


  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    Boom! You nailed it, Water_Gal.....get off the refined SUGAR. Get your sugar from natural sources like fresh fruits. The key to nutrition is balance of lean proteins, good carbs, and healthy fats. Eat clean and stay away from processed foods and refined sugars.
    I will second this as well. I am not completely sugar free because I like ice-cream too much but thought about it. However ice-cream is like the only sugary junk food in the house unless i make brownies sometimes and buy small amounts of chocolate so i don't have that temptation from a constant staple. We never buy ChipsAhoy or Oreos ever and I don't miss it. Maybe once in a blue moon and then i regret it haha. Sugar is evil and that is the cold hard truth. Sugar is what is killing america and this country needs to open its eyes. Low amounts are certainly ok on top of fruit and reg. carb intake although on heavy carb days i would avoid dessert food but other than that def. sugar restrictions are beneficial.
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    Im in the same boat as you. Im at 1350 a day calorie intake and light exercise. And im starving.ive atayed in my allotment past 3 days and I usually dont eat breakfast but now I'm waking up beyond hungry

    I can't stress this HAVE to eat breakfast. Your body is an engine and it needs fuel, good fuel. if your car sputters and quits when it runs out of gas, how do we think our bodies will react when we don't put fuel in them. Think of your metabolism like a have to put wood on the fire (fuel) to make it burn.

    Trust me, if you eat 5-6 small, balanced and healthy meals spread out throughout the day and throw in 30 minutes of getting your heart rate elevated, you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel and the weight will start dropping off.

    Give it a shot for a few weeks and let me know how it goes. Remember, it's a lifestyle and not a diet. Slow and steady wins the race. ;)

    ill give it a shot. I have horrible stomach issues and thats a huge reason why I have swayed away from breakfast ever since grade school.usually only eat dinner and maybe lunch with like 2 small snacks but my main meal has alwaya been dinner cuz im safe at home.ill give this a ahot though and fingers crossed it dont kill me ;)

    Start small and ease your way into it. Good luck!
    Oatmeal made with some milk is good and good with water but milk gives it a nice touch that is super gentle on sensitive stomachs and especially if its not lumpy but kind of on the creamy side. And good for you. My gramma would make it almost soupy from extra milk a lot of the times but she said its very gently on the stomach!!! It can be lumpy and still gentle just that creamier oatmeal can be more soothing for you. You can add some flavors to it like cinnamon and a small spoon of pancake syrup is what i did to get that log cabin-esque touch to it some jam if you must i would always try those ways for not a sugary oatmeal just a lightly sweetened yet fruity combo. or just add some real fruit like cherries, bananas or peaches. Don't buy the instant oatmeal at the store those are like candy bars. i BOUGHT A PACK FOR ON THE GO DURING FALL SEMESTER when i don't have time in the mornings but need something hot to keep me warm and this will be my first and last box and just make it the old fashioned way without the sugar and adjust it to taste. it has like 14 grams per packet and i make 2 cause 1 isn't enough that 28 grams already!-Heck no LOL. There are 2 varieties of oat meal and its cheap. Im sure you knew this but your not a breakfast person so then again idk if you know or not :) Def. need breakfast. Oh and its really good with toast with a .5 tsp of butter and just a little jam over the butter!!! YUM=)
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    I find that eating every three hours or so helps me a lot. I pretty much do that. Choose filling foods for your choices like higher fiber and/or protein.
  • TXPaul
    TXPaul Posts: 74 Member
    Thank you everyone for the advise. I just need to work a little harder and make better choices. It's been better this weekend because I have been really busy.
  • on the note of hunger.... I've technically been on a unnoticed diet where... I'm just not eating as much so I'm not hungry.

    and my biggest switch was from soda carbonated drinks to tea based energy drinks.

    it may make you guys cringe to hear the shift work hunger suppressible sleeping to fit the next day....thing i end up doing....

    but I don't feel hungry till I am fully awake and well some days i don't eat till well past noon.

    and I'm fine with that. i eat when i rise stop after so many hours laze about and pass out.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    instead of focusing on stomach fillers that arent really giving your body complete nutrients (like popcorn), make sure to eat protein and fat as these will legitimately keep you feeling full longer.

    i'm also eating at a 1000 calorie deficit, i'm pretty much a bottomless pit and i never get hungry after i've eaten my meals. i eat eggs, chicken, pork, greek yogurt, fruit, vegetables, nuts , avocadoes, etc
  • I have to stay away from carbs. The moment I eat carbs I cannot stop eating and I am always hungry. At the moment I am of some kind of Atkins diet in order to drop pounds quickly and after that I will add more vegetables and fruits again. When I am thinner I have more energy to bike which is my preferred exercise. When I bike a lot I am not so hungry and I can eat my favorite things like fruits and nuts.
    But when I have a few pounds too many I can only control my hunger by going high protein and high fat and barely any carbs. After a few days I do not want to eat anymore because this is not my favorite food and I do not feel hungry. The pounds also drop quickly even if I do not exercise so much. Actually I do not consider biking exercise, I love to do it, so longer the better.
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    1960 is quite a lot. I would have to work pretty hard to eat that many calories. That being said I do struggle with hunger. I am trying to get used to eating every 3 hours or so. I also pick foods that I can just eat a whole crap ton of so I feel full.
  • TXPaul
    TXPaul Posts: 74 Member
    1960 is quite a lot. I would have to work pretty hard to eat that many calories. That being said I do struggle with hunger. I am trying to get used to eating every 3 hours or so. I also pick foods that I can just eat a whole crap ton of so I feel full.

