Has anyone tried a ketogenic diet?

Hey guys!

Has anyone tried a ketogenic diet? I'm thinking my body would benefit greatly from it and am wanting to hear your guys' successes/failures with it!


  • sparacka
    sparacka Posts: 137 Member
    There are groups on the message boards for keto, low carb, & LCHF. You are likely going to get more support & tips over there, rather than in the general forums.
    Feel free to friend me, if you want to stalk my diary. I am utterly amazed with the results I've had with a LCHF WOE (31 lbs lost since early June). My energy is through the roof, I'm sleeping like a champion, and I have this hyper-awareness that is in great contrast to the cloudy thinking that I experienced when on the SAD.
    Be prepared: people are about to tell you not to demonized carbs, that they are needed to fuel your body, that this diet is not sustainable long-term, that you will gain back all of the weight that you lose if you eat so much as a single saltine, that you can't exercise while eating this way, etc. I find all such statements to be utter bunk.
    I count calories as well as restricting carbs, but I've found that (after the initial, brief adjustment period) I no longer have cravings and am not riding the blood sugar roller coaster. I am cooking a lot lately and greatly enjoying my healthy relationship with food as well as the resulting health that I'm experiencing.
    Try watching "Fat Head" or "Cereal Killers," and check out dietdoctor.com. That's where I started my journey.
  • PrimalSasha
    The keto reddit boards have some excellent information and are really active. Everything you need to know is listed there too.


  • inimical909
    inimical909 Posts: 11 Member
    I have been on Keto for 3 weeks and have lost 13 lbs and 3% bodyfat.
  • NurseWizzle
    NurseWizzle Posts: 312 Member
    I've been on for two weeks. I haven't lost much weight, but my blood sugars are starting to come down, my insulin usage has come down from 30 units three times a day to taking about 20-25 units TOTAL for the day. I've now gotten eight straight nights of sleep without waking up to go to the bathroom (3-5 or more times a night). I feel more mentally alert. I am able to go longer periods of time without eating, which is good since at my job it is SO BUSY that sometimes I don't get a dinner break. My sexual functioning is returning.

    Oh, also, I used to sleep ALL THE TIME. Now I haven't felt the need for a single nap in the past two weeks that I've been on.
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    I think I'm probably the only person on the planet that did not have luck with Keto - I tried it for nearly 6 months and lost 2#. When I tweaked my macros and added carbs back in I started losing again. Go figure!

    Try it out, though, it's worth a shot. Do it for a month and see what happens. Also, check out some of the groups on here, they are very helpful!