Sugar intake

I seem to go over my sugar intake everyday because I eat fruit as snacks... are fruit sugars bad?


  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    From what I understand, natural sugars (of course in moderation) aren't bad. It's the "added" sugar that gets us!

    For me, if I eat a banana or an apple, I usually deduct that sugar amount from my daily goal as it's a natural/good sugar. I could be wrong but that's what I do.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    From what I understand, natural sugars (of course in moderation) aren't bad. It's the "added" sugar that gets us!

    For me, if I eat a banana or an apple, I usually deduct that sugar amount from my daily goal as it's a natural/good sugar. I could be wrong but that's what I do.

    I agree with what you suggest, but you may not want to eat 3 or more pieces of fruit a day, if so change one up for veggies. they say you should get 5-7 fruit and veggies/day. Most of these should come from veggies. If you eat 5 servings at least 3 should be veggie and at most 2 from fruit. If you eat 7 at most 3 from fruit.
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I don't count fruit sugar as bad at all. I love fruit and I always go over just from that.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    From what I understand, natural sugars (of course in moderation) aren't bad. It's the "added" sugar that gets us!

    For me, if I eat a banana or an apple, I usually deduct that sugar amount from my daily goal as it's a natural/good sugar. I could be wrong but that's what I do.

    I agree with what you suggest, but you may not want to eat 3 or more pieces of fruit a day, if so change one up for veggies. they say you should get 5-7 fruit and veggies/day. Most of these should come from veggies. If you eat 5 servings at least 3 should be veggie and at most 2 from fruit. If you eat 7 at most 3 from fruit.

  • jpondy
    jpondy Posts: 6
    There are no good and bad sugars as far as your body is concerned. Everything is converted into glucose (sugar) and released into the blood stream.

    You'd be better off watching your carbohydrates which include the sugar. I try to keep mine under 45 grams for breakfast and lunch and under 60 for dinner. Not always possible but it's a much better indicator of how much sugar is really going into your body.

    The only difference between sugars is how fast they are absorbed by the body.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    From what I understand, natural sugars (of course in moderation) aren't bad. It's the "added" sugar that gets us!

    For me, if I eat a banana or an apple, I usually deduct that sugar amount from my daily goal as it's a natural/good sugar. I could be wrong but that's what I do.

    I agree with what you suggest, but you may not want to eat 3 or more pieces of fruit a day, if so change one up for veggies. they say you should get 5-7 fruit and veggies/day. Most of these should come from veggies. If you eat 5 servings at least 3 should be veggie and at most 2 from fruit. If you eat 7 at most 3 from fruit.

    AGREE 100%! You can gain weight eating too much fruit. I create my own food with fruit, milk, veggies, anything with natural sugars and minus out the sugar since it is counted as carbs. That way my sugar column will show added sugar.
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    AHHHH I was JUST trying to figure this out last night. I'm ALWAYS over on my sugar because I eat 3-4 servings of fruit a day.. I could seriously live off meat and fruit and I'd be happy. I'm going to try and change that next week, buy more veggies and see how the next weigh in goes. I've also been reading that if you hold most of your weight in your tummy, it's because you aren't digesting your sugars properly, but I'm not sure if that's true or not..