    Crap ton. that sounds like a lot. I like that. Examples?
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    Hmm...I'm not too creative in the kitchen. I just make my salads in one of those silver mixing bowls with a ton of lettuce, red cabbage, tomato, and cucumber. They're huge. If someone saw me eating it I might get embarrassed.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    What's really helped me is making sure my protein targets are being reached. I notice if I eat a ham sandwich in the AM my whooooole day goes smoother because of the protein and fiber. I aim for 20 grams/ meal.
  • RodHudson1229
    RodHudson1229 Posts: 65 Member
    Avoid carbonated drinks like the plague in my opinion they bloat you and leave you feeling empty. Split your meals into 6 meals a day and spread them out. every 3 hours. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack...bed. Before you know it you will be sick of eating!!! Also try to get some cardio in daily it seems to help me actually.
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    If carbs and cravings is what the problem is then try the south beach diet. Its healthy lean meats along with low fat dairy and few other things will reduce your cravings and give your body what it needs. If you feed yourself food the brain will store the the experience and nutrients/or lack of and thats why we crave foods over and over like carbs-because we eat them. If you eat something crazy good and crazy healthy then you will want more of that. Our brains are very smart and our brain will encourage us to eat more of what it likes:) so i can see how eating carbs and pizza will want me to have more the next day regardless if you resist or not-the craving is there due to frequent consumption. Oh and thats why wen one stops eating sugar after the first week you just don't crave it anymore because the brain loses the coding of that food that was ingested.
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    2 words...Coconut oil.
  • A mix of drinking a lot of water, high protein and high fiber foods will help with that. It will go away as your stomach shrinks this is going to sound bad but one thing I did was buy some appetite suppressants and if i was out of calories and got hungry at night I would take one of those pills if the water didn't work because part of it can be psychosomatic of you thinking you are not getting enough food even though you are. I only had to so the appetite suppressants twice and now it isn't a problem for me.
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    Im in the same boat as you. Im at 1350 a day calorie intake and light exercise. And im starving.ive atayed in my allotment past 3 days and I usually dont eat breakfast but now I'm waking up beyond hungry

    I can't stress this HAVE to eat breakfast. Your body is an engine and it needs fuel, good fuel. if your car sputters and quits when it runs out of gas, how do we think our bodies will react when we don't put fuel in them. Think of your metabolism like a have to put wood on the fire (fuel) to make it burn.

    Trust me, if you eat 5-6 small, balanced and healthy meals spread out throughout the day and throw in 30 minutes of getting your heart rate elevated, you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel and the weight will start dropping off.

    Give it a shot for a few weeks and let me know how it goes. Remember, it's a lifestyle and not a diet. Slow and steady wins the race. ;)

    Breakfast = breaking the fast. I eat breakfast everyday at 12:30pm, and I wake up at 4:30am. Then I eat again at 6pm. Two meals a day, and the weight is falling off of me like an avalanche.

    So this advice is BS.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Make sure you get plenty of protein and fiber, and a good amount of fat. Simple sugars can cause hunger pangs and cravings, so I would steer clear of them, or at least balance them with some protein and fiber, when you do eat them. I find eating more often makes me MORE hungry, so I choose to eat 2 decent size meals a day, and a small snack or two. I also drink water, coffee, or green tea throughout the day. You really don't have to eat to any particular schedule, or a certain # of times during the day, just do what works for you.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Im in the same boat as you. Im at 1350 a day calorie intake and light exercise. And im starving.ive atayed in my allotment past 3 days and I usually dont eat breakfast but now I'm waking up beyond hungry

    I can't stress this HAVE to eat breakfast. Your body is an engine and it needs fuel, good fuel. if your car sputters and quits when it runs out of gas, how do we think our bodies will react when we don't put fuel in them. Think of your metabolism like a have to put wood on the fire (fuel) to make it burn.

    Trust me, if you eat 5-6 small, balanced and healthy meals spread out throughout the day and throw in 30 minutes of getting your heart rate elevated, you'll be amazed at how much better you'll feel and the weight will start dropping off.

    Give it a shot for a few weeks and let me know how it goes. Remember, it's a lifestyle and not a diet. Slow and steady wins the race. ;)

    Breakfast = breaking the fast. I eat breakfast everyday at 12:30pm, and I wake up at 4:30am. Then I eat again at 6pm. Two meals a day, and the weight is falling off of me like an avalanche.

    So this advice is BS.

    Yep. I usually only eat twice a day, and that's how I've lost almost 20 lbs.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    2000 calories for someone with a voracious appetite is not a lot. You don't have to go low carb, you could try slowly reducing your carb intake until you stop feeling so hungry (I'd replace it primarily with protein). You can also substitute some more satiating foods when it comes to your carb intake. For instance, instead of a banana, try having a boiled potato with a meal. Similar nutrients, similar calories, but the potato is almost certainly going to be more filling.

    I generally try to stick with 2 meals a day, with one of them being smaller, and maybe a snack thrown in. That allows me to eat a good sized meal (1000+ calories) while still staying under my calorie limit. I'm not saying that's what you should do, but generally play around with it and try to figure out what works best for you.
  • tawnywest
    tawnywest Posts: 45 Member
    Looking at your diary I noticed you are eating a lot of foods that have a lot of sodium. I find these kinds of foods make me crave more food. Also you don't seem to be tracking your sodium (salt) intake. You could also be mistaking your hunger for thirst.