once a week.

    What do you do? Basically, you cope. Being able to go up a flight of stairs without needing an ambulance afterwards is my motivation. How I can now buy clothes locally instead of ordering on the internet is motivating. My health improving, my tape measure, numbers on the scale.. etc. My mini-goals (I just went under the 100 kg mark, lower than I've ever been in 10 years).

    As long as you keep looking for motivation outside, your progress will always be tied to it. Don't let that happen because no one has a 24/7 cheerleader attached to their belt.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    How do you ladies and gents get by who have no support? I am the only person in my family that is focusing on my well-being and it is really hard. I find people start ignoring me when I start talking about my progress. I am proud of pushing myself but, even my husband doesn't say anything. I watch everything that goes into my body and track my calories burned while everyone else will make late night "munchie runs" and sit there and eat a whole bag of chips or worse. How do you not lose motivation when everywhere you turn there is people not caring?
    Because I am not doing this for them... I am doing this for me.
  • Smamfa
    Smamfa Posts: 139 Member
    [/quote]Because I am not doing this for them... I am doing this for me.[/quote]

  • crybick
    crybick Posts: 5 Member
    I'm fortunate that although I live with my mother she eats reasonably healthily and we each buy our own food (and like different things) so the worst temptations I usually have in the house would be something like dried dates (sweet but caloric).

    I have found my own support by making my journey public. I have a facebook page,, and I report my weight there each week. Last spring after losing the first 50 pounds I spoke at church one Sunday evening when we had the opportunity to share testimonies. That public speaking experience has resulted in total strangers coming up to me at Walmart and Publix (grocery) telling me that they were there that night and wanted to share their experiences with me. By being more open than many people are, and by having a more extreme weight loss journey than most (I want to lose 300+ pounds), I have found support outside of my family: in my friends, coworkers, and church family.

    Ultimately, though, as others have said, I'm not doing this for anyone else, although I'm excited to see other people be inspired by what I'm doing. I'm committed to this because I choose to love myself and I don't want to be limited by my weight.
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    Ultimately, any journey you take is on your own.

    But it's nice to have people to cheer you on. Which is why this is such a useful resource.
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    Well you're better off with no support than living with those who will sabotage you. When they ignore you, count your blessings that at least they're not trying to sabotage you!

    Just look within for validation of your weight loss goals. If you're feeling left out when everyone else is having their late night munchies, then you can save some calories for night and eat something of your choosing right along side them... or you can feel free to abstain entirely.. YOU have control of how to handle it and what is going to make YOU the happiest.

    Also try to avoid falling into the trap of nutritional zealotry and feeling superior or more virtuous because of your food choices. I think we all know someone who does this and it makes us want to avoid them like the plague- Just do a reality check occasionally to make sure that you have not become that person.
  • When I first went vegetarian I was really struggling. My family actually tried to sabotage me by cooking bacon and going to McDonalds and stuff.

    I was about to quit and give in until I found out a few "friends" were actually taking bets about when I'd cave. I was so angry and hurt I actually pushed through almost out of pure spite, and by the time I wasn't angry anymore I'd transitioned into where it was second nature.

    Sometimes the crappy behavior of others can actually fuel our own drive. Prove them wrong and be an example to them. You can do it!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Build a really good friends list on MFP. Make this the place to come to for support and encouragement.

    A whole bag of chips???? Just the thought of that makes my tummy hurt :sick:
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Feel free to add me, just send a message with the request.

    We are here to support you, but Do this for yourself.

    I wager that when your family sees you being successful they will start to notice and make small changes for themselves. This happened to me at work. I looked around one day and the bagels and donuts were being replaced by oatmeal and fruit. That's sometimes where support in your daily life begins.

    Do this quietly and they will notice. Stay here for support and help.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Actions speak louder than words.
    Just keep doing your own thing and make health snacks for yourself
    I didn't tell anyone that I was trying to get healthier. At about 9 months into this my husband joined me and got healthier also. Our daughter called us "her incredible shrinking parents".
    You can only do this for yourself. When others see the results of your hard work, it may inspire them.