Water Weight Rant

Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
So frustrated. I've jumped back on the bandwagon and am starting to lose again. Dropped 4kg in the first two weeks and was happy though knew it wouldn't stay that way. Then went out on Friday, take out lunch on Sat and rejoined the gym so did workouts on the weekend. I'm not 1.3kg heavier (and was 2kg at one point)

I KNOW it's water weight and I know I shouldn't let is upset me but **** I want to get back under 100kg so badly again and it was less than 2kg away! Now it's 3kg again :-( Totally irrational as I know it will come off again but just needed to rant.

Doing Body Pump for the first time in YEARS tonight.


  • htrombleyl
    htrombleyl Posts: 63 Member
    Girl I know the feeling. I have edema and even taking a dieretic I can move ten pounds. Are you weighing yourself in the morning? I usually get up, go to the bathroom and right after that I weigh myself before I start to swell. Pain in the butt but remember it isn't fat. Plus muscle weighs more than fat if you're working out you may start to build muscle. This is a good thing. Keep doing what you are doing it will all settle itself out.:smile:
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    that happened to me. I lost 3lbs and then gained them all back. I have decided to just do the recommended weekly weight check and not daily as I was doing. I was getting so frustrated. it is tempting to check, but I am holding out until Thursday this time
  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member
    Stop weighing yourself.
    Go to this calculator
    enter in all your information, except in the weight section put your goal weight instead of your current weight.
    Whatever number you get, NEVER eat less than that.

    BAM there is literally no reason for you to weigh yourself. It's an unhealthy obsession to base your health of a number. Some people loose 16lbs and they are satisfied, others loose 40 and aren't. It's not the number that will stop you from wanting to loose weight, but what you see in the mirror

    . Your body constantly fluctuates. I stayed the same weight for a month yet i dropped 2 pant sizes.
    Try to walk 10k steps a day
    Don't do cardio for longer than 1 hour

    Buy goal clothing. In July I bought size 9 high wasted shorts. They did not go past 4 inches above my knee. Now they fit me all the way to my waist. I've NEVER been under a 10 since 4th grade. Knowing and feeling that my body has shrunk, is a WAY bigger accomplishment than what the scale says. It doesn't account for fat, just mass which could mean anything.
    As long as you are eating a deficit,moving more, sleeping more and getting enough water. You will loose weight, the less you focus putting yourself down over numbers, and learn to love your body. it will change, but you have to be consistent.
    Unless you've been loosing weight for over 8 months, just make lifestyle changes. By next august you'll be where you want to be.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I'm eating 1500 calories a day so right on target with that.

    I know I'm being irrational but I just keep going up. And yes I'm doing exercises me that's water weight but it's pissing me off! I want to go down currently and it's just not working for me.