Excercises to target flabby arms

So far I have lost 27kg (about 59lb) without excercise (sometimes just a bit of walking). I am now at a weight where I can and want to start excercising. One area that I am really worried about, is my flabby arms. I have whole lot more to lose (have to lose 80kg in total). Yes, I have seen pics of other women who lost a huge amount of weight and ended up with really flabby arms. If possible, I would like to prevent that by doing the correct excercise.

Any experts with some advice as to how I can target this area?

I am starting with Zumba classes in September as well.



  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member

    I am not an expert btw but I was thinking the same thing on the weekend.
    I found the above website and bought a cheap set of dumbells.
    Started my 7 week bingo wing blaster, I will be doing them every other day!!
  • MaroneLotz
    MaroneLotz Posts: 43 Member
    Had to laugh now ... I call my flabby arms my "wings"! :laugh:
  • Loretmuller
    Loretmuller Posts: 14 Member
    I started Zumba last week and im very impressed, it will definitely work to firm up arms ! Perhaps get yourself a set of light weights and get routine going! ive found it to always work wonders!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    You can't spot reduce...

    The "wings" are from fat stores actually.

    The best thing to do is to implement some sort of cardio and (note and not or) some form of resistence/strength training to preserve muscle mass...

    Zumba is cardio and you will not notice any noticeable changes in "flabby" arms doing that...I've done it and there are some arm movements but not enough resistence (even with small hand weights) to do much good other than cardio.
  • Patttience
    Patttience Posts: 975 Member
    You can't really prevent the flab. its caused by loose skin. You can tone up a bit by firstly building your arm muscles.

    Things will keep improving as you lose more fat.
    Basically your arms will look pretty bad so long as you are carrying a lot of fat on them still.
    When you are finally as skinny as you want to be, you will just have loose skin but how much i haven't a clue. It might not be too terrible but if it is, you could always have surgery.

    Personally i think a bit of loose skin is quite a lot better than being very overweight.

    I would recommend saving money now for any surgery you might want down the track. In fact, i think if you are losing a lot of weight, its practically essential. You may want your tummy, inner thighs and not sure about the upper arms done.

    If not, you will just cover it up with clothes. At least you will still look good in your clothes, and have all the other benefits of weightloss such as greater mobility, health, feeling physically better. YOu will find everything easier. You will not be judging yourself or worrying about how others judge you all the time either. The only thing you won't have going for you is the look under your clothes or wearing a bikini.

    Try to find pictures of people on the web with about the same statistics as you height weight and starting weight but who've lost it. YOu might even be able to find people to talk to about it. Ask them what they did and how they felt about it and if they didn't have surgery, how have dealt with the loose skin. I found this one. Maybe you could write to her.

  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    You can work on building up your arm/shoulder muscles :smile:
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    Had to laugh now ... I call my flabby arms my "wings"! :laugh:

    LOL Bingo wings comes from the old grannies waving their arms about shouting "bingo" and the flab giggling about. Its a steriotypical English thing I think :-) because not all the old ladies I know plays bingo and not all of them have flabby arms!!
  • adiggs2777
    adiggs2777 Posts: 111 Member
    Had to laugh now ... I call my flabby arms my "wings"! :laugh:

    LOL Bingo wings comes from the old grannies waving their arms about shouting "bingo" and the flab giggling about. Its a steriotypical English thing I think :-) because not all the old ladies I know plays bingo and not all of them have flabby arms!!

    They call em bingo wings over here in the US too.

    Basically keep up on your overall cardio to shrink the fat all over. Then hit your triceps hard - push ups, kick backs, skull crushers, dips. You want to work the muscle so that it helps fill the skin with good definition. If you've had your wings for awhile, the skin may never tighten up though - depends on genetics, age and all that jazz.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm sorry to tell you this, but I've lost 80 pounds, I have pretty toned arms, pretty defined triceps, and I still have flabby arms. It's caused by loose skin and detached fat under the skin and it's not going anywhere.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    You can't spot reduce...

    The "wings" are from fat stores actually.

    The best thing to do is to implement some sort of cardio and (note and not or) some form of resistence/strength training to preserve muscle mass...

    Zumba is cardio and you will not notice any noticeable changes in "flabby" arms doing that...I've done it and there are some arm movements but not enough resistence (even with small hand weights) to do much good other than cardio.

    This. You can't spot reduce. Lower your body fat percentage and start a progressive load resistance training program.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,951 Member
    Any experts with some advice as to how I can target this area?
    Plate pushbacks
  • paultucker1007
    paultucker1007 Posts: 37 Member
    There is only one exercise that will target flabby arms:

    1. Start with your head upright in the normal position
    2. Rotate your head approximately 20 degrees to the left
    3. Return to centre
    4. Rotate your head approximately 20 degrees to the right
    5. Return to centre
    6. Repeat approximately 3 times

    And that's it. Will burn over 500 calories per day if done right.

    Almost forgot - timing is key with this exercise. Do it when people offer you cake / chocolate / pizza / burgers etc etc
  • AlyssamR6712
    AlyssamR6712 Posts: 114 Member
    Most woman's problem areas are the hips and thighs... mine? Def Arms and back. If you start to lift (which you should in my opinion) doing bicepts and tricepts are sure to help.. atleast it did for me, but hey everyone is different! Goodluck to you!

    Ps: DO NOT be afraid to lift HEAVY :happy:
  • conklil
    conklil Posts: 81 Member
    I have the same problem and I sit at desk all day long so periodically, I do dips off my chair. I try for 5+ sets of 15. We'll see if it helps. I also added lifting to my routine.
  • MaroneLotz
    MaroneLotz Posts: 43 Member
    Well, I am very determined to be the best me, so I will try all of the advice above. Something is sure to work! Fortunately I have cleaned up my eating, so that is one challenge less. I no longer crave anything sweet or full of carbs.

    What is the plate pushbacks? Sounds like I have push back my plate after eating my fill :laugh:

    One of my reasons for wanting to target my triceps now already: my mom has always struggled with big arms. She would have to buy a bigger size top just to fit her arms and then have the rest of the top hang off her body like a sack. Want to prevent that so far possible.

    Think I will start off by buying some dumbells and resistance bands?