Some advice needed - not loosing after 6 months.



  • I would print out my food logs and take them to my doctor. The doctor should test you for thyroid etc. If you take birth control pills, anti depressants, or if you are a diebetic or kidney patient sometimes the medicines will make you have a harder time losing weight. One medication I take makes it hard for me. However, I have found that not eating processed food, drinking my water, baking instead of frying and competing daily at the gym have worked for me. I mean at the gym I try to do more and more each day. My gym keeps a record of what I do day to day. My goal each day is to do better than the day before. Also I don't go below my 1200 calories and I try not to go above 1400 at the MOST! I am doing well with it. It takes dicipline for me as I don't have a sweet tooth but I love potato chips and fries! I have cut the potato chips out. When I want potatoes, I bake them. I limit oven fries to twice a week. I hope some of the things I have mentioned helps. (((hugs))) I know sometimes it is so frustrating but you will get there!
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