hydroxycut (SP?)

Proudmumofboys Posts: 73
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone used this before? Does it really work? I was looking at this yesterday and saw that you can't snack between meals, do the pills keep you fuller longer or ? anyone know.


  • julsdolphin
    julsdolphin Posts: 32 Member
    Honeslty, if there was a magic diet pill out there do you think anyone would be overweight. It may help you at first, because it's probably an appetite suppressant or has copious amounts of caffeine to rev up your metabolism. But it will hurt you in the long run.

    My guess is you didn't gain weight over night, so you should be patient in losing the weight too. Too often we are obsessed with finding the quickest solution to anything that we often overlook the BEST solution which may take longer but be more beneficial in the end.

    Exercise, change your eating habits and know that weight loss is a marathon and not a sprint.
  • I used it a couple of years ago and it does help you lose weight but when using diet pills, you need to be really cautious! I remember it made me very jittery using the whole dosage is recommends so I cut it down to half-listen to your body. It makes you not as hungry so wanting to snack was never a problem for me. Also, just as an fyi, the crappy part of using diet pills is that once you stop taking them, it is VERY likely that you'll gain some or most of the weight that you lost back if you just take the pills and don't make a lifestyle change. They are a quick way to lose weight but in the end, may not be worth it. You can try it but I would strongly recommend not using them!
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    All it does is cut water weight, hence the name. It's not going to help you in the long run. Cut your sodium and drink lots of water and you will get better results
  • MonsteRawr
    MonsteRawr Posts: 95 Member
    I have not tried Hydroxycut myself, however, a quick look around Google revealed that it's essentially a caffeine pill. The way it works is by jacking you up on so much caffeine (more the two cups of coffee, apparently,) that suddenly running on the treadmill doesn't sound so exhausting. Not only does this sound unhealthy, but it sounds impossible to maintain as a lifestyle.

    Just my two cents. Maybe others have had luck with the product.
  • Thanks so much everyone.. I did not buy the pills, but I see those commercials on TV and I'm like WOW really? I have never used a diet pill before and I would honestly prefer not to..

    I know that losing the weight isn't going to be Fast or even easy, but I'm ok w/ that.. My hubby and I are going to the beach end of may just us and I really want to lose some or most of it by then. When I was younger before kids and marriage, I lost a lot of weight Too fast and the WRONG WAY! then I had my kids and had to do this drug for my endometriosis and I gained a lot back. Never been really able to get the baby weight off from the boys. they were well worth it though.

    I just get disappointed when I weigh myself and don't see a change.. maybe I'm weighing myself TOO OFTEN!
    Thanks AGAIN, I Appreciate the honesty in everyone here!
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