Looking to increase amount of exercise...

Hello! So I started T25 9 weeks ago. I am currently in my last week of beta. This past weekend I decided to jump on my elliptical and was shocked at how much longer I could go on it. Also, since starting T25 I have been obsessed with fitness! I really want to increase my amount of exercise from the 25 mins I am doing a day currently. At first I was just thinking of doing 2 T25 workouts but the problem is that I have loose joints and my knees are in agonizing pain after the 2nd workout. I also have 3 little kids and work fulltime so time is an issue. So my question is what would be best at this point? Should I move on from T25 to something like insanity or keep doing t25 and just add my elliptical for 30 mins (this is still located at my fathers house due to space so I could only do this 3x a week)? I am looking to lose about 30 more pounds. I am really loving some of the muscle increases I am seeing in my arms and stuff so I dont want to do pure cardio. I just dont want to overdo it but I am in love with exercise for the first time in my 28 years and I figure I should go all out while I am this motivated! :) Also, no I cannot and do not have access to a gym. Thanks for any tips!


  • klfoster88
    klfoster88 Posts: 65 Member
    I say continue T25 if you like it and incorporate fun exercise into your routine. Just general getting out more and moving around is an easy way to add to your workout, but not feel like you are constantly working out. The elliptical can't hurt either. I'm in the process of amping up my routine as well.
  • Sadi_Kalen
    Sadi_Kalen Posts: 33 Member
    welcome! congratulations on your exercise successes! i just wanted to say hi and welcome you and to also give you a friendly warning about exercise based on my own painful experience. from your post i would be worried about the pain you are feeling in your joints after pushing yourself. please be careful. i ended up with runner's knee last year and peripheral edema swelling in my legs and ankles by pushing myself too hard with exercise in the beginning. warm-ups will help but high impact exercising can cause a lot more damage to the body quickly if you go too hard. i gained back all my weight + some extra kilos after my injury as i could barely walk for months without being in excruciating pain. all it took waz pushing myself over 2 or 3 weeks with running. if you're really wanting to do more i would suggest seeing a personal trainer for a full assessment to see what you're currently capable of doing. i also hear many, MANY positive things about weight training for weight loss, tho i can't add more to that as i haven't tried it yet.

    best of luck with your journey!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i also have hypermobile joints but found that consistent weight training and muscle strengthening really helped protect me from having even more sprains and dislocations. it's actually one of the main reasons why i've kept up with weight training for the past 26 years

    for your knee you want to strengthen your hamstrings, hips and quads. so squats and deadlifts. since you dont have access to a gym you can check out some body weight exercises that will help develop strength to provide some sort of joint stability.

    good luck.
  • stephanie3686
    i also have hypermobile joints but found that consistent weight training and muscle strengthening really helped protect me from having even more sprains and dislocations. it's actually one of the main reasons why i've kept up with weight training for the past 26 years

    for your knee you want to strengthen your hamstrings, hips and quads. so squats and deadlifts. since you dont have access to a gym you can check out some body weight exercises that will help develop strength to provide some sort of joint stability.

    good luck.

    Thanks! I will definitely look into that. I am doing a ton of squats in T25 already lol. Yeah my knees and wrist are the worst. My knees will just give out on me during running or going up the stairs and it hurts bad. And pressure on my wrist can pop it from the socket and cause pain for weeks! Hopefully all this working out will help :)
  • stephanie3686
    welcome! congratulations on your exercise successes! i just wanted to say hi and welcome you and to also give you a friendly warning about exercise based on my own painful experience. from your post i would be worried about the pain you are feeling in your joints after pushing yourself. please be careful. i ended up with runner's knee last year and peripheral edema swelling in my legs and ankles by pushing myself too hard with exercise in the beginning. warm-ups will help but high impact exercising can cause a lot more damage to the body quickly if you go too hard. i gained back all my weight + some extra kilos after my injury as i could barely walk for months without being in excruciating pain. all it took waz pushing myself over 2 or 3 weeks with running. if you're really wanting to do more i would suggest seeing a personal trainer for a full assessment to see what you're currently capable of doing. i also hear many, MANY positive things about weight training for weight loss, tho i can't add more to that as i haven't tried it yet.

    best of luck with your journey!

    Yes I definitely do not want to overdo it. As of right now, usually they feel better by the next day but I know that I am bordering a longer strain. Thanks for the tips! :)
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    I just started a barre program called Core Fusion. It is low impact very high intensity quad, glute, core strengthening. It is a nice counterpart to walk/run/aerobics I do for heart rate. It also helps with balance.