How many calories should I eat for breakfast?



  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    You have absolutely beautiful eyes.

    I eat 100- 200 usually for breakfast, but I also typically have a mid-morning snack, for a total of about 300 calories. I can handle hunger in the morning and tend to save my calories for later in the day.

    Whatever works for you, that what you should do. As long as you have enough calories for the rest of the day, have your breakfast! (And eat it too!)
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I think it depends on your total daily calories, and how hungry you are for other meals in the day.

    I eat 5-600 calories for breakfast, out of 2500 total. I prefer bigger meals for later in the day, but I still need something to keep me going in the morning, especially if I'm going to the gym after!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    What is the range of calories that I should be eating for breakfast? It seems like I get really hungry when I wake up and really hungry by the end of the day.
    As many as is correct for your goals.

    In my opinion, people have too much of a fetish with eating when they wake up, it's disturbing.

    They're traitors and members of the rebel alliance.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    breakfast should be your biggest meal of the day *says my trainer* because it's giving you your fuel for the rest of the day.

    *kitten*, what happens to the food I eat at other times?! D:
  • cals83
    cals83 Posts: 131
    Mine is usually between 350 and 550. If I know I am having something light for dinner like chicken and veggies I will eat 500. If I am having something for dinner that I will want to eat more of like pizza or tacos, I go closer to 350. If it is a workout day, I eat between 500 and 550 regardless of what I am planning for dinner.

    I usually make myself a breakfast shake every morning so it is really easy to take stuff out, add things in, use smaller portions, use bigger portions, etc. to get it to where I want it to be :)
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    As the old saying goes breakfast is the most important meal of the day

    There is a reason its an old saying.
    I never eat breakfast, I'm surprised I'm still alive.

    It's also not really accurate...

    The old saying that breaking the fast is the most important meal of the day. When coined, breaking the fast was usually around what we identify as lunch.

    That was also when people were having supper in the early evening, then a midnight meal called dinner.
  • johnjoy1064
    My b/fast is usually 700 to 800 calories, everything healthy.Lunch tin of fish in brine.and maybe an apple.Then dinner I work out what calories I have left, it works for me.

    At the moment i'm into chia seeds( i eat about 40g a day)
  • hyargo
    hyargo Posts: 2
    For some reason, when I wake up in the morning, I am really hungry and I end up eating like 500-700 calories for breakfast. Is this normal?? What is the range of calories that I should be eating for breakfast? It seems like I get really hungry when I wake up and really hungry by the end of the day.

    I've worked in medical offices for over 14 years and had the pleasure of knowing quite a few professional MMA fighters and trainers. What works for me (based on some sound nutritional advice afforded me by the afore mentioned sources) is eat a hearty breakfast that is high in protein, enough carbs for energy. Make breakfast your big meal. It should not be cereal (even the healthy cereals are not really healthy). Greek yogurt, chopped walnuts, 60% cacao dark chocolate chips and maybe a bowl of oatmeal (on the run, I like Quakers Simple Harvest Vanilla, Almond, Honey oatmeal) with a glass of milk is a good way to start your day when you don't have time for sausage and eggs. Also, remember to use natural fats like butter, in moderation, of course, not margarine. Since the wide-spread use of margarine as a "healthy" alternative to margarine about 100 years ago, Americans have become 60% fatter on average than our great grandparents. Lunch is less than breakfast with dinner being your smallest meal. Eat and move. That's key.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    there is no magic number... if you are hungry in the morning then eat more in the morning

    I had a carrot for breakfast today, not cause I was hungry, but because for some reason my vitamins were upsetting my tummy. That happens sometimes.

    Sometimes I skip breakfast, other days I eat 700 or more calories for breakfast. I either adjust the rest of my day or exercise more so I can eat what i want for dinner too.
  • hyargo
    hyargo Posts: 2
    I also recommend a book by Michael Pollan called Food Rules: An Eater's Manual. Research real food and cut packaged, processed food out of your diet. The foods packaged as healthy, fat free, cholesterol free, etc, are not healthy. They have more crap you can't pronounce than actual food. Don't go crazy on organic everything if you can't afford it. Organic is probably better but at the end of the day, buy the fruits and veggies you can afford. I am a believer in organic meats whenever possible when you are also feeding children due to the hormones and antibiotics but I don't get too wound up about GMO as there is no evidence that GMO produce is harmful or in anyway less healthful than non-GMO.
  • whittytyler
    I usually eat about 250-350 for breakfast =) I leave a good portion for nighttime =)

    Me too! I don't usually go over 300, and I don't normally go over 400 for lunch. Dinner is lite, then I have some sugar free pudding and my night is complete, I don't normally go over my calorie limit I just keep making healthier choices!
  • cooleo3
    cooleo3 Posts: 2 Member
    It really depends on what you plan to eat for the rest of the day. A normal breakfast for me is maybe 300 calories and if I plan on eating a big dinner, I eat a smaller lunch and snack on carrots. I do not recommend eating less than 200 calories for breakfast unless you snack a lot throughout the day.
  • JtKeil
    JtKeil Posts: 1,389 Member
    I like having around 500 calories for breakfast. I look forward to it and I think it helps me from feeling deprived and staves off the munchies.
  • Makterbro
    Makterbro Posts: 101 Member
    I usually eat 350 calories for breakfast.
  • mfesloca
    mfesloca Posts: 21 Member
    My usual breakfast is 700 calories (daily intake is about 2000) with around 45 grams of protein. Anything less and I'm dragging all day. I also eat less throughout the day when I eat a big breakfast. It's like if I don't eat enough in the morning I'm trying to over compensate for it the rest of the day.

    Edit: Typo